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     Two fishes once lived in a small pond. A frog arrived at the pond and made it his home. Soon the fishes
and the frog became close friends. One day, the friends heard a group of fishermen talking."This pond seems
to have plenty of fish. Let us come tomorrow and cast (撒网) our nets. We shall have a good catch."
     When the frog heard this, he was worried."Dear friends," he said,"it will be clever for us to leave the pond.
Tomorrow may just be too late."
     The two fishes laughed at his fears."Don't be upset by the fishermen's words. They may not come here
at all. Even if they do come, we need not fear. We shall use our wits (才智) together and save ourselves."
     The frog was not satisfied with these words."I am not as clever as you two are. I cannot continue to live
here. I will leave the pond tonight. I wish you good luck," he said as a parting (分手) message.
     True to their words, the fishermen arrived early the next morning and cast their nets in the pond. All the
creatures who lived in the pond were caught in the fishermen's net. Not a single one of them escaped.
     The two fishes tried all the tricks (伎俩) they knew to get out of the net. The net was strong and they
could not manage to escape.
(     )1. The frog and the two fishes became close after the frog moved into the pond.                                
(     )2. The fishermen wanted to catch as many creatures from the pond as possible.                                  
(     )3. The frog advised the two fishes to find ways to stay in the pond.                                           
(     )4. The two fishes laughed at the frog because they were sure that they could save
           themselves from the fishermen.
(     )5. The frog was caught by the fishermen.                                                                       



56. My aunt’s son is my            . (堂兄)

57. I have many            . (手表)

58. She is my            friend. (好的)

59.             the boy to his school. (带走)

60. Is            your grandfather.?(那)



     Simon and I were born in the same year. We are classmates and good friends. I always listen to the
teacher carefully in class and do things as the adults (成年人) say. I am well behaved (表现好)and never naughty(调皮). I always get good marks. I am the apple of the teacher's eve. Simon is different. He is
clever but the teachers don't like him, because he is so naughty. In class he often makes faces to make
others laugh(大笑). Sometimes he asks strange questions which are hard to answer. That makes the
teacher in embarrassment(尴尬).
     One day Simon asked Mr. Smith, our history teacher; " May I ask you a question?"    
     "Go ahead, please."
     "When you are teaching a group of students, there comes another group. Then how many groups of
students do you have?"
     "Two, of course. That's the easiest question in the world."
     Simon laughed and said, "you are wrong, sir. Two groups of students joining together(加在一起)is still one group. That's the easiest question in the world."
     All the students burst out laughing.
     You see, we are so different, but we are good friends.
1.Choose the best Chinese meaning for the underlined(下面划线的)phrase.
2.Why don't the teachers like Simon?
A.He is too clever.
B.He is so naughty.    
C.He often makes the teachers in embarrassment.
D.Both B and C.
3.Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Simon and I are good friends, but we are different.    
B.Simon and I were of the same age.
C.All the students don't like Simon.
D.In fact, Simon is a good student, too.
4.Which of the following is about Simon?    
A.He listens to the teachers carefully in class.
B.Teachers don't think he is a good student.    
C.He is never a naughty boy.
D.He is the apple of the teacher's eye.
5.Choose the best title(题目)for the passage.
A.Simon and I                        
B.A Naughty Boy.
C.How to Be a Good Student          
D.Friends in Need Are Friends Indeed.



  To be a good teacher, you need some of the abilities of a good actor.You must be able to hold the attention and interest of your audience; you must be a clear speaker with a good, strong, pleasing voice which is fully(完全地)under your control; and you must be able to act what you are teaching in order to make your meaning clear.

  Watch a good teacher, and you will see that he does not just sit before his class.He stands the whole time while teaching; he walks about, using his arms, hands and fingers(手指)to help him in his explanations, and his face to express(表达)feelings.Listen to him, and you will hear the loudness(大声)and the musical(悦耳的)note(调子)of his voice always changing according to(根据)what he is talking about.

  The fact that a good teacher has some of the abilities of a good actor doesn't mean that he will really be able to act well on the stage, for there are very important differences between the teacher's work and the actor's.The actor has to speak words that he has learnt by heart(心); he has to repeat exactly(准确地)the same words each time he plays a certain part, even his movements and the ways in which he uses his voice are usually fixed(确定)before.What he has to do is to make all these carefully learnt words and actions seem natural on the stage.

  A good teacher works in quite a different way.His audiences take an active part in his play.They ask and answer questions, they obey(遵守)orders(秩序), and if they don't understand something, they say so.The teacher therefore(因此)has to act according to the needs of his audiences-his class.He cannot learn his part by heart, but must invent it as he goes along.

  I have known many teachers who were fine actors in class but were unable to take part in a stage play because they could not keep strictly to what others had written.


1.If you want to be a good teacher, you need some of the abilities of ________.

2.While teaching, a teacher uses his ________ to help him in his explanation, and his face to express ________.

3.Teachers’ work is quite ________ actors’.

4.An actor has to speak words that he has learned ________.

5.A teacher has to act according to ________.


1. 从这本书中,我知道这个地方有许多的改变。

From the book, I learnt that great ______ have ________  ________.

2. 我自从上个月就没有看见过你。

I haven’t seen you ________  ________  _________.

3. 你可以在电视上做广告。  You can ________ ________ TV.

4. 我们经常在街上看到人们发传单。

  We often see people ________ ________ leaflets in the street.

5. 我们相信我们会从当地的企业获得很多的支持。

  We ________ that we will get a lot of ________ from ________ ________.

6. 舞台已经搭建好了。    The stage ________ ________ ________ ________ already. 7. 因为太多来自歌迷们的噪音,我不得不大声说话。

  I had to ________ ________ because of too much noise from the ________

8. 他们将作为主持人出现在表演中。

  They will ________ ________ ________ at the show.

9. 我们两个月前就开始着手于这场表演。

  We ________ ________ ________ the show two months ago.


  We would like to ________ these people ________ their help.


The plane _______ ______ __________a _________centre.


_______ _________ __________ did you ___________ during last visit?


________ ________ __________ can _________ __________.

14.向ORBIS  医生学习后,当地医生可以帮助更多的人。

After _________ _________ORBIS doctors, the local doctors can help more people.

15.大约80% 的失明病例或者可以治愈,或者可以被防御。

About 80% of the ________ of blindness can be cured or _______  _______.


It is __________ _________ _______ people in need.


I _______   ______  you ______   finish the work ______ half an hour.


The _____________ often ________food and shelter _________ the _________.


I hope I can ________ _______ ________ _____ _______ the Olympic Games in Beijing.


It’s difficult for us _______ _________ ________ a __________ trail without ________.


We hope you won’t ________   ______   _______ this kind of work.


  He __________ very ____________.What ________ __________ __________ him?


  Do you _______ _______ _______ _______ ________ ________ after supper?


  I will_______ _______ ________to you ________ _______ _______ I ______ _____you.


  The airport is _________ big ____________ I _______________ _______________.26.我有许多其他任务,因此我没有时间与你聊天。

I have  many  ______   _____, so I have no time _____   ______  with  you.


The film has  ______    ___  for twenty minutes, but I still can't_______ ______.


These CD-ROMs ______  ______  _____   as soon as they _______ _______.


_____ the  _____      our teachers, our show must ______ a ___     .   


How I          that I                            a bird.

