answer the question 回答问题 查看更多



Answer the question(根据短文内容回答下列问题)

  Just before midnight on July the 31th, 1997, some skiers returning to their hotel in the village of Thredbo heard a sound like the passing of ten trains.The frightened skiers rushed to where the noise had come from and found that part of the hillside about the village had dropped down onto two buildings in which nineteen people had been sleeping.The buildings were now buried(掩埋)under tons of earth and huge rocks.

  As soon as the day broke, rescue(救援)workers began digging for people alive.They used hand tools because they were worried that machines might hurt anyone trapped(围困)under the rocks.Rain and snow kept falling and there was a danger that more earth and rocks would come down the mountain.

  For two days , rescue workers never stopped digging.On Thursday evening they found the first body.The next day they found two more.They had almost given up hope of finding anyone alive when, at 5∶37 a.m.on Saturday morning, a special machine they were using found a small movement.

  Immediately someone shouted to tell the workers to be silent.Everyone stopped talking, no one moved.A fireman lay down over to a hole in a large piece of concrete(混凝土)and shouted down.“Can anyone hear me?” “I can hear you,” came the reply.

  Worried that their digging could start more rock falling down the mountain, rescue workers began carefully taking away the rocks and dirt on top of the trapped man.By 10 o'clock, a small hole had been made.At 10∶10 a.m., rescue workers sent two tubes down through the hole, one carrying warm air and the other a warm drink.Then a microphone was passed through the hole so that they could talk to the man.

  For the next seven hours, two workers talked to the trapped man while others slowly and carefully worked to free him.They found out that his name was Stuart Diver and that he and his wife were sleeping then the disaster happened.His wife was washed away by the mud and water.For more than two days, Stuart had been trapped between two pieces of concretes, with only 30 cm between his head and the concrete above.Every few hours, icy water had rushed over him and he had had to lift his head out of the water to breathe.By the time he was found, he was cold and hungry and had almost given up any hope of being rescued.

  Finally, at 5∶17 p.m.on Saturday evening, Stuart was pulled out.Rescue workers all over the hillside began shouting with joy.In thousands of homes, people were also cheering as they watched the rescue on their televisions.

1.When did the disaster happen?


2.Why did the rescue workers use hand tools to dig for the people alive?

Because _________________________

3.How did the rescue workers find Stuart Diver?

4.Was Stuart the only person that was saved in this disaster?

5.How much time did it take the rescue workers to save Stuart from under the rubble?

It ______________________________

6.How was the whole rescue?



       Mr. Green works in a shop. The shop sells,cleans and repairs(修理)hearing-aids(助听器). One day an old man comes in and puts one down in front of him without(没有)a word. 
       “What’s the matter with it? ”Mr. Green says. The man doesn’t answer. Of course Mr. Green
thinks the man must be deaf(聋的)and something must be wrong with his hearing-aids(听力),so
he says again,more loudly,“What’s wrong with your hearing-aids,sir? ”Again the man says
nothing. So Mr. Green shouts his question again as loudly as he can.
       The man then takes a pen and a piece of paper and writes,“It’s not necessary to shout when
you’re speaking to me. My ears are as good as yours. This hearing-aid is my wife’s,not mine. I
have got a throat operation(咽喉手术). I can hear very well,but I can’t speak. ”
1. What does the shop do? 
2. Why does the old man come to the shop ?
3. What’s wrong(什么毛病)with the old man?


1. Peter was __________ years old.
A. below eight
B. over eight
C. at the age of eight
2. Peter often went to school __________.
A. by bike
B. on foot
C. in a car
3. Last Friday, he came home __________.
A. late
B. early
C. on time
4. When his mother heard Peter's answer, she was __________.
A. happy
B. angry
C. surprised
5. His teacher sent Peter to the headmaster because __________.
A. He didn't answer the teacher's question.
B. He was polite to the teacher.
C. He put glue(胶水) on the teacher's chair.



  Students learn their lessons in class.In class teachers teach them.Students sit in the classroom listening to the teacher.This is a way of learning.Is this the only way for students to learn something?Of course not.There is another way to learn.That is students can teach themselves.For example, if you cannot remember something when you are doing your homework, you can look at your book to find the answer.This is a way to teach yourself.And it is not a difficult thing.We can do this at any place and at any time.

  How do you teach yourself?The first thing you must do is reading.Read something you are interested in, or you have to read.The second is that you must ask yourself questions.The question is something you don't understand, or you want to know more about.You can write down these questions.A clever student is usually good at asking questions.The third is to answer the question yourself by thinking hard, by reading the text or other books, and sometimes by asking other people.This is the way of teaching yourself.And you must do this all by yourself.If you keep doing like this for a long time, you are sure to succeed in your study.

1.Is listening to the teacher the only way for students to learn something?


2.What is another way of learning?


3.In teaching yourself, what is the first thing you must do?


4.What does a clever student usually like doing?


5.If you want to succeed, what do you have to do?



1. Peter was _______ years old.
A. below eight    
B. over eight    
C. at the age of eight
2. Peter often went to school _______.
A. by bike    
B. on foot      
C. in a car
3. Last Friday, he came home _______ .
A. late    
B. early    
C. on time
4. When his mother heard Peter’s answer, she was_______.
A. happy    
B. angry    
C. surprised
5. His teacher sent Peter to the headmaster because  _______.
A. He didn’t answer the teacher’s question .
B. He was polite to the teacher.
C. He put glue(胶水) on the teacher’s chair .

