He in Paris. 查看更多



    Mrs. White lived in a town of England. Her husband died three years ago and one of her children worked
in the capital and the other three lived in another town. Her husband didn't leave her much money and she
had to live a simple life. Sometimes her children went to see her during their holidays, but they stayed with
her for only two or three days.
    One winter morning the old woman got up early. She was going to buy some food in a shop. And when
she came out, she found there was much snow in the street. She had to sweep it away. And suddenly she
found a dying dog at the corner of the house. She picked it up and took it into the house quickly. She put it
near the fire and gave it some milk and bread. At first the poor dog ate nothing and that afternoon it drank
some milk and three days later it was all right. Now the old woman found it was a beautiful dog. And she
liked it very much and took it. everywhere she went. A week later she went shopping with her dog. At a bus
stop a young man was eating fish and chips. The little dog became very excited at the smell of the man's
lunch and began jumping up at him.
    "Do you mind if I throw it a bit?" asked the young man.
    "Not at all," answered Mrs. White.
    Having heard this, he picked up the dog and threw it over the wall.
1. One of the old woman's children worked in           .
[     ]
A. Moscow
B. Paris
C. London
D. New York
2. Mrs. White lived a simple life because           .
[     ]
A. she wasn't rich enough
B. she hoped to save money for her children
C. she had four children
D. her children hated her
3. The dog hoped           , so it was excited.
[     ]
A. to be given some food
B. to leave the bus stop soon
C. to bite the young man
D. to go home as soon as possible
4. Mrs. White agreed with the young man because           .
[     ]
A. she knew him well
B. her dog was hungry
C. she didn't like the dog any longer
D. she thought he would throw some food to her dog



  George was an American. He went to England last summer, and he 1 some of his friends there. Two of them were Mr and Mrs Andrews. They live near 2 , and George stayed in their house for a week and 3 it very much.

  On his last evening with the Andrews, George said to them, My plane to New York 4 very early tomorrow morning. I'm going to 5 at five o'clock and make my breakfast. Please don't come down.

  He said 6 to his good friends that evening and came 7 to the kitchen in the morning and looked at the 8 . There was a photograph of Mrs Andrews on it in front of her chair, and a photograph of Mr Andrews in front of his chair.

  George laughed happily and said, That's 9 . I'm not going to eat my breakfast 10 this morning!

(1) Asaw




(2) ANew York




(3) Apreferred




(4) Aarrives




(5) Aget up

Bgo to bed

Cbe out

Dcatch up

(6) Ahello




(7) Adown




(8) Afood




(9) Ahappy




(10) Aalone





1. The boy _____ (open) his eyes for a moment, _____ (look) at his mother and then _____ (smile).
2. I _____ (not know) you were in Paris.
3. I_____ (visit) your school before.
4. He _____ (keep) this book for two days.
5. They _____ (know)each other since childhood.
6. _____ Li Ming _____ (study) English this morning?
7. My uncle in London _____ (send) a birthday present to me yesterday.
8. When _____ (be) his sister born?
9. He _____ (live) in his hometown since he left here.
10. He _____ (go) to see his grandfather last Sunday.


1. Look, it's ____________ (cloud) now. I think it's going to rain soon.
2. Song Zuying is a ____________ (sing).
3. Are there any interesting ____________ (activity) this evening?
4. He ____________ (not live) in Paris.
5. I like dogs because they are ____________ (friend) to people.


Where do all the tourists go?

     Where are the most popular places for tourists in Britain? There are some of the top ten tourist attractions (胜地).

Madame Tussand's Waxworks (蜡像馆)

(2.5 million visitors each year ) 

Madame Tussaud was a Frenchwoman who lived in Paris during the French revolution (革命). She had to make death masks (面部模型) of people who had been killed ( many of them were her friends ) by the revolutionaries(革命者).

     Her waxworks were opened in London in 1842. Many of her earliest models are still on show , but models of political leaders, pop and sports stars are changed often. 

The Tower (塔) of London

 (2. I rail/ion visitors each year )

      The tower was built in the eleventh century. It was begun by a man who was not even English, William of Normandy~ the cousin of England's King. Around the year 1240, King Henry Ⅲ made this tower his home. He widened the grounds to include (包括) a church, a great hall, and other buildings. He invited many important visitors and many of them came with animals as gift, so Henry built a zoo near the gate of the tower to keep them. The tower was lived in by English kings, until it was turned into a prison (监狱). Many famous prisoners (囚犯)were killed there.

Alton Towers

 (2.4 million, vsitors each year )

     Alton Towers was opened in 1978. It is Britain's biggest and best known Theme (主题) Park and it has been described as Britain's Disneyland. Everyone who comes to Alton Towers hopes to have adventure( 冒险) and fun and they certainly will be pleased. There is always something new for you to enjoy as new and more exciting rides .are introduced each year

The Roman Baths( 浴场).Bath

(800,000 visitors each year )

     The hot water springs( 温泉) in Bath were first discovered by the Romans in the first century A. D.. The baths were built in that place and then used by the Romaus for bathing and for the good of their health. When the Bomans, left Britain, the baths were forgotten. They were not discovered again until 1878.

     Nowadays, the old buildings left by the Romans are visited by thousands of people. They also drink some of the famous hot water. Over a million litres  (升) a day of this water comes out of the ground at a not changing temperature of 46.5℃.

1. If you want to visit a tourist attraction where both kings and prisoners used to live, you should go to______ 

   A. Madame Tussaud's Waxworks      

B. The Tower of London

   C. Alton Towers                   

D. The Roman Baths

2. If you visit Madame Tussaud's Waxworks. you could see ______.

   A. the wax model of Madame Tussaud

   B. the death masks of some French revolutionaries

   C. the wax models of famous people

   D. the wax models of nil pop and sports stars in British history

3. When the Romans used the baths for bathing, they found______

   A. the water was hot

   B. the water always stayed at the temperature of 46.5℃

   C. the water could be drunk

   D. the water was good for health

4. Alton Towers has a history of______ years.

   A. about a few       B. about 30 

C. hundreds of       D. thousands of

5. Which of the four tourist attractions has the most visitors each year?

   A. The Roman Baths, Bath.         

B. Alton Towers.

   C. The Tower of London.           

D. Madame Tussaud's Waxworks.

