( ) 1. This is a picture of my classroom. ( ) 2. The bed is next to the desk . ( ) 3. My English book is in the backpack . ( ) 4. My backpack is behind the chair . ( ) 5. The volleyball is under the chair . 查看更多



Helping your children to read and write at home will improve their skills and confidence—it will also make them get ready for learning in the classroom environment.

        are needed by every child in every subject in every year of their life in or outside school. Students who improve their reading and writing skills will increase their vocabulary and their ability(能力)to use the English language correctly. As parents, you can play an important role in improving your children’s literacy(读写能力). You can make a difference by listening, asking questions, giving information, and reading with your children outside school hours.

Here are 8 tips on how to help your children to read and write:

²   having everyday conversations with your children

²   trying to ask more “wh-” questions instead of easy “yes” or “no” questions

²   encouraging your children to talk about events you don’t know

²   reading to your children each night

²   listening to your children read

²   teaching your children how to use dictionaries

²   talking about your children’s writings

²   practicing filling in forms, writing letters, sending cards or emails

You can also encourage your children to join the Reading Challenge Club and discuss the books they are reading together. In the club, children must read 15 books from the Challenge book list and 5 more books chosen by themselves. There are over 1,000 books on the list. The reading must be done in one year. What’s more, it is a wonderful way to help your children to write. For example, you can encourage them to write diaries or book reviews. Remember to make positive comments as much as possible.

1.This passage is mainly written for __________.

A. children      B. teachers     C. parents      D. doctors

2.__________ is the best for the missing part in Paragraph 2.

A. “Listening and speaking skills”         B. “Reading and writing skills”

C. “Listening and writing skills”      D. “Reading and listening skills”

3.__________ is NOT mentioned in the 8 tips above.

   A. “Listening to the radio every day    ” 

B. “Listening to your children read”

   C. “Reading to your children each night”          

D. “Talking about your children’s writings”

4.In the Reading Challenge Club, children have to read __________ in one year.

A. 5 books          B. 10 books  C. 15 books            D. 20 books

5.Parents can help children to write by encouraging them to__________.

A. draw pictures or take photos         B. listen to pop music 

C. write diaries or book reviews            D. play computer games



Helping your children to read and write at home will improve their skills and confidence—it will also make them get ready for learning in the classroom environment.

        are needed by every child in every subject in every year of their life in or outside school. Students who improve their reading and writing skills will increase their vocabulary and their ability(能力)to use the English language correctly. As parents, you can play an important role in improving your children’s literacy(读写能力). You can make a difference by listening, asking questions, giving information, and reading with your children outside school hours.

Here are 8 tips on how to help your children to read and write:

²  having everyday conversations with your children

²  trying to ask more “wh-” questions instead of easy “yes” or “no” questions

²  encouraging your children to talk about events you don’t know

²  reading to your children each night

²  listening to your children read

²  teaching your children how to use dictionaries

²  talking about your children’s writings

²  practicing filling in forms, writing letters, sending cards or emails

You can also encourage your children to join the Reading Challenge Club and discuss the books they are reading together. In the club, children must read 15 books from the Challenge book list and 5 more books chosen by themselves. There are over 1,000 books on the list. The reading must be done in one year. What’s more, it is a wonderful way to help your children to write. For example, you can encourage them to write diaries or book reviews. Remember to make positive comments as much as possible.


1.This passage is mainly written for __________.

A. children             B. teachers         C. parents          D. doctors

2.__________ is the best for the missing part in Paragraph 2.

A. “Listening and speaking skills”              B. “Reading and writing skills”

C. “Listening and writing skills”               D. “Reading and listening skills”

3.__________ is NOT mentioned in the 8 tips above.

   A. “Listening to the radio every day”        B. “Listening to your children read”

   C. “Reading to your children each night”     D. “Talking about your children’s writings”

4. In the Reading Challenge Club, children have to read __________ in one year.

A. 5 books              B. 10 books         C. 15 books         D. 20 books

5. Parents can help children to write by encouraging them to__________.

A. draw pictures or take photos             B. listen to pop music 

C. write diaries or book reviews                D. play computer games




Shop F.Y. – Elisabeth Online Shopping!

Do you want to buy some good things? Do you want to buy them at low prices? Do you want to buy them at home? Do you want to buy them right now?

F. Y. can help you!

There are hundreds of good things for you to choose. Just do it! The thing you need is a computer. Here is the way to buy things online.

1. Choose a kind of thing you want to buy and click on the describing words. For example, if you want to buy a sweater, you can click on the word – clothes.

2. Choose the color and size. If you want a small black sweater, you can click on the words- small and black.

3. You can see a list of small black sweaters with the price. You just click on the sweater you like.

4. Enter your name, address, telephone number and ID card number.

OK! The shop assistant will send your sweater in one day. Isn’t it easy? Enjoy your shopping here!

1.This ad is for_____________.

A.a job             B.a shop            C.sweaters          D.computers

2.If you buy something ________, the first thing you need is a computer.

A.online            B.at school          C.on TV             D.in a shop

3.After you find sweaters online, you want a small black one and you can click

on “__________”.

A.clothes           B.small             C.black             D.small and black

4.What don’t you need to enter into the computer?

A.Your name.                            B.Your address.

C.Your ID card number.                     D.Your age.

5.What does the underlined word “click” mean?

A.查找             B.点击             C.选择           D.勾出




  This is a song millions of Americans will hear this New Year's Eve.It is called Auld Lang Syne(《友谊地久天长》).It is the traditional music played during the New Year's celebration.Auld Lang Syne is an old Scottish poem.It tells about the need to remember old friends.

  The words“auld fang syne”mean“old long since”.No one knows who wrote the poem first.However,a version by Scottish poet Robert Bums was published(出版)in 1796.The words and music we know today first appeared in a songbook three years later.

  The song is played in the United States mainly on New Year's Eve.The version you are hearing today is by the Washington Saxophone Quartet.As we end our program with Auld Lang Syne,I would like to wish all our radio friends a very Happy New Year!This is Buddy Thomas.


This passage is from ________.

[  ]


a newspaper


a magazine


a TV program


a radio program


________ is introducing Auld Lang Syne to us.

[  ]


Robert Bums


The Washington Saxophone Quartet


Buddy Thomas


The passage doesn't tell us


From the passage,we know that the song Auld Lang Syne is mainly played in the USA ________.

[  ]


on New Year's Eve


on Christmas Eve


on weekends


on holidays


The words and music of Auld Lang Syne we know today first appeared ________.

[  ]


in 1790


in 1793


in 1796


in 1799


The song Auld Lang Syne is about ________.

[  ]


the history of Scotland


an old Scottish poet


the need to remember old friends


the wishes to the radio friends


Have you ever rubbed your hands together when they get cold? Why do we do that? We do that for friction. Friction happens when two things that aren’t very smooth rub together to make heat energy. The faster you rub two things together, the more friction ( and heat) you can make. Let’s discover friction!


·Soap ·Water·Your hands!


Make sure your hands are dirty.

Rub your hands together until you feel the heat of your hands.

Now, use soap and water to get your hands very slippery(滑的).

Try to make friction happen while your hands are slippery.

Please write down what has happened.


Friction is an energy that happens when two things rub together. When friction happens, it makes heat! When your hands are slippery, they won’t make very much friction and your hands won’t get so hot.


Friction happens when you stop your fast running bike.

Ancient people made fire by rubbing two pieces of wood together. Friction happened though they didn’t know it.


Friction is everywhere. Have you ever noticed situations where friction is happening? If not, ask your parents to take you out in a car. If it is not hot, touch the tires(轮胎) of the car before and after a short drive to see how much warmer they get from friction.

1. This text is most probably________________________.

A. a science report????????????? ????????????? ?????????????   B. a car advertisement

C. a rubbing introduction?????? D. a chemistry programme

2.What does the word “friction” in this text mean in Chinese????????

A.摩擦????????????? ????????????? B. 冷却??????? C. 膨胀????????????? ????????????? ????? D.震动

3.___________ is not an example of friction.

A. Bike riding????????????? B. Car driving??? C. Hands rubbing????????????? ? D.Friction discovering

4.What’s the last column(栏目)?

A. THINK IT OVER!????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ?? B. WHAT HAPPENED?



