---He is never late for school .He goes to school early. A.usually B.often C. sometimes D. always 查看更多



I want to tell you some things about Frank’s weekend. He is one of my best  . Frank usually gets up       on weekdays. He is never late for school.       at the weekend, he gets up late. He has breakfast at 9:00.Then he cleans his room and       the radio for about      hour. After that he       to do his homework. At about 11:30, he often cooks ___    for his family. In the afternoon, he usually plays volleyball       his friends. Sometimes he goes to the library and       books in the afternoon. He enjoys his weekend very much because it’s       for him. 
小题1:A. brother        B. classmate      C. friends
小题2:A. early         B. late           C. soon
小题3:A.And         B.But           C.So
小题4:A. hears        B. sounds        C. listens to
小题5:A. a            B. the            C.an
小题6:A.finishes       B. starts        C. want
小题7:A.breakfast      B. lunch        C. dinner
小题8:A.for           B. of           C. with
小题9:A.looks         B. sees          C. reads
小题10:A.boring       B. busy          C. relaxing



  An office meeting starts at 10 a. m.Hans, a German, is already waiting at 9∶55.Na-than, an American, arrives right at 10 o'clock.In the next five minutes a few others hurry in.But Raul, the visitor from Brazil, walks in at 10∶30.He doesn't even think he' s late.

  How different the understanding of time is around the world! Germans like arriving early.Americans plan to arrive just on time.Brazilians think it OK to be half an hour late.

  In 1884, a clock in Greenwich, England, set the standard(标准的)time around the world, which is known as GMT(Greenwich Mean Time).But it couldn't standardize(使标准化)when people will arrive for a 10 a.m. meeting.

  As people have different understanding of time, all cultures(文化)can be put into one of the two groups:time-oriented(导向的)and event-oriented.Time goes first in time-oriented culture.In event-oriented culture, what happens is more important than when.Such knowledge is important for today's world travelers.

  Not understanding these different ideas about time can sometimes bring trouble.For example, American students often quickly exchange “how are you?”and “fine”as they rush to make class on time.But event-oriented students see this exchange as impolite.Before they can say anything more than “fine”, the American student has already hurried past them.

  What can the world traveler do to avoid(避免)such time related trouble? Follow the age-old rule:When in Rome, do as the Romans do


If the school starts at 8∶30 a.m. what time does your German friend probably arrive?

[  ]


Around 8∶25 a. m.


Right at 8∶30 a. m.


Around 9∶00 a. m.


After 9∶00 a. m.


Which of the following does not belong to the time-oriented culture?

[  ]


People care about time more than anything else.


People don't really mind whether they are late.


People often hurry past you with short greetings.


Everything usually takes place at the planned time.


What does the underlined sentence“When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”mean in this passage?

[  ]


You should do everything as the Romans do when you go to Rome.


You should do what the Romans tell you to if you are in Rome.


You should know the time-idea of the local people and do as they do.


You should do everything as the local people do when you are in a new place.


Which of the following is true?

[  ]


People from different cultures have the same idea about time.


It's quite usual for a time-oriented person to be late.


Different understandings of time never bring any trouble.


An event-oriented person may feel uncomfortable in the USA.


Which of the following is the best title?

[  ]


Greenwich Mean Time


How to avoid time-related trouble


Different cultures, different understandings of time


Time-oriented culture


     An office meeting starts at 10 a.m.. Hans, a German, is already waiting at 9:55. Nathan, an American,
arrives right at 10 o'clock. In the next five minutes a few others hurry in. But Raul, the visitor from Brazil,
walks in at 10:30. He doesn't even think he's late. How different the understanding of time is around the world! Germans like arriving early. Americans plan to arrive just on time. Brazilians think it OK to be half an hour late.
     In 1884, a clock in Greenwich, England, set the standard (标准的) time around the world, which is known
as GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). But it couldn't standardize (使标准化) when people will arrive for a 10 a.m. meeting.
     As people have different understanding of time, all cultures (文化) can be put into one of the two groups:
time-oriented (导向的) and event-oriented. Time goes first in time-orient cultures. In event-orient culture,
what happens is more important than when. Such knowledge is important for today's world travelers.
     Not understanding these different ideas about time can sometimes bring trouble. For example, American
students often quickly exchange "how are you?" and "fine" as they rush to make class on time. But event-orient
students see this exchange as impolite. Before they can say anything more than "fine", the American student
has already hurried past them.
     What can the world traveler do to avoid (避免) such time-related trouble? Follow the age-old rule: When
in Rome, do as the Romans do.
1. If the school starts at 8:30 a.m., what time does your German friend probably arrive?
A. Around 8:25 a.m.
B. Right at 8:30 a.m.
C. Around 9:00 a.m.
D. After 9:00 a.m.
2. Which of the following does not belong to the time-oriented culture?
A. People care about time more than anything else.
B. People don't really mind whether they are late.
C. People often hurry past you with short greetings.
D. Everything usually takes place at the planned time.
3. What does the underlined sentence "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." mean in this passage?
A. You should do everything as the Romans do when you go to Rome.
B. You should do what the Romans tell you to if you are in Rome.
C. You should know the time-idea of the local people and do as they do.
D. You should do everything as the local people do when you are in a new place.
4. Which of the following is true?
A. People from different cultures have the same idea about time.
B. It's quite usual for a time-oriented person to be late.
C. Different understandings of time never bring any trouble.
D. An event-oriented person may feel uncomfortable in the USA.
5. Which of the following is the best title?
A. Greenwich Mean Time
B. How to Avoid Time-related Trouble
C. Different Cultures, Different Understandings of Time
D. Time-oriented Culture





1.A.Yes, she is

B.By learning to forget

C.No, never

2.A.The noise.

B.Her neighbor

C.TV programs

3.A.One hour and a half

B.Seven hours and a half

C.Two hours




5.A.One of her fingers look terrible

B.One of her fingers is cut by a knife

C.One of her fingers was hurt


B.Yes, she does.

C.No, she doesn’t.

7.A.The language isn’t understood easily.

B.The people there are friendly.

C.There’s not much to do.

8.A.Because she is kind

B.Because she is patient

C.Because her classes are very lively.


B.Her hometown

C.The Great wall

10.A.In the forest

B.In Bell Town Neighborhood

C.In the zoo of Bell Town Neighborhood.

第二节 听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后面有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳,每段对话或独白读两遍。


11.What will the girl do after the exam?

A.Stay at home with her parents

B.Live in the country with her parents

C.Live in the country with her grandparents

12.What kind of mater sports can she do there?




13.What’s the name of the dog.



C.They didn’t tell


14.What did Dick think of the English exam?

A.It was very hard

B.It was very easy

C.Some of the questions were easy.

15.Why did Dick think he couldn’t pass the Chinese exam?

A.Because he hated it.

B.Because the exam was easy.

C.Because the exam was too hard.

16.What did the girl next to Mary write on her Chinese exam paper?

A.Only her name.

B.She wrote a short passage.

C.She didn’t write anything.

17.How many subjects do you know they talked about?





18.When did the girl lose the backpack?

A.On her way to school.

B.While she watched a football match.

C.When she played soccer.

19.What’s her telephone number?




20.How long has she had the backpack?

A.15 days

B.Half a week

C.30 days

21.What’s in the backpack?

A.Some magazines.

B.An Mp3

C.A mobile phone


22.What makes most students sleep less than nine hours every night?

A.Watching TV.

B.Playing computer games.

C.Doing their homework.

D.Doing housework.

23.Who else gives children some homework to do except their teachers?

A.Their parents.

B.Other students.

C.The children themselves.

D.Nobody else.

24.How many hours of sleep is good for students’ health?

A.Less than 9 hours.

B.Over 9 hours.

C.Only 9 hours.

D.8 hours.

25.What would happen to student who often goes go bed late and gets up early?

A.He would fall asleep in class.

B.He would do well in study.

C.He would finish his homework fast.

D.He would have good health.


26.When do children in Western countries usually start to do chores to get money? _________

A.When they’re 6

B.When they’re 10

C.When they’re 12

27.Children do chores only on weekends because _________.

A.they have to study from Monday to Friday.

B.they want to play from Monday to Friday.

C.they have nothing to do on weekends.

28.Which of the following do younger kids often do?

A.Look dinner for the family

B.Cut grass

C.Feed the family cat or dog.

29.Older kids have to do more chores to _________.

A.give the younger ones more candy

B.get more money

C.have more candy

30.The writer wants to tell us that _________.

A.getting money is not easy

B.doing chores takes time

C.doing chores is good for kids.

