Is that her ring the Lost and Found case? A. at B. in C. on D. by 查看更多




1.S          is my aunt, Ms Jones.

2.Your pencil is h         . His pencil is over there.

3.Is that her family p         ? It's very nice.

4.Mr Green is not my u         . He is my father.

5.This is Mrs Brown's d         , Gina.



【小题1】The      (词典) are not on the table.
【小题2】This is a      (紫色的) jacket.
【小题3】They have some      (手表).
【小题4】Is that her      (书包).
【小题5】These     (照片) are Sally’s.


—Is that her book?

    —Yes, ______. It is nice.

      A. it’s          B. it is          C. it is not         D. it isn’t




1.This is my book. (改为一般疑问句)  _____  ______  ______ book?

2.This is a dictionary. (画线部分提问)    ________   this?

3.Is this your ruler? (否定回答)    _______,  ______   ______.

4.Is that her watch? (改为肯定的陈述句) _______  _______ her watch.

5.How are you? (回答)   ______  fine.



Hello, I’m Linda. This is a photo of my friend’s family. Her name is Jane. These are her parents, Jeff Brown and Emily Brown. Those are her brothers, Harry and Dick. Is that her grandfather? Yes, it is. His name is Henry.


1.What’s Jane’s family name?

A. Brown    B. Linda     C. Jeff     D. Emily

2.Jeff and Emily are          parents.

A. Linda’s    B. Rick’s   C. Henry’s   D. Jane’s

3.Harry and Dick are         .

A. sisters     B. brothers   C. cousins  D. parents

4.Jane is Linda’s        .

A. sister   B. mother     C. friend    D. mother

5.Is Dick Henry’s son?

A. Yes, he is.                    B. No, he isn’t.

C. I don’t know.(不知道)        D. Yes, it is.


