/dɑ:ns/ 查看更多



I had an unusual ____/ɪk'spɪrɪəns / last Sunday. How strange you can’t imagine!

A. exercise         B. exhausted        C. embarrassed      D. experience



How often do you exercise? I exercise _______ / w?ns/ a day.

A.won B.once C.win D.one 


Mr. Brown was a nice teacher.He taught ns science。In the first class,he gave us a talk on an animal called“birdcat”which had died out(灭绝)during the Ice Age.He passed around a skull(头骨)as he was talking.We all took notes carefully and later we had an exam on it.

    When he returned my paper the next day, I found there was a big red“X”on it.I falled! I couldn’t believe my eves! There must be some mistakes! 一 I wrote down exactly what Mr. Brown said.But then I learned that everyone in the class failed.What had happened?

    Very simple! Mr. Brown said that he had made up(编造)all that“birdcat”and there had never been such an animal.So the information in our notes was incorrect.

    But We all felt that was unfair.What kind of exam was this? And what kind of teacher was he?

    “You should have figured it out,”Mr. Brown said.“Actually, the‘birdcat’skull was a cat’s.”Hadn’t he been telling us no other findings about this animal except the skull? He had told us many unbelievable(难以置信)things about the animal,such as the size,the color, the diet….but none of us had questioned him!

    Mr. Brown said he hoped we would learn something from that lesson.Teachers and textbooks are not always correct.In fact no one is.He told us not to let our minds go to sleep.and to speak up if we ever thought he or file textbook was wrong.

    Mr. Brown's class let me and my classmates learn something important:never fear to look people in the eye and tell them they are wrong.

(   )1.Mr. Brown was a _______teacher.

    A.math                   B.history                 C.science                  D.music

(   )2.Why did the writer fall the exam?

    A.Because the exam was too difficult.

    B.Because he didn’t answer the questions according to what Mr. Brown said。

    C.Because Mr. Brown made some mistakes.

    D.Because the information in the answers was incorrect.

(   )3.The underlined part“figured it out”probably means“________”.

    A.wrote it down      B.found it out          C.took it out              D.talked about it

(   )4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

    A.The writer’s classmates passed the exam,but the writer didn’t.

    B.Mr. Brown found fire“birdcat”skull himself and he succeeded.

    C.During the talk on“birdcat”,some students questioned the teacher

    D.The teacher encouraged us to question what he said arid tell the truth bravely.

(   )5.Which is the best title for this passage'?

    A.A Birdcat’s Skull                                     B.A Strange Animal

    C.An Unforgettable Exam                               D.An Unfair Teacher







5./’ pa:ti/



The word “towns” is pronounced as ______.

  1. A.
    / taunz /
  2. B.
    / tauns /
  3. C.
    / t?: nz /
  4. D.
    / t?: ns/

