He works in one of the famous . 查看更多




  Mr.Smith lives in a village(村子) ,but he works in a big city.He goes to work by train every morning and comes home in the same way.

  This morning when he was reading his newspapers in the train,a man behind him said “Hello” to him and began to talk to him,“Your life is not interesting,isn't it? You take the same train at the same time every morning,and you always sit in the same seat and read the same newspapers.” “How do you know all that about me?” Mr.Smith asked angrily(生气地).

  “Because I always sit in the same seat behind you,” the man answered.


Mr.Smith works ________.

[  ]


in a village


in a city


in a town


in the country


He comes back home from work ________.

[  ]


by ship


by bus


on foot


by train


When he is on the train,Mr.Smith often ________.

[  ]


reads books


reads newspapers


talks to others


listens to others


Mr.Smith ________.

[  ]


likes the man very much


is good at reading


doesn't like the man at all


has much money


The man knows Mr.Smith because ________.

[  ]


he is Mr.Smith's good friend


they work in the same factory


he sits behind Mr.Smith on the train every day


they live in the same village




1.“Wow, Tom! What a nice house you have!” “____”

A. Thank you.       B. No, it’s not nice.    C. Yes, of course.       D. Come in and sit down.

2.“Welcome to my house!”“____”

A. Thanks.  B. I come to see you.   C. I like your house.    D. May I have some water?

3.“My father is doctor. ____ ”“He’s a doctor, too.”

A. Your father?       B. And your father?    C. How is your father?  D. What does your father?

4. “____” “He works in a hospital near our school.”

A. What’s Bill?       B. What does Bill do?  C. Where’s Bill?       D. Where does Bill work?

5. “May I have a look at your photo?”“____ Here you are.”

A. Oh!     B. That’s right.       C. Sure.       D. Would you like to look?



I have a happy family.  There    1    four people in my family. They are my father,   my mother,  my sister and    2   .  My father is a    3   ,   and he works in a factory(工厂).  He thinks it’s a boring job.  He wants   4   a policeman. My mother is a teacher.   She works    5    a school. She thinks    6    job is very interesting.  She  works hard and often comes back home late.   In her free time,   she likes reading    7    and magazines. My sister is    8   .  She is about one year old.  I am a student.   I    9    in a school.  I like singing.   I want to be a    10    when I grow up. 

1.A. be             B. is           C. am           D. are

2.A. I              B. my           C. mine         D. you

3.A. teacher            B. doctor       C. worker       D. clerk

4.A. be             B. is           C. being        D. to be

5.A. in             B. on           C. at           D. of

6.A. she                B. he           C. her          D. his

7.A. story          B. book         C. newspaper    D. books

8.A. old                B. young        C. busy         D. big

9.A. study          B. teach        C. play         D. work

10.A. singer            B. waiter       C. reporter     D. doctor



In 2008, an Indian film Slumdog Millionaire (贫民窟的百万富翁) won an Oscar 小题1:a   . It tells the story of a poor young man who wins the top prize on a TV game show. Now, in 小题2:r      life, there is a “slumdog millionaire” too. An Indian office worker has 小题3:b       the first person to win the$one million top prize on the Indian TV game show who wants to be a millionaire.
The 小题4: w      is a 27-year-old young man. He works in a government office. He doesn’t earn much money, about 小题5: o      $120 every month. His house is almost broken. He even watched the TV game show at a neighbour’s because he was too poor to 小题6:a    a TV set.
People are 小题7: i      in how the young man will use the prize. He said that he was going to 小题8: r    his house and use part of the prize to study 小题9: f    the civil service (公务员) exams. “I love reading,” he said in an interview. “Before winning the prize, I 小题10: c      buy many books, but now, I will make a huge library.”


—____ does your father work?
—He works in a hospital.

A.What B.How C.Who D.Where 

