in the jungle 在热带雨林 查看更多









1 difficult

A not anything

[  ]

2 happen

B at last

[  ]

3 arrive

C something wrong

[  ]

4 at once

D take place

[  ]

5 birthday

E clean with water

[  ]

6 enjoy oneself

F have a god time

[  ]

7 mistake

G reach

[  ]

8 nothing

H immediately

[  ]

9 in the end

I the day you were born

[  ]

10. wash

J. not easy

[  ]


Are you a Harry Potter fan? Lots of kids like the stories. They think J.K. Rowling does a good job writing them. But what if you could write your own Harry Potter story?

  Xiao Yi, a Junior 2 student at Weiyu Middle School in Shanghai, gave Harry a sister in one story, Xiao changes lots of Harry Potter stories to make them more interesting. Xiao doesn't think there are enough bad people in the stories, so she made Harry's new sister Jenny, bad. Harry's, parents adopted(收养)Jenny before their own only child Harry was born and now she wants to be against him. Xiao puts her classmates at Weiyu Middle School into the stories, too. Some of her new characters(人物)are a lot like her friends.It seems my classmates and I are students at Hogwards with Harry,Xiao said.

  Often students at Weiyu also like to change their favorite stories. One third of Xiao's 60 students have written stories like The Lord of Rings in their own way. Xu Qingru, also a Weiyu student, enjoys writing new stories for the Japanese cartoon films Let's Go. In Xu's story, her classmates live together with the brothers Lie and Hao. When Xu finishes part of a story, she usually puts it online for others to read. Xu is happy when classmates and friends online tell her they like her stories. Liu Yun, her Chinese teacher, likes them, too.This girl's novel is full of imagination,Liu said.

(1)________ wrote the novel Harry Potter that is popular in the world.

[  ]

AXiao Yi


CXu Qingru

DJ.K. Rowling

(2)Which of the following is right?

[  ]

AXiao Yi likes bad people in the story.

BXiao Yi changes few of Harry Potter stories.

CXiao Yi's classmates are put into Harry Potter stories by Xiao Yi.

DHarry Potter's parents want to be against Harry in Xiao Yi's story.

(3)The students at Weiyu Middle School _________.

[  ]

Achange their favorite stories

Bhaven't changed the Lord of Rings

Cdon't like writing in their own way

Dhaven't written new stories for Let's Go

(4)Where do Xu Qingru's classmates read her stories?

[  ]

AIn the classroom.


CIn the teacher's office.

DIn her bedroom.

(5)From this story, we know that __________.

[  ]

Athe life of the students at Weiyu Middle School may be rich and interesting

Btheir teachers worry about their study

Call of the students at Weiyu change their favorite stories

DLiu Yun is Xu Qingru's best classmate


  Basketball is still a young game. It is just over a hundred years. In the winter of 1891, a certain college was having some trouble with its boy Students. The weather was bad and the students had to stay indoors. As they could not take part in their usual outdoor sports, they are unhappy, and some of them even get into fights from time to time. Finally, some of the teachers at the college asked Dr. J. E. Naismith to invent a game so that the students might have something to play at. It was not easy to invent such a game because it had to be played indoors, and the court was not very large. Dr. Naismith thought for a few days and invented a kind of ball game. It was a fast, exciting game with much moving and passing of the ball. It was played between two teams. In order to make a score,the ball had to be thrown into a basket ten feet above the floor on the wall. At each end of the court there was such a basket. At first,Dr. Naismith had planned to have the ball thrown into a box. As he couldn't find boxes of the right size, he had to use fruit baskets instead. That is how'the game got its name--basketball.

(1)The passage tells us _________.

[  ]

Awhat basketball was

Bhow basketball was invented

Cwhy people like basketball

Dhow to play basketball

(2)Basketball is _________.

[  ]

Aan old game

Ba game with a long history

Calready over a century old

Da game invented by Japanese

(3)The word "indoors" means ________.

[  ]

Ain the door

Binside the room

Cin many doors

Din the open air

(4)Basketball was invented ________.

[  ]

Ain the winter of 1891

Bin September of 1891

Cin the spring of 1891

Din the summer of 1991

(5)The game got its name from _________.

[  ]

Athe ball itself

Bthe basket itself

Cboth the basket and the ball

Dits inventor



  Many students in the USA always take the school bus to school every day.Parents think taking the school bus is very safe.But sometimes it is also dangerous.Some students died because they broke the school bus rules.

  Here are some bus rules:

  Arrive at the bus station early.

  Wait for the bus at the bus station.

  Don't play around the bus.

  Don't run everywhere at the bus station.

  Don't walk or fight in the bus when it is going.

  Don't try to leave the bus until it stops.

  These rules are good for students.Remember them and don't break them.So you can keep yourself safe.


(1)Taking the school bus to school is always safe.

(2)Students can run everywhere at the bus station.

(3)Students have to sit on their seats when the bus is going.

(4)Students can't get to the bus station late.

(5)Students can be dangerous if they break the school bus rules.



  A:  1  

  B:I was flying a kite with my friends.

  A:  2  

  B:In the park.Many children were flying kites there.

  A:  3  

  B:Yes,but the wind wasn't strong.It was good weather for flying a kite.

  A:  4  

  B:Tony and Betty.They each bought a new kite and got there earlier than I did.

  A:  5  

  B:Yes.We played for about two hours.






