strong winds 大风 查看更多




  Today it is found that school students hardly pay much attention to sports.Is it because they a  1   interested in sports?No.They have other more important things to d  2  

  E  3 !They have to spend much time on all kinds of examinations at school.Books stop them from g  4   in for sports.Because of the pressure(压力)from their parents and teachers, the students have to work harder and spend most of their time on b  5  .As for the students, they want to get good results so that they can further t  6   studies.So it is necessary for them to give all of their f  7   time to their studies and stop their school sports.

  In fact, education can’t go w  8   physical exercises, because a quick mind hardly goes a  9   with a weak body.If you don’t have a strong body, you can never achieve(获得)anything, let alone a great s  10   in your life.

1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________

6.________ 7.________ 8.________ 9.________ 10.________



  Do you know March 14th is International Police Day.The traffic police is just one group.No matter if it is in summer o  1   in winter, a holiday or a w  2   , we can see policemen w  3   the traffic at the crossroads on the main roads.

  There are over1.9 million policemen in our country.It is a day for us to s  4   our respect for police, the people who keep m  5   of families safe.Other police have different duties.Some are firefighters.Some watch out for bad guys and s  6   crimes.Others keep the p  7  .Special police d  8   with unexpected events.A good special policeman n  9   a strong body as w  10   as rich knowledge and many skills.He has to learn laws, science, shooting, driving and climbing.

  To keep people safe, Chinese police put their lives at risk.Since 1990 more than 15, 000 policemen have lost their lives.Another 20, 000 were hurt in doing jobs.



  It was a b   1   spring morning.There w   2   a cloud in the sky, and the sun was w   3   but not too h   4  .Mr Green saw an old man a   5   the bus stop w   6   a big, strong black umbrella(伞)in his hand.

  Mr Green said to him,“Are we g   7   to have r   8  , do you think?”“No, I don't think so.”“Then are you carrying it to keep off(遮)the s   9  ?”“No, I'm an old man, and my legs are not strong.I really n   10   a walking-stick(拐杖)and I don't like people to say‘Look at the poor old man.’So when they see me, they only say‘Look at that foolish(笨)man!’”

1.b ________ 2.w ________ 3.w ________ 4.h ________ 5.a ________

6.w ________ 7.g ________ 8.r ________ 9.s ________ 10.n ________



  Have you ever complained why life is so tiring? Does the sky sometimes seem d  1   to you? Well, friends, cheer up and smile all the time.If you see the world with your warm heart, you will find the wholeworld s  2   at you.

  On a sunny morning, you plan to have a walk in order to relax y  3  .Just before you go out, it s  4   starts to rain.Maybe you would feel very sad and start to complain about the bad weather.But dear friends, why not sit down and e  5   the free concert that the nature brings you? And with the timely rain, crops in the fields will grow better and farmers will have a good harvest.

  A  6   everyone wants to succeed in what he tries to do, life isn't a bed of roses.It's very c  7   to meet difficulties on the way to success.In fact, difficulty isn't terrible.The real terrible thing is t  8   we are afraid of it.Difficulty is like a spring(弹簧).If you are w  9   , it will be strong.So when you meet difficulties, don't give up.Instead, you should face them with a smile.

  Attitude(态度)d  10   everything.With an optimistic(乐观的)attitude, life is easy and pleasant.



  Today it is found that school students hardly pay much attention to sports.Is it because they aren’t i  1   in sports?No.They often say they have other more important t  2   to do.

  What are these important things?Examinations!They have to s  3   much time on all kinds of examinations at school.So many of them a  4   become bookworms.Books stop them from going in for sports.Because of the pressure from their p  5   and teachers, the students have to work harder and spend most of their t  6   on books.As for the students, they want to get good r  7   so that they can further their studies.So it is necessary for them to give all of their free time to their s  8   and stop their school sports.

  In fact, education can’t go without physical exercises, because a quick mind hardly goes along with a w  9   body.If you don’t have a strong body, you can never achieve anything, let alone a great s  10   in your life.

