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1.This is an ___________ _____________.    (一把橙色的尺子)

2.What’s your _____________ ________________   ( 电话号码 ) ?

3.That’s her ______________ _____________.(黑色的杯子)

4.My _____________ is _______________ years old. 我的朋友8岁了。

5.Linda is a _____________ _____________ student. 琳达是一名中学生。



At a special ceremony(仪式), a special award was offered
to a group of students from Changjian University on February 11,
2010. They were brave enough to help save two boys from
Changjiang Rive. All the students were there except three, who lost
their lives when they tried to save the boys.

On the afternoon of October 24, 2009, some students were     
taking a trip to Changjiang River. Suddenly two boys fell into the river. Some of them quickly jumped into the water and saved one boy. However, things didn’t go so well when they tried to save the other one. More students joined in, and, hand in hand, they formed a human wall. Finally the other boy was saved.
However, the human wall broke down and many students were swept away by the rushing water. At that moment several members of a winter swimming team nearby came to help and succeeded in saving many of the students. But the three of them, who were only 19, were nowhere to be found.
【小题1】What did the students receive at the ceremony?
【小题2】 Were all the students who saved the boys at the ceremony?
【小题3】What was described in the second paragraph?
【小题4】Why were many students rushed away by the water?
【小题5】 What’s your idea after reading this story?


你手里拿着一张字母卡片问别人时,应说: __________________

A.What's this?

B.What's your name?

C.How are you?

D.What color is it?



-- _______________   -- P-E-N.

A. What’s this?                   B. Spell “pen”, please. 

C. What color is it?                D. What’s your name?



Nowadays we can see more and more electric bikes in the street. Electric bikes are easy to  36  . They run fast and make no pollution. So they become very   37   in many big cities in China.
But the electric bikes also  38 more traffic accidents. So China plans to make a new rule
  39  the electric bike riders. If an electric bike is   40   than 40 kilos and can go faster than 20 kilometers an hour, its rider must get a   41 . It means riders have to pass driving tests  42 
they ride their electric bikes on the road.
People have different ideas about the plan.   43   welcome the plan because they think it will make the street much safer. But some are not   44   the new rules at all. One rider said, “I don’t want to get a license or anything. That’s too much   45 .” What’s your idea?
【小题1】A. listen                       B. play                               C. ride
【小题2】A. popular                     B. difficult                            C. strong
【小题3】A. share                         B. cause                               C. protect
【小题4】A. for                              B. to                                C. from
【小题5】A. bigger                        B. heavier                             C. longer
【小题6】A. license                      B. photo                             C. ID card
【小题7】A. during                     B. after                                 C. before
【小题8】A. None                          B. Some                              C. Each
【小题9】A. happy with                  B. worried about                    C. sorry about
【小题10】A. help                          B. pleasure                            C. trouble

