What of dessert would you like ? 查看更多



Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage.

  When you read, your eyes help you learn. You can also learn with your 1 . You can do this by listening carefully and thinking about what you hear. In order to learn when you listen, you need to do three things.

  1.Pay attention. When you daydream, you let your mind wander off the subject. You cannot listen and daydream 2 . You need to keep your mind on what the speaker is saying. Watching the speaker will help pay attention to what he or she is saying.

  2.Ask questions. To learn, you must understand what you hear. Sometimes things are not clear. Ask questions 3 . Be sure you understand what the speaker means.

  3.Ask the speaker to repeat what you did not hear. Sometimes speakers talk too softly. At other times, a noise, such as a train or a cough, prevents you from hearing. If you missed something the speaker said, ask politely for the person to repeat it. The speaker will not mind repeating 4 you have shown that you are listening.


  1.Bob opened his reader. He listened. Several students read aloud. Then Bob gazed out the window and thought about his tree house. He had worked on it all weekend. Bob, please read next, the teacher said. Her voice startled Bob. He didn't know 5 .

  Why has Bob lost his place in the book?

  2.Mark's teacher said, Ponce de Leon discovered Florida in1513. Mark was confused. He knew America was discovered in 1492. Florida is 6 America.

  What should Mark do next?

  3.When Kate was introduced to Janet, she didn't hear Janet's name.

  What should Kate do next?

(1) A.eyes




(2) A.at all


C.for a long time

D.at the same time





(4) A.because




(5) A.when and how to read

B.whom the teacher asked to read

    C.where to begin reading

D.what to do or what not to do

(6)A.not far from

B.on the west of

C.to the south of

D.part of


短文填空 (共10分,每空1分)

come, fall, sit, look, be, walk, jump, sell, hear, drop
  Early in the morning, Mr. Black was carrying a big basket of cabbages to the market. She hoped 【小题1】___them to the people from town.
  The mountain road was narrow(狭窄的)and the old woman 【小题2】___carefully. Suddenly she 【小题3】___a loud bell. It passed her and very fast down the hill. The old woman had to 【小题4】__to one side of the road so quickly that the basket of cabbages nearly 【小题5】___into the valley.
  She saw a young boy 【小题6】.___on the bicycle without even 【小题7】___round to see if the old woman was all right.
  The old woman shouted, 【小题8】___back.”
  “What 【小题9】___it?” the boy asked impolitely, pushing his bike towards the old woman.
  “What did I drop?”
  “Little boy, you 【小题10】___your manner.” The old woman answered.


Mary’s dime(一毛钱)

It was Sunday afternoon. I decided to clean up the room nicely so that my parents would feel   1  when they returned from a long ride! Then, I sat in the room, having nothing to do.

   What else could I do? Then, with no reason, I suddenly  2  the pale face of that little beggar(乞丐) girl. I could see the glad light   3  her eyes when I put the dime in her little dirty hand.

    How much I  4  that dime, too! Grandpa gave it to me a whole month ago, and I had kept it ever since in my red box upstairs, but those sugar apples looked so attractive, and were so   5  — only a dime a piece — that I wanted to have one.

    I could imagine the little girl stood there in front of the  6  in her old dirty dress, looking at the   7  that were put all in a row in the window. I wonder what I should say, “Little girl, what do you want?” I gently asked. She felt   8  and looked straight at me, just as if(似乎)nobody had spoken so   9  to her before. She realized what I had meant, so she said seriously and sadly. “I was thinking how good one of those delicious hamburgers would  10 . I haven’t had anything to eat today.”

   Now I thought to myself, “Mary Williams, you have had a good breakfast and a good lunch today,   11  this poor girl has not had a mouthful yet. You can give her your  12 . She needs it a great deal more than you do.”

   I could not run away from that little girl’s sad,  13  look — so I dropped the dime right into her hand. How  14  the girl was! I am so glad I gave her the dime,  15  I had to go without the apple lying there in the window.

1.                A.disturbed       B.unhappy        C.satisfied  D.interested


2.                A.saw            B.remembered    C.forgot    D.described


3.                A.filling          B.protecting       C.attracting D.touching


4.                A.hated          B.loved          C.missed   D.noticed


5.                A.valuable        B.meaningful      C.expensive D.cheap


6.                A.market         B.library          C.store D.bookshop


7.                A.dresses         B.magazines       C.books    D.candies


8.                A.surprised       B.excited         C.pleased   D.worried


9.                A.happily         B.kindly          C.angrily   D.sadly


10.               A.taste           B.sound          C.feel  D.smell


11.               A.since          B.so             C.and  D.but


12.               A.apple          B.hamburger      C.dime D.candy


13.               A.proud          B.angry          C.calm  D.hungry


14.               A.grateful        B.unlucky        C.lonely D.friendly


15.               A.unless         B.if              C.though    D.because





  A:What are you going to do tomorrow afternoon?

  B:  1   What about you?

  A:Shall we go to the nature reserve near the museum?

  B:  2  

  A:It is said that there are some pandas moving there from the Wolong Panda Reserve.

  B:Really?  3  

  A:Lingling has just told me.You know,her father is working there.

  B:It's really great.

  A:  4  

  B:It's Sunday tomorrow.There must be a lot of people on the bus   5  

  A:All right.Shall we meet at the school gate at 9 am.?

  B:That's OK.








  Four girls went to school together every day by taxi.

  One day one of the girls said,“There is a test this morning.Let's get to school late.Then we can miss the test.”

  “What can we say to the teacher?” one of the girls said.“He'll be angry.We'll need a good reason.” The girls thought for several minutes,then one of them said,“Let's tell him that our taxi had a flat tyre.”

  “That's a good idea,” other girls said.“We'll tell him that.” They reached school an hour later.The test was already finished.

  “Why are you late?” the teacher asked.“You missed the test.”

  “Our taxi had a flat tyre,” one of the girls said.

  The teacher thought for a moment,then he said,“Sit down,one of you in each corner of the room.” The four girls did that.

  Then the teacher said,“Write on a piece of paper the answer to this question:Which tyre was flat?”


The four girls went to school ________.

[  ]


by car


by taxi


on foot


Why did the four girls want to go to school late? Because there was ________.

[  ]


a test


a party


a sports meeting


The excuse (借口) that they didn't want to get to school on time is that ________.

[  ]


they were sick


their bikes were stolen


their taxi had a flat tyre


When they got to school,the test ________.

[  ]


was finished


didn't begin


was going on (在进行中)


Then the teacher let them tell him ________.

[  ]


which tyre was flat


where they went


who thought out the idea

