He is my a friend. 14.This is his a watch. 查看更多



     A long time ago in India, there was a young king and a wise man who was the king's friend. This king was
a good man,   1   he talked too much. In fact, sometimes the king could not stop talking.
     The wise man thought, "I must   2   the king talk less. But how?"
     There was a lake not   3   from the palace. A tortoise and two birds lived near the lake, and they were   4   
good friends. One day, the birds said to the tortoise, "  5   are going to a beautiful mountain tomorrow.   6   you
like to come with us?"
     The tortoise answered, "  7   can I go with you? I can't fly."
     "We can take you," the birds said. "Hold a stick in your mouth, and we'll carry the stick between us."
     "Thank you. You're very   8  , "said the exited tortoise.
     "Bite on (咬住) the stick,and don't   9  . If you open your mouth, you'll fall," the birds said.
     The next day, the king and the wise man saw the two  10  in the sky. "Look!" said the king. "Those birds
are carrying  11 ! What is it?"
     The tortoise heard this and wanted to say. "I'm a tortoise! I'm flying!" He opened his mouth to say it, and
 12  the ground.
     "It's a dead tortoise!" said the  13 . "Why did it fall from the sky?"
     The wise man answered, "This talkative tortoise couldn't hold onto the stick  14  it couldn't keep its mouth
shut. Great King, this shows us how bad it is to talk  15 ."
     The king said, "I understand you, my friend." And after that he became a wiser and less talkative king.
(     )1. A. but     
(     )2. A. hear    
(     )3. A. in front
(     )4. A. either  
(     )5. A. You     
(     )6. A. Should  
(     )7. A. How     
(     )8. A. polite  
(     )9. A. jump    
(     )10. A. Indians
(     )11. A. nothing
(     )12. A. fell to
(     )13. A. king   
(     )14. A. so     
(     )15. A. a little
B. and      
B. help     
B. far away 
B. both     
B. They     
B. Would    
B. What     
B. lucky    
B. fly      
B. tortoises
B. anything 
B. flew over
B. wise man   
B. because  
B. too much 
C. or       
C. watch    
C. near     
C. all      
C. People   
C. Could    
C. When     
C. happy    
C. talk     
C. birds    
C. something    
C. ran away 
C. tortoise 
C. whether  
C. too many 
D. so        
D. see       
D. behind    
D. neither   
D. We        
D. Might     
D. Where     
D. kind      
D. climb     
D. friends   
D. everything           
D. walked on 
D. birds     
D. though    
D. a bit     



1.Mr Hu has _______________ (probable) gone to London to watch the Olympic Games.

2.It is thoughtful of you _______________ (play) the CDs for us.

3.Aunt Wang has a _______________  (live) daughter. She can both sing and dance well.

4.You have only waited for me for ten minutes! You are too _______________  (patient).

5.I have had my car ______________ (mend) since four days ago.

6.My friend John likes telling jokes. He is very _______________  (humour).

7.Try to finish all your summer homework in the _______________  (one) week.

8.The boy is very lazy and his parents feel very ________ (worry) about him

9.The patient closed his eyes            (peace), and the doctor began to operate on him.

10.Listen! Henry _______________ (argue) with his teacher about Chinese football.

11._______(wear)blue clothes, and you will feel calm and peaceful..

12.They have some difficulty making a ___________ (decide)

13.This summer, the terrible weather----typhoon(台风) has greatly_________(affect) our moods.

14.The students prefer going out to            (stay) at home.

15.You will be very luck this month and you _____________ (give) some money.



  Millie and Simon find a youth worker's website. There are some e-mails from teenagers all over the world. Read four of the e-mails.

  Hi, my name is Joanna. I live with my family in a small town. My parents are very strict. They disagree on everything I do. For example, when I talk on the phone, they always tell me to stop. I like talking on the phone because I am not allowed to go out with friends. It is my only chance to communicate with people. I talk on the phone in my free time. What is wrong with that? I only talk to my best friends. The caller's number is displayed on the phone so my parents can always tell who is calling me. Why do they still not let me talk to my friends on the phone?

  My name is Irene. I like looking up information on the Internet but my parents say I should concentrate more on schoolwork. I am stressed. They say learning is good. Why should I only learn from books? I can learn from the internet as well. They say time is valuable but they watch TV all the time. I do not want to give up my Internet time. What should I tell my parents? Please give me some advice.

  This is Tom. How can I keep a balance between friendship and schoolwork? My family moved to this city two years ago. I didn't have a friend here. My parents always tell me to study hard so I can improve my English and Maths. I know it is important to get good marks but I want to have a colourful life, too. Every day, I spend many hours studying I achieve good marks but I still have no friends. I need help!

  I am May. Please tell me what I should do. My parents control my life! They tell me what to do, what to wear, when to eat, when to sleep and many other things. I am 15 but they think I am still a baby. They never let me go out with my friends. They do not let me watch TV except the news. What should I do?

Mille is telling her mother the problems of the four teenagers. Her mother is cooking so she misses some information. Help Mille answer her mother's questions. Choose the correct answers.

1 Mrs Wang: How do Joanna's parents know who is calling?


A. Her parents will take messages for her.

B. The caller's number is displayed on the phone.

C. Joanna tells her parents.

2 Mrs Wang: What does Irene like doing on the Internet?


A. She likes chatting.

B. She likes listening to music.

C. She likes looking up information.

3 Mrs Wang: Why is Tom studying so hard?


A. He wants to improve his English and Chinese.

B. He wants to improve his English and Maths.

C. He wants to find a good job.

4 Mrs Wang: How old is May?


A. She is 13 years old.

B. She is 14 years old.

C. She is 15 years old.


小题1:Mr Hu has _______________ (probable) gone to London to watch the Olympic Games.
小题2:It is thoughtful of you _______________ (play) the CDs for us.
小题3:Aunt Wang has a _______________  (live) daughter. She can both sing and dance well.
小题4:You have only waited for me for ten minutes! You are too _______________  (patient).
小题5:I have had my car ______________ (mend) since four days ago.
小题6:My friend John likes telling jokes. He is very _______________  (humour).
小题7:Try to finish all your summer homework in the _______________  (one) week.
小题8:The boy is very lazy and his parents feel very ________ (worry) about him
小题9:The patient closed his eyes            (peace), and the doctor began to operate on him.
小题10:Listen! Henry _______________ (argue) with his teacher about Chinese football.
小题11:_______(wear)blue clothes, and you will feel calm and peaceful..
小题12:They have some difficulty making a ___________ (decide)
小题13:This summer, the terrible weather----typhoon(台风) has greatly_________(affect) our moods.
小题14:The students prefer going out to            (stay) at home.
小题15:You will be very luck this month and you _____________ (give) some money.


第一节 根据所听内容,选择相应的图画。听每段材料前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。(共4个小题,每小题1分)

















第二节 听对话,然后选择正确答案。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。(共8个小题,每小题1分)


5.When did John watch the football match?

A.Yesterday morning.

B.Yesterday afternoon.

C.Last night.

6.Where will the two speakers go?

A.To a bookshop.

B.To a hospital.

C.To a school.

7.How was the weather yesterday?




8.Why can't Jack go to the movie?

A.Because he has to do much housework.

B.Because he has to visit a woman.

C.Because he has to wait for his best friend.


9.What do the two speakers talk about?




10.Who invented tea?


B.The emperor Shen Nong.



11.Where did Tina leave her backpack?

A.At home.

B.At school.

C.On the bus.

12.How did Tina feel this morning?




第三节 听短文,然后根据短文内容判断下列句子的正误(T/F)。(共4个小题,每小题1分)

13.Peter has a lovely dog.

14.Peter has no time to look after Kitty now.

15.Peter is studying for a math competition.

16.The competition will be held next month.

第四节 根据你所听到的内容,填写下面的表格,每空不超过3个单词。(共4个小题,每小题1分)

My new friend,Jane

