Where is Polly? G.It’s an egg. 查看更多



      A               B

1. What’s this in English? A.The one behind the door.

2. Are these knives?        B.He‘s my father.

3. Who’s that man? C.It‘s orange.

4. What colour is that orange? D.Yes, they are.

5. How old are you?        E.It’s here.

6. Which boy is your brother?   F.No, it‘s blue.

7. Where is Polly?         G.It’s an egg.

8. Is that coat black?       H.Fourteen.



      A            B

1.What's this in English?    A.The one behind the door.

2.Are these knives?      B.He's my father.

3.Who's that man?      C.It's orange.

4.What colour is that orange?  D.Yes, they are.

5.How old are you?      E.It's here.

6.Which boy is your brother?  F.No, it's blue.

7.Where is Polly?       G.It's an egg.

8.Is that coat black?      H.Fourteen.

