Look at the sign “Don’t smoke on the wall. We smoke here. A. should B. must C. shouldn’t D. can 查看更多



Do you know 3D movies? When you see one, it’s like the story is happening in front of you, and you are a part of it. 3D movies are amazing to watch, but do you know how to make them, and why you need to wear a pair of 3D glasses? To understand these questions, let’s do an easy experiment.

Put a finger in front of your eyes.

Cover your left eye and look at the finger.

Cover your right eye and look at the finger.

What do you see? The finger you see with your left eye is in a different position from the one you see with your right eye. This means you get two images(图像) when you look at something with both your eyes. To make a 3D movie, people have to get two images at the same time, so they use two video cameras. When playing a 3D movie, they use two projectors(放映机) at the same time. This brings two images together on the screen. Then, we use 3D glasses to separate(分离) the two images(1). One image enters one eye and the other image enters the other eye.

Then our brains put the two images together. This way, we get 3D pictures(2).

1.判断正误(“T”表示正确,“F”表示错误)You are a part of the story when you see 3D movies.

2.完成句子3D movies are exciting to watch, but you need to ____________________________.

3.简略回答问题 How do people get two images at the same time to make 3D movies?







    I was so excited after I had found the holiday in the guidebook. It said, “Enjoy a week of sightseeing in one of Europe’s most beautiful cities          staying at one of its best hotels. ” Now I wasn’t so sure. I had waited fifteen minutes at reception (前台) when I            and now the shower in my room wasn’t working. I called hotel reception.

    “Hello. This is Room 308. There isn’t any            in my bathroom. ”

    “Are you sure?”

    “Of course I’m sure!

    “I’ll            our hotel engineer at once. ”

    An hour later, the engineer came to look at the shower. He hit the pipes (管子) a few times and looked          . “Sorry, but I cannot fix it today. Maybe, tomorrow.” Then he            his hand. I couldn’t believe it! He wanted a tip (小费) for doing            ! I was very angry. But suddenly, I had a better idea.            , I gave the engineer a few coins. He hadn’t fixed my shower but he had taught me something about staying in his country. Two minutes later I was at the reception desk. I explained the problem to the receptionist (接待员) and he replied, “Sorry. This is a            situation, but what can we do?” I knew exactly what to do. I gave the hotel manager a very large tip. Fifteen minutes later I            into Room 405. It was twice the size of Room 308, it had a wonderful view (景色) of the city, a comfortable bed and, most importantly, there was water in the bathroom.

1.A. since           B. while              C. after               D. before

2.A. arrived                B. passed           C. left                  D. stopped

3.A. toothpaste B. water             C. shampoo       D. soap

4.A. send           B. catch              C. trouble          D. bring

5.A. proud                  B. worried         C. angry              D. excited

6.A. put up                  B. cleaned up    C. took back      D. held out

7.A. nothing                B. anything        C. something     D. everything

8.A. Seriously    B. Especially      C. Quickly D. Luckily

9.A. helpful                 B. perfect          C. terrible D. busy

10.A. broke                B. looked           C. rushed           D. moved



Henry was a carpenter(木匠)of our village. Once I asked him to make a dining table for my wife. He made it just the right size to fill the space between the two windows. When I arrived home that evening, Henry was drinking a cup of tea and writing out his bill for his work.. My wife said to me, quietly,“That’s his ninth cup of tea today.” But she said loudly, "It's a beautiful table,dear,isn't it?" "I won't decide about that until I see that bill.” I said.

Henry laughed and gave me his bill for the work. It said:


One dining table June 10,1995

Cost of wood 17.00

Paint(油漆) 1.50

Work,8 hours(1 an hour) 8.00

Total(总计) 36.50

When I was looking at the bill,Henry said,"It’s been a fine day,hasn’t it?” “ Quite sunny.” "Yes,”I said. "I’m glad it is only the 10th of June.” "Me too,” said Henry, "You wait--it'll be a bit hotter by the end of the month.” "Yes. Hotter--and more expensive. Dining tables will be 20 more expensive on June 30th,won't they,Henry?”

Henry looked hard at me for half a minute. There was a little smile in his two blue eyes. I gave his bill back to him. "If it isn't too much trouble,Henry,”I said,"Please add it up again. You can forget the date.”

I paid him 26. 50 and he was happy to get it.

1.Why did Henry talk about weather when the writer was looking at the bill?

A.Because it was a fine day indeed,

B.Because he wanted the writer to look at the bill carefully.

C.Because he wanted to tell the writer what the weather was like.

D.Because he didn't want the writer to go through the bill carefully.

2.Why did the writer say that dining tables would be 20 more expensive

by the end of June?                                      

A.Because he thought Henry would almost certainly add the date to the cost of the dining table.

B.Because it was difficult to make dining tables in hot weather.

C.Because paint would be more expensive.

D.Because the cost of wood would be more expensive.

3.The writer thought Henry would ask for______if he made a dining table on the last day of June.


B.56. 50





John gets up early from Monday to S   1    , because he must go to school before 7:30 on weekdays(工作日) and go to the D   2    Club at 8:00 on Saturday mornings. He draws very well. He usually goes to the b   3    to look at the new books on Saturday afternoons, and after supper he watches TV until(直到) m   4     .

He doesn’t get up early on Sundays. John’s parents b   5    work on Sundays. John always watches TV after he gets up. Then he usually goes to KFC to have a h  6   and some juice for lunch. After that, he goes back home and b  7 to play computer games until his parents come back. He does his homework after supper. He usually has a lot of w   8       homework, so he must s   9   three hours on it. He usually goes to bed at about 11:00 p.m. on Sundays. He often complains(抱怨) he has too m   10    homework to do.



— Excuse me. Look at the sign “NO PHOTOS!” Please don’t take photos here.

— Sorry, I        it.

A.don’t see        B.am not seeing      C.won’t see        D.didn’t see


