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Once, there was a wild donkey (驴) and a tame (驯养的) donkey.

  The wild donkey was thin and small. He spent his life in the ____. The grass on the hill was his food all the year around. Sometimes, he had to walk miles to find clean water and at night there was always ____ from lions. The tame donkey was much fatter and ____. During summer, the owner fed him grass while in ____, he was given corn and hay (干草) to eat. There was always clean water for him to ____ and at night he stayed inside safely.

  The wild donkey always wished he could live ____ the tame donkey.

  One day, the wild donkey was looking for grass on the hill. Looking down, he saw the tame donkey walking slowly along the road, ____ heavy wood. As he watched, the tame donkey stopped to eat some ____ by the roadside. Suddenly, his owner began to drive him with a ____.

  “I don’t want your way of life,” thought the wild donkey. “I see that you have to pay ____ for the food they give you.”

1.A. house     B. zoo     C. wild     D. river

2.A. danger     B. noise     C. drink    D. food

3.A. taller     B. shorter    C. weaker   D. stronger

4.A. spring     B. summer    C. autumn   D. winter

5.A. eat      B. smell     C. drink    D. feel

6.A. with      B. without    C. like     D. unlike

7.A. cutting     B. carrying   C. eating    D. burning

8.A. grass     B. meat     C. fish     D. water

9.A. stick      B. knife     C. fork     D. string

10.A. easy     B. easily     C. heavy    D. heavily



【小题1】 He has shorter hair than Sam.(一般疑问句)
    he      shorter hair than Sam?
【小题2】 Sam is thin.  Jim is fat.(用比较级合并)
Sam is        than Jim .
【小题3】I don’t buy the watch because it’s expensive. (提问) 
______  don’t you ______ the watch?
【小题4】 My mother gave it to you. (提问)               
______  ______ it to you?
【小题5】 I bought something for my father。(一般疑问句) 
_____ you _____  for you father.


Tea is a popular drink in China. Many people can’t live if they don’t have it. Chinese tea has a long history going back more than 5,000 years. A famous person over 1000 years ago wrote a book about how to make tea. Its name is The Classic of Tea.
Today, China has different kinds of tea: white, yellow, green, oolong, black, and dark tea. People in different places have different tea drinking habits. People in Guangdong and Fujian love “Kung Fu Tea” in small tea cups. People in Beijing like flower green tea. In Lasha, people like to drink salty butter tea (酥油茶) to be healthy.
There are rules for making tea for friends. It’s not good to make the cup full(满的), because the cup will be too hot for people to hold.
【小题1】Did we have tea around 5,000 years ago?
A. Yes, we did.            
B. No, we didn’t.             
C. I don’t know.
【小题2】How many kinds of tea are there in China now?
A. There are five.             
B. There are six.              
C.There are seven.
【小题3】 What kind of tea do people in Guangdong love?
A.Salty butter tea.            
B.Flower tea.                  
C. Kung Fu tea.
【小题4】 Why do the people in Lasha love salty butter tea?
A. To get thin.                
B. To keep warm.               
C. To keep healthy.
【小题5】 What is the rule of making tea for friends?
A. Make the cup full.          
B. Don’t make the cup too full.
C. Don’t make it too hot.


Alexis Rocha is a 13-year-old boy from California, US. He weighs 147 pounds (67 kg). But six months ago, he weighed more than 202 pounds (91 kg). How did he lose all that weight in only half a year?
“One day, I was surprised to find that I weighed about 200 pounds,” Rocha says. “I thought I had to do something.”
Rocha is from a boxing (拳击) family—his father and two older brothers are professional boxers. So he decided to start boxing. He began with simple exercises, like sit-ups and push-ups (俯卧撑). Then Rocha started jogging(慢跑). “No kid likes running,” he says. “I don’t want to do it, either, but I have no choice but to keep on.”
Months later, Rocha joined a boxing club in his city. He is always the first kid at the club to begin exercising, and the last to leave with sweat (汗水) on his face. Every day he boxes for about three hours.
“Rocha works very hard,” says his coach, Hector Lopez. “It’s surprising to see him lose the pounds so quickly. I’ve never seen anything like this in my 20 years of coaching.”
Rocha is very happy with his weight now. There is a family photo in his room from 18 months ago. “Each time I look at the photo, I laugh at myself. I was so big back then,” Rocha says. “I look 100 times thinner and 1,000 times stronger now.”
【小题1】How much weight did Rocha lose in six months?
A. At least 24 pounds.     B. At least 30 pounds.      C. At least 55 pounds.
【小题2】 Rocha said he had no choice but to keep on running because_______.
A. he liked running very much
B. he wanted to be thin and strong
C. he wanted to be a professional boxer
【小题3】What makes Coach Hector Lopez surprised?
A. Rocha lost weight so quickly.
B. Rocha was so fat 18 months ago.
C. Rocha comes from a boxing family.
【小题4】What’s the correct order of the following sentences?
a. He did some sit-ups and push-ups.
b. He lost the pounds quickly.
c. He joined a boxing club.
d. He began running.
f. He boxed for about three hours every day.
A. a-d-c-f-b     B. d-a-f-c-b     C. a-d-f-c-b 
【小题5】The writer mainly wants to tell us _______.
A. Rocha is a hardworking boy
B. it is important to get exercise
C. everything is possible if you work hard



A.What do you think of this coat?

B.It’s OK.It looks good on you.


B.Why don’t you try on this one?

A.Yes ,that’s quite a nice color .Oh,no! It’s 50 dollars._________2________________

B.Let’s find something cheaper.Here there are .This one is only 20 dollars.Put it on .There ! What is it like ?


B.Does it feel warm ?

A.Yes ,it does .It’s not as thin as the other one.


A.Yes ,I think will be very useful,now the winter is coming.

B.Hurry up then !_______5____________.

A.Ok ,I won’t be long .I will go and pay for this coat.

A.I must go and catch my bus soon.     B.Have you got a cheaper one,please?

C.That’stoo dear for me.              D.It feels much better than the other one.

E.How about this one.                F.I don’t think it’s thick enough.

G.Do you want to get it then?


