U , my kite broke, so I didn’t have much fun. 查看更多




When I was young, I studied hard all the time. But (1)u_________,my grades were low and I nearly lost (2) (信心) _________in myself .

My father was worried about it .He took me to the garden .Pointing to two rows of trees ,he asked me ,"Do you know what trees they are ?" I watched (3)c_________ and answered, "They are poplars and gingkoes. " My father asked me to (4)c_________ poplars with gingkoes and find out the (5)(不同) _________ between them .It's very clear that poplars are much (6)t_________ than the gingkoes.

My father told me the two rows of trees (7)(种)_________ at the same time . While being planted , they were as tall as each other .With the same sunlight ,the same water and the same care, but why are the poplars so tall and the gingkoes are so (8)s_________?

I stood there without (9)s_________ a word . Then my father said ,"Boy ,you know ,the valuable things often grow up slowly."

I knew what my father meant by saying so .From then on, I studied harder and harder .And my grades (10)i_________ greatly .Three years later ,I succeeded in entering Beijing University .



When I was young, I studied hard all the time. But (1)u_________,my grades were low and I nearly lost (2) (信心) _________in myself .
My father was worried about it .He took me to the garden .Pointing to two rows of trees ,he asked me ,"Do you know what trees they are ?" I watched (3)c_________ and answered, "They are poplars and gingkoes. " My father asked me to (4)c_________ poplars with gingkoes and find out the (5)(不同) _________ between them .It's very clear that poplars are much (6)t_________ than the gingkoes.
My father told me the two rows of trees (7)(种)_________ at the same time . While being planted , they were as tall as each other .With the same sunlight ,the same water and the same care, but why are the poplars so tall and the gingkoes are so (8)s_________?
I stood there without (9)s_________ a word . Then my father said ,"Boy ,you know ,the valuable things often grow up slowly."
I knew what my father meant by saying so .From then on, I studied harder and harder .And my grades (10)i_________ greatly .Three years later ,I succeeded in entering Beijing University .


【小题1】Is Beijing your _________ [f ei v ? r i t ] city ?
【小题2】Let me h______ you with your English.
【小题3】My grandfather does sports every day, so he is very h_____.
【小题4】Mary thinks math is  ____________( 简单的 ).
【小题5】My backpack is _________ (在……下面)the desk.
【小题6】This is my u_______, my father’s brother.
【小题7】This hat is only 2 dollars, it’s so cheap. I’ll t________ it.
【小题8】I like b________best, It’s the color of the sky.
【小题9】Look at this p______ of my family.
【小题10】I like strawberries, my daughter likes them, ______(也).


When I was young, I studied hard all the time. But (1)u_________,my grades were low and I nearly lost (2) (信心) _________in myself .
My father was worried about it .He took me to the garden .Pointing to two rows of trees ,he asked me ,"Do you know what trees they are ?" I watched (3)c_________ and answered, "They are poplars and gingkoes. " My father asked me to (4)c_________ poplars with gingkoes and find out the (5)(不同) _________ between them .It’s very clear that poplars are much (6)t_________ than the gingkoes.
My father told me the two rows of trees (7)(种)_________ at the same time . While being planted , they were as tall as each other .With the same sunlight ,the same water and the same care, but why are the poplars so tall and the gingkoes are so (8)s_________?
I stood there without (9)s_________ a word . Then my father said ,"Boy ,you know ,the valuable things often grow up slowly."
I knew what my father meant by saying so .From then on, I studied harder and harder .And my grades (10)i_________ greatly .Three years later ,I succeeded in entering Beijing University .


My kite broke, ________ I didn't have much fun.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.

