How was your ? 查看更多



  How was your _________(假期)?



1.Today the weather is very cool,so we         (决定) to play tennis.
2.I don't like going shopping.It's         (拥挤) there.
3.How was your         (假期)?
4.My father likes to take a bus         (旅行).He thinks it's relaxing.
5.The people in Russia are really         (友好的).
6.It's         (多雨的) in summer.
7.The mooncakes(月饼) with eggs in them are         (美味的).
8.She had great         (困难) finding a job.
9.At night,I listened to the sound of         (波浪).
10.I did pass my physics        (考试).


Xiao Jing, a Beijing girl took home a cup of iced tea for her father after having supper at McDonald’s. But when the father happily started to drink his daughter’s gift, he found that there was a filter tip (过滤嘴) inside it. Xiao Jing and her father got very angry.
This is not the first time that McDonald’s has let Chinese customers down. According to a CCTV program on World Consumer Rights Day(消费者权益保护日) on March 15, a McDonald’s restaurant in Beijing sold chicken wings 90 minutes after they were cooked. The company’s rules set a 30-minutes limit. What’s more, some workers changed desserts’ expiration dates (保质期) or even put them into a new bag or box to sell them again.
McDonald’s China released a letter of apology on their official micro blog (微博) soon after the program. “McDonald’s China pays great attention to this. We will immediately look into this accident, deal with it seriously and take practical actions to apologize (道歉) to consumers. We’ll try our best to provide healthy and safe food,” the letter said.
We all need to learn how to fight for our rights and interests. Here are some tips:
1. Learn some of the differences between real and fake, fresh and overdue (过期的) products.
2. Get the invoices(发票)for all your goods and services.
3. If you find there’s a problem with your goods, call 12315 or go to your local Consumer Association (消费者协会) for help.
【小题1】Why did Xiao Jing and her father angry?

A.Because the drink was not fresh.
B.Because the drink was not clean.
C.Because the drink was not a full cup.
D.Because the drink was not what they ordered.
【小题2】The sentence “McDonald’s has let Chinese customers down” means “     ”.
A.McDonald’s has made Chinese customers happy
B.McDonald’s has disappointed(使…失望) Chinese customers
C.Chinese customers don’t like McDonald’s food
D.Chinese customers think McDonald’s doesn’t provide good service
【小题3】What does the word “fake” mean in Chinese?
A.假的 B.优秀的
C.肤浅的 D.错误的
【小题4】Which of the following is NOT the right way for consumers to protect their rights?
A.Learn the differences between real and fake products.
B.Ask for invoices after getting goods or services.
C.Check the expiration dates on products before buying them.
D.Call the police office if there is something wrong with the goods.
【小题5】What does the article mainly aim to tell us?
A.McDonald’s China doesn’t provide healthy food.
B.It’s necessary for us to learn how to protect our rights.
C.We should pay more attention when buying things in the supermarket.
D.The Consumer Association can solve all kinds of problems.


1. As they talked, two secretaries sat behind them and took_______ (笔记), jotting down
    everything they said.
2. There's a lot of_______ (交通) in the rush hour.
3. How much did your dress_______ (花费)?
4. Do you often go out for your_______ (假期)?
5. There are two_______ (婴儿)pandas in the zoo.
6. He said_______ (懒惰) was a terrible thing.
7. We are having a_______ (放松的) holiday in a week.
8. Susan does_______ (好) in English than her brother does.
9. He said_______ (帮助) others brought him lots of joy.
10. Tom's hobby is collecting______ (邮票) of animals.

