在B栏中找出A 栏相对应的答语. A B ( ) 46. Good morning. A. I am. ( ) 47. Who is on duty today? B. That’s all right. ( ) 48. Are we all here today? C. Thank you. ( ) 49. Nice to see you. D. Good morning, sir! ( ) 50. How old are you, Miss Green? E. Yes, we are. ( ) 51. How are you? F. See you! ( ) 52. Excuse me, where’s the washroom, please? G. Nice to see you, too. ( ) 53. Welcome to China! H. It’s a secret. ( ) 54. I’m sorry. I. Fine, thanks! And you? ( ) 55. See you later! J. It’s this way! 查看更多



情景对话,在B 栏中找出A栏相对应的答语。
(     ) 1. Hurry up, I want to be the first one to get to the top of the mountain.
(     ) 2. Why don't you go fishing?
(     ) 3. Who is in the office?
(     ) 4. What are you going to do to night?
(     ) 5. Let's go to the zoo. 
a. Mr. Green.
b. Because it's not fine.
c. OK, let's go.
d. Oh, I am too tired.
e. I have many things to find and to pack.


(     )1. How much is the bicycle?     
(     )2. Where are you going?         
(     )3. Where is the hotel?          
(     )4. May I help you?              
(     )5. Does your uncle walk to work?
(     )6. How is the weather?          
(     )7. How old is your brother?     
(     )8. What day is today?           
A. Near the school.                  
B. Yes. I want to buy a shirt.       
C. It's rainy.                       
D. It's Tuesday.                     
E. It's one hundred and fifty yuan.  
F. To the park.                      
G. He's eleven years old.            
H. No. He goes to work on his bicycle.


A                     B
小题1:Where are my books?        A: It’s on the chair.
小题2:Where is his baseball?       B: Yes, it is.
小题3:Are these your keys?         C: This is my uncle.
小题4:Is the hat under the bed?     D: No, she isn’t.
小题5:Who’s this?                 E: They’re in your backpack.
小题6:Is she your mother?         F: It’s next to the door.
小题7:Where’s her sofa? G: No, they aren’t. They’re John’s parents.
小题8:What’s this?                H: Yes, they are.
小题9:Are they your parents?       I: They are his grandparents.
小题10:Who are they?              J: It’s a drawer.



           A                                          B

46. Can you speak more slowly, please?               A. Go along this street to the end

47. I don’t feel well today.                        B. Thanks, but I am full..

48. Help yourself to some dumplings               C. Sorry, I thought you can follow me.

49. Excuse me, how can I go to the Bank of China?    D. OK ,it’s a piece of cake.  

50. Can you repair my watch ?                   E. You had better see a doctor.                             


⑴ 从B栏中找出与A栏相对应的答语,并在答题卡的相应位置将其涂黑。 (5分)
小题1:How far is your home from school?  A. It’s great! I really love living there.
小题2:I wish I could fly to the moon one day.     B. It’s two o’clock.
小题3:What’s the time now?  C. About ten minutes’ C.walk.
小题4:How do you like living in the country?      D. Of course not.
小题5:Would you mind my opening the window? E. I hope your dream will come true.

