A: Tomorrow is David’s birthday. B: That’s right, we will have a special dinner to celebrate. Q: How will they celebrate David’s birthday? 查看更多





B:hello,is that Kate?


B:This is Ann. How are you?


B:Yes.I am.What’s up?

A:Can you come over to my home?

B2.__________________. Why?

A:Tomorrow is my mother’s birthday.3.__________.I want you to help.

B:No problem.When will it begin?


B:And where?

A:At my home.

B:Good5.____________ _______.See you then.

A:See you.


A.I’m busy with the party.

B.Are you free today?

C.At three o’clock in the afternoon.

D.I will get to your home in twenty minutes.




A: What do you want for breakfast?
B: I want    96  .
A: If you don’t eat anything, you’ll    97   at school.
B: I’ve got some chocolate in my bag.
A: Oh, Sam, if you don’t eat properly, you’ll get sick.
B: OK, I’ll eat an apple as well.
A:   98  is not enough. It’s a long time until lunch.
B: But Mum, I’m not hungry.
A: It doesn’t matter. You must eat something. It’s good for you.
B: OK, but it must be quick.
A: Here’s a sandwich and   99  .
B: OK. I’ll drink the milk, but I’ll take the sandwich with me and eat it on the bus.
A: Tomorrow you must get up earlier.
B: Mum, I must go. I’ll    100  if I don’t go now.
A: Bye.
B: Bye.
【小题1】 _______________          【小题2】 _______________     【小题3】_________________
【小题4】 _______________          【小题5】 ______________


A: Hello, Jim 【小题1】  
B: Oh, yes, I like it very much.
A: Well. 【小题2】   
B: Twice a week.
A: Who do you play basketball with?
B: I play it with my friends.
A:  【小题3】  
B: For about an hour.
A:  【小题4】  
B: On Tuesday and Friday afternoon.
A: Do you like watching basketball match?
B: Yes, very much.
A: Tomorrow is Sunday. Would you like to go and watch a basketball match with me?
B:  【小题5】 but I have to do my homework on Sunday.

A.Yes, I would
B.How often do you play basketball?
C.Yes, I’d like to.
D.How long do you play basketball every time?
E.Do you like playing basketball?
F.No,I wouldn’t.
G.When do you usually play basketball?


Peter:   What are you doing for vacation, Steven?

Steven:  I’m visiting my aunt in San Francisco. My brother’s staying there. He’s joining a club.

Peter:   Oh? When are you going?

Steven:  Next Friday.

Peter:   How long are you staying?

Steven:  I’m staying at my aunt’s home for four days. I’m going sightseeing in San Francisco, and then I’m seeing

 all of my friends New York. How about you?

Peter:   I’m going to the beach and my friends and I are also going hiking for a few days.

Steven:  Aren’t you renting video tapes and relaxing at home?

Peter:   No, it’s boring. We like outside activities.

1.Peter is going _______ on his vacation.

A.   to Florida           B. riding            C. hiking           D. to San Francisco

2. Steven’s leaving ______ for vacation.

A. tomorrow            B. next month        C. next Monday     D. next year

3. Steven’s brother is staying ________.

A. at home              B. at school          C. in San Francisco   D. in New York

4.Steven is staying in his aunt’s house for ______.

A. a week               B. four days          C. several days      D. two days

5. Peter thinks that staying at home is _____.

A. interesting            B. boring             C. fun             D. exciting



A: What do you want for breakfast?
B: I want    96  .
A: If you don’t eat anything, you’ll    97   at school.
B: I’ve got some chocolate in my bag.
A: Oh, Sam, if you don’t eat properly, you’ll get sick.
B: OK, I’ll eat an apple as well.
A:   98  is not enough. It’s a long time until lunch.
B: But Mum, I’m not hungry.
A: It doesn’t matter. You must eat something. It’s good for you.
B: OK, but it must be quick.
A: Here’s a sandwich and   99  .
B: OK. I’ll drink the milk, but I’ll take the sandwich with me and eat it on the bus.
A: Tomorrow you must get up earlier.
B: Mum, I must go. I’ll    100  if I don’t go now.
A: Bye.
B: Bye.
【小题1】 _______________          【小题2】 _______________     【小题3】_________________
【小题4】 _______________          【小题5】 ______________

