---- are they? ---They are my friends. a.Who b.Whose c.Which d.What 查看更多



----____ are they? ---They are my friends.

a.Who     b.Whose    c.Which d.What


--________are they?

--They aye my friends.

[  ]






Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage.

  There was once a kind man whose name was Oliver Goldsmith. He wrote many interesting books, some of which you will read when you are older.

  He had a gentle heart. He was always 1 and to share with them anything that he had. He gave away so much to the poor while he was always poor himself. He was sometimes called Doctor Goldsmith, for he had 2 to be a physician.

  One day a poor woman asked Doctor Goldsmith to go and see her husband, who was sick and could not eat. Goldsmith did so. He found that the family was 3 . The man had not had work for a long time. He was not sick, but in great trouble and there was not any food in the house. Call at my room this evening, said Goldsmith to the woman, and I will give you 4 for your husband.

  In the evening the woman went to his home. He gave her a little paper box that was very heavy. 5 the medicine, he said. Use it faithfully, and I think it will do your husband a great deal of good. But don't open the box until you reach home. What are the directions for 6 it? asked the woman. You'll find them in the box,he answered.

  When the woman reached her home, she sat down by her husband's side, and they opened the box. What do you think they found in it? It was full of pieces of money. And 7 were the directions: TO BE TAKEN AS OFTEN AS NECESSITY REQUIRES: Goldsmith had given them all the money that he had.

(1) A.ready to help others

    C.pleased to visit his friends

B.busy doing work

D.happy to make money

(2) A.once




(3) A.very rich

    C.very small

B.very large

D.in great need of help

(4) A.some books

B.some medicine


D.some work

(5) A.Here is

B.Here you see

C.You have

D.I'll sell you

(6) A.buying




(7) A.at the bottom

B.on the surface

C.in the bag

D.on the top


     I have a friend who is from the UK. He smokes a lot every day. He'll be 40 this year and 4 years ago
 his doctor told him he wouldn't make it to 50. That's about when his daughter will graduate from high
 school. I hope he can give up smoking by that.
     Choosing to be a smoker isn't really a personal decision. Most smokers start smoking before they are
 18 years old, and most become addicted (上瘾的) after just a few cigarettes. I think we should stop
 factories from producing cigarettes.
     I'm 17 now. I don't think I will smoke in the future. Sometimes I also try to stop my father from smoking.
  Smoking is very harmful to our health and can drive people to death. Let's do something right now in our
 own families.
     Smoking causes millions of young deaths and affects (影响) everyone's heath. It's high time to stop this,
 but I'm afraid smokers won't like to stop, even though they know it's harmful.
1. What does the doctor mean by "he wouldn't make it to 50"?
    A. He shouldn't have 50 cigarettes every day.
    B. He should give up smoking when he was 50.
    C. He could only have at most 50 cigarettes a day.
    D. He would die before he was 50.
2. _____ thinks people should stop producing cigarettes.
    A. Tom
    B. Mary
    C. Lucy
    D. Peter
3. Whose father is a smoker?
    A. Tom's.
    B. Mary's.
    C. Lucy's.
    D. Peter's
4. The four persons all _____. 
    A. like smoking
    B. have friends who like smoking
    C. have taken some actions to stop smoking
    D. think people shouldn't smoke
5. Which of the following is true?
    A. Tom's friend died of smoking.
    B. Mary has been a smoker since she was 18.
    C. Lucy doesn't smoke.
    D. Peter shows no interest in stopping smoking.


Lisa has always been overweight. She wanted to lose weight, not just because she wanted to  16   more beautiful and he healthier, but also because it would make life easier. For example, it was   17  for Lisa to find ready-made clothes that would fit. She had to ask a tailor(裁缝)  18  clothes that were large enough. In school, she needed a special chair  19  was bigger and stronger than the other chairs. If she went for a walk, she got tired very quickly. She was also unhappy about the way people treated  20  sometimes. “People look at me and even make fun of me. That’s unfair! It’s true that I’m overweight, but I don’t think people   21  treat me differently because I’m big. I can’t enjoy  22  with my friends because I’m afraid of getting fatter.” Her friends and family never made fun of her. They tried to help her  23  . They wanted her to be happy and healthy. Sometimes when Lisa was feeling sad, she didn’t want to speak to  24  .

But now things   25  quite different. Last month her classmates were preparing for the School  26  Week. Someone advised Lisa to play the lead role of the proud Queen(女王) who was tall and fat. Lisa   27  and practiced a lot.

Soon after the play, Lisa became the star! She did  28  well that everybody remembered the proud Queen. They stood around her and said “  29  ” to her. She even won the School Best Actress Award for her wonderful performance.

Now Lisa doesn’t worry  30   being fat any more. She believes in the English saying “Every dog has its day.”

1.A. see            B. watch               C. notice           D. look

2.A. easy           B. difficult             C. wrong           D. right

3.A. making         B. makes              C. make            D. to make

4.A. who           B. what                C. which           D. whose

5.A. her            B. him                 C. me             D. you

6.A. can           B. may                C. should            D. must

7.A. having dinner   B. to have dinner        C. doing sports       D. to do sports

8.A. however       B. instead              C. though           D. either

9.A. nobody        B. someone            C. anyone           D. everyone

10.A. was           B. is                  C. were             D. are

11.A. Sports         B. Art                 C. Science          D. Environment

12.A. agreed         B. disagreed            C. refused           D. allowed

13.A. very           B. too                 C. such             D. so

14.A. Sorry          B. Good luck           Congratulations       D. Good-bye

15.A. with           B. about               C. in               D. for


