morning, want, about, do, to, you, know, my ? 查看更多



1. morning, want, about, do, to, you, know, my
2. my, 2:00, finish, all, at, classes  
3. two, after, P.E., I, for, hours, class, have
4. yourself, please, and, tell, write, me, about  
5. dog, with, I, my, playing, like  
6. speak, can, a, French, English, I,  little, and  


My Uncle John used to live in a beautiful little house by the sea in Hong Kong.He was killed two years ago.Uncle John wrote novels and made a lot of money.

He used to work in a big room with the beautiful scenery of the sea.On his desk there was a huge computer.Uncle John loved this machine, and he had used it for about ten years.“I couldn’t work without this old friend,” he used to say.Uncle John’s books were all detective(侦探)novels.So, when he was found in his room one morning with a bullet (子弹)in his head, it seemed just like one of his own novels.After Uncle John’s death, I came to stay in his house to do something for the funeral (葬礼).

I had been there for two days when 1 noticed a message on the screen of the old computer.I was very surprised, because I thought the computer had been turned off.The message said, “You have a new e--mail!” When I read it, I thought it looked like the beginning of a novel.It must be from one of Uncle John’s novelist friends.I decided I should reply to the e-mail to tell him or her that Uncle John was dead.However, the computer told me, “Invalid(无效) Address”.Every day for the next three weeks, more e-mails kept arriving.The story was about Jane Pendle, a young writer working on her first novel.

She sent her novel to lack Tanner, an older writer, and asked him to help her publish(出版)it.However, he published the novel himself and told others that he had written it.The novel was very successful.Tanner made a lot of money, and bought himself a house by the sea in Hong Kong.Then I realized “Jack Tanner” and “Jane Pendle” weren’t their real names, “Jack” was meant to be Uncle John.Three weeks later, I received the last one.It described how, after many years, Jane came to Jack’s house, they quarreled, and she pulled out a gun(枪) and shot him.

I did not know what to do with this story.Should I show it to the police or not? If it was true, it might help the police catch Uncle John’s killer.However, it also showed that Uncle John himself was a thief.

1.The writer went to Uncle John’s house  sell the house                                find out who had killed him help the police                              make plans for his funeral

2.The writer was surprised when he noticed a message on the computer because he thought         

A.the computer had been turned off

B.everyone knew Uncle John was dead

C.the computer had been broken

D.John’s e-mail address was invalid

3.What made the writer realize that Jack was meant to be Uncle John?

A.Uncle John had used his huge computer for about ten ),ears.

B.Uncle John's books were all detective novels.

C.“Jack Tanner” bought a house by the sea in Hong Kong.

D.Many e-mails kept arriving after Uncle John died.

4.The writer was not sure if he should show the e-mails to the police because he didn’t want people to know that         

A.he shot his uncle                                             B.his uncle was a thief

C.Jane was the killer                                     D.Jack shot himself

5.         is the best title(题目)for the passage.

A.Death of A Writer                                    B.Uncle John and His Computer

C.Some Strange E-mails                                D.A Successful Detective Novelist


  Do  you know who shaped President Obama? It was his unconventional(非凡的)mother——Ann Soetoro. She was charming(有魅力的)and liked to laugh. She was a tireless and hardworking woman. When Obama was young, his mother said, “He can do anything he wants in the world, even be president of the USA.” And she was right.

  When Obama was a little boy, his mother paid much attention to manners(礼仪). So Obama was very polite. He got up to study at 5 a.m. every morning. His mother typed and corrected his homework for him. Besides, his mother let him know the sense of duty to the world, the importance of hard work and the need to give back. Just as Obama said, “Like most of my values(价值观),I learned about empathy(同情) from my mother.” When he was nine, his mother sent him to Hawaii, where she soon joined him. In 1975, his mother left him to grandparents, so as to return to Indonesia(印度尼西亚) to begin her PH.D. field work(为博士学位做实地考察)。

  Obama’s mother was optimistic and easygoing. This great mother produced an excellent son.

 47. What’s the best title of the passage?

A. Great Mother Made Obama Succeed

B. Hardworking Obama.

C. Ann Soetoro Got Ph.D。

D. Obama’s Mother Was Easygoing.

 48. Which of the following is true?

A. When he was nine, his mother and he went to Hawaii together.

B. Obama didn’t study hard when he was  young.

C. In 1975, Obama’s mother returned to Indonesia to begin her Ph.D. field work.

D. His mother didn’t want him to become President of the USA.

 49. According to the passage, we know that his mother       .

A. was a great mother and she knew how to educate her children.

B. didn’t like to study herself.

C. was so busy that she had no time to look after her children.

D. wasn’t hopeful about the future.

 50. The underlined word “optimistic” means       .

A. 消极的       B. 乐观的       C. 自私的      D. 善良的

 51. When Obama was young, his mother let him know         .

A. the sense of duty to the world

B. the importance of hard work

C. the need to give back

D. A, B and C



Do you want to _______ my morning?

[  ]


B.know about



On my first day of the sixth grade, I noticed one little girl called Amy on the school bus. “Don’t   1  her,” Lauren said, who sat beside me, “or they will make fun of you.”
Amy had many physical differences —lots of   2  for other kids to make fun of her. Her eyes weren’t straight. Her glasses were an inch thick. And she had really ugly teeth.
Every day as we drove to school, kids would shout insults (侮辱) at Amy. “God, what a
 3  face! Stop looking at me!” “Mr. Rolland (the driver)! Amy took off her   4 , and now her eyes are frightening me! Make her put them back on!” I also did that because I didn’t want them to treat me the same way they treated Amy.
But while I was insulting her, my heart   5  for the girl. I could see that the insults were making her look   6 , because she was so ashamed and alone. Then I wanted to stand up for her. I just didn’t know how to stop my schoolmates   7  the night of our class roller skating party.
Our whole class was there, including Amy. Amy didn’t know how to   8 , but I could see how much she wanted to   9  like the rest of us. So I skated over to her and took her by the hand. We began the journey together around the skating rink. She just smiled, and sometimes she would laugh in   10 .
On the school bus the next morning there was much news about Amy and me  11   together, but   12  insulted her or me. And they didn’t do that for the rest of the year.
After graduation, I never heard from Amy again. However, I never   13  her and I’ve always   14  if I changed her life for the better. But I know for sure she changed my life. After becoming her friend, I no longer tried to impress (给…留下印象) people by trying to   15  like them. I became myself.

A.laugh atB.ask afraid of
A.reasons B.choicesC.ideasD.habits
A.catch upB.have fun C.sit down D.fall over

