“Are you Lucy ? “Yes, . A. I’m B. he is C. I am D. you are 查看更多



(     )1. Good afternoon.                   
(     )2. How are you ?                     
(     )3. Is there a pencil on the table?        
(     )4. How old is the boy?                
(     )5. You’re Lucy, right?                 
(     )6. Your English is very good.   
(     )7. What’s he?                        
(     )8. Is that your classroom?                  
(     )9. What are the twins?                 
(     )10. How many desks are there in the classroom?
A. Thank you.            
B. He is 13.            
C. Yes, I am.            
D. Good afternoon.        
E. He’s a teacher.      
F. There are twenty-six.  
G. They’re doctors.      
H. I’m fine.            
I. Yes, there is.        
J. No, it isn’t.        




1.A.I'm sorry.

B.You're welcome.

C.The same to you.

2.A.Yes, I have.

B.I'd love to.

C.No, I am not.

3.A.Yes, you can.

B.No, you can't.

C.I want to buy a jacket.

4.A.I found it at home.

B.I found it myself.

C.I found it yesterday.

5.A.99 yuan.

B.They were nice.

C.I have no money.


6.What's the matter with the girl?

A.She's badly ill.

B.She's angry with the man.

C.She'll go to see a doctor herself.

7.What does Mr.White mean?

A.He asks the woman to work hard.

B.He won't let the woman work for him.

C.The woman doesn't want to work any more.

8.What's the man going to do?

A.Ask Mary to mend the TV.

B.Ask Mary to turn off the TV.

C.Ask Mary to turn down the TV.

9.Who lives in England?

A.Robert's uncles.

B.Robert's parents.

C.Robert's grandparents.

10.How will Mr.Hunt go to London?

A.By car.

B.By air.

C.By train.


11.What are they going to do?

A.To take a walk.

B.To go to a party.

C.To buy a watch.

12.When did they get to the bus stop?

A.At 6∶35.

B.At 6∶45.

C.At 7∶35.

13.Why hasn't Rose had her watch?

A.She lost it yesterday.

B.She doesn't have a watch.

C.The watch doesn't work well.

14.How long has Rose had her watch?

A.For half a year.

B.For about a month.

C.For three months.

15.How will they go there?

A.On foot.

B.By bus.

C.By taxi.


16.Why are the husband and wife lucky and happy?

A.Because they live in a big house.

B.Because they have a lot of money.

C.Because they have many close friends.

17.What does Jim do?

A.He's a student.

B.He's a teacher.

C.He's a driver.

18.What's Lucy good at?



C.Playing basketball.

19.Why don't they see Bob very often?

A.Because Bob is too busy.

B.Because Bob isn't so friendly.

C.Because Bob lives far away from them.

20.What can we learn from the story?

A.They like to stay home alone.

B.They often have a get-together with their friends.

C.They don't have much time to meet each other.




1.A.Since April.

B.About two months ago.

C.For about three weeks.

2.A.She is John's sister.

B.She is a worker.

C.She is badly hurt.

3.A.As soon as I can.

B.As quick as I can.

C.As fast as I can.

4.A.It's very beautiful.

B.It's a picture of a factory.

C.It's a picture of a farm.

5.A.Thank you all the same.

B.Yes, you can't miss it.

C.Sorry, I'm new here.

6.A.Twelve kilometers.

B.Five days.

C.Very far.




8.A.Fine, thank you.

B.Quite well.

C.With pleasure.


9.A.Lucy visited us yesterday.

B.We visited Lucy yesterday.

C.Lucy didn't visit us yesterday.

10.A.Miss Wang was a Chinese teacher.

B.Miss Wang teaches Chinese now.

C.Miss Wang was an English teacher.

11.A.I have bought a sweater for my brother.

B.I bought a sweater for my brother.

C.I am going to buy a sweater for my brother.

12.A.The sports meeting began the day before yesterday.

B.The sports meeting has been on for four days.

C.The sports meeting started last Friday.

13.A.Tom doesn't like his father.

B.Father and Tom don't look the same.

C.Father doesn't like Tom at all.

14.A.The old man was the first in the queue.

B.The old man was the most important one in the queue.

C.The old man was in charge of the queue.

15.A.The students stopped having a picnic.

B.The students stopped beside a big tree.

C.The students stopped to eat something under a big tree.

16.A.It took me six days to read the storybook.

B.I spent six yuan on this storybook.

C.The storybook is worth reading.


17.What time is it now?




18.What are they talking about?

A.The world's population.

B.The countries in the world.

C.The continents in the world.

19.Where are they talking?

A.In a library.

B.In the clothing shop.

C.In a post office.

20.When did the man take his coat to the washing shop?

A.On Tuesday.

B.On Wednesday.

C.On Thursday.

21.How is the weather?




22.What is the woman's idea?

A.She likes English better than French.

B.She thinks French is more interesting than English.

C.She doesn't agree with the man at all.

23.How much should the man pay if he wants to buy two yellow bags?

A.10 yuan.

B.13 yuan.

C.16 yuan.

24.What does the woman tell the man to do?

A.Drink some water.

B.Stay in bed.

C.Take some medicine.



25.What are the two speakers doing?

A.Talking about English study.

B.Speaking on the line.

C.Having a talk in the office.

26.When will the man go to see Mr Smith?

A.Tomorrow morning.

B.Tomorrow evening.

C.Tomorrow afternoon.

27.What did the man want to talk about to Mr Smith?

A.Jack's English study.

B.Jack's homework.

C.Jack's maths study.


28.When was Tree Planting Day started?

A.In 1987.

B.In 1971.

C.In 1980.

29.How did they get to the park?

A.By bus.

B.On foot.

C.By truck.

30.How many trees did they plant?

A.Over 250.

B.More than 350.

C.About 550.

