much, a little, even +比较级 much bigger, much better, much more popular Pan Changjiang is funnier than Yao Ming. 句子中有than.要用比较级 比较级规则变化口诀:比较级.要变化.一般词尾加er. 词尾若有哑音e, 直接加r就可以. , 重读闭音节. 单辅音字母要双写. 辅音字母若加y, 记得把y变为i. MODULE 7 查看更多



It is ________ room. They like it very much.

[     ]

A. Li Lei's and Li Ming's
B. Li Lei's and Li Ming
C. Li Lei and Li Ming's
D. Li Lei and Li Ming


“Come here, Li Lei!” says the mother. “Give   1  your school report (成绩单).” Li Lei gives it to his mother. “Oh, you fail   2  !” says the mother. “You aren’t good at your lessons. Why not study   3  at school?” “I’m sorry, Mom.” says Li Lei. “I’ll do well   4  my lessons after you buy me a computer.” “Really?” asks the mother. “Yes,” answers Li Lei. “My teacher says computers can make people clever.” “   5  right,” “ says the mother. “Let’s go to the shop and buy one.” When   6  come into the shop, the girl in the shop asks, “What can I   7  for you?” “Yes, please,” answers the mother. “I’d like to have a look at your computers.” “There are   8  kinds of computers here,” says the girl. “What kind of computer do you like, madam? These are table computers and those are portable (手提式的)   9  .” Li Lei looks at the computers and asks, “Do you have a computer that can do homework   10  me?”

(  ) 1. A. mine

B. me

C. I

D. my

(  ) 2. A. away

B. down

C. again

D. back

(  ) 3. A. early

B. fast

C. right

D. hard

(  ) 4. A. in

B. on

C. with

D. to

(  ) 5. A. That’s

B. All

C. It

D. Just

(  ) 6. A. them

B. they

C. their

D. theirs

(  ) 7. A. am

B. do

C. does

D. have

(  ) 8. A. any

B. much

C. all

D. lot

(  ) 9.

B. one

C. them

D. ones

(  )10. A. for 

B. to

C. with 

D. on



  Almost every Chinese person can recite the two lines of the famous poem,“Every grain on the plate comes from hard work (谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦).” But sadly,many of us don't actually get the real meaning of these lines:Don't waste food.

  A CCTV program,News One Plus One,reported that the food Chinese people throw away every year is enough to feed 200 million people for a year.

  Do we have too much food? No.According to the UN World Food Program,there were 925 million hungry people around the world in 2010,especially in developing countries.Six million children die of hunger every year.

  Chinese people are well known for being generous (慷慨的).Many even feel that they lose face if their guests have eaten all the food on the table.

  Luckily,a number of people have realized the importance of saving food.Last November,Li Hong,a waitress in a restaurant in Nanjing,got fired (开除) because she took some leftover (剩余的) food home for her son.Many people stood by her side and agreed that it was not right to waste food.

  What should we do in our daily lives to waste less food? Here are some tips:

  1.Do not order(点菜) too much in a restaurant.Only order what you want to eat.If you cannot eat all the food you ordered,take the rest of it home.

  2.Don't be too picky(挑剔的) about food.Some food may not taste great.But your body needs it.

  3.Keep an eye on what food you have at home.Don't buy too much,especially for vegetables and fruit.


According to News One Plus One,Chinese people ________.

[  ]


save enough food to feed 200 million people for a year


throw away lots of food every year


get enough food to feed millions of people every year


have to feed 200 million hungry people every year


From the third paragraph,we know that ________.

[  ]


we have too much food to feed people in the world


there were 925 million people in developing countries


because of hunger,six million children die every year


there are only a few people getting hungry every year


From the fourth and fifth paragraphs,we can conclude (得出结论) that ________.

[  ]


all Chinese people are generous


Chinese people always waste food


Li Hong got fired because she wasted food


everyone should get into the habit of saving food


What should we do to save food in our daily lives?

[  ]


When we order too much food in a restaurant,just take the leftover food home.


Eat more food that doesn't taste great.


We should not buy vegetables or fruit.


We should keep an eye on the food we like.


What's the main topic of the passage?

[  ]


Don't waste food.


Many people die of hungry.


Don't be picky about food.


Eat all the food you order.



  Li Chuang is a 15-year-old boy,but he has been a smoker for three years.His teeth and fingers have turned a bit yellow.

  “I first tried smoking after watching TV.It makes me feel excited and I think it looks cool,” he said.

  Not all students smoke as much as Li but there are lots of child smokers.

  A report says 32% of the boys and 13% of the girls in middle schools in China have smoked.Some are as young as 11 when they first try!

  May 31st is World No-Tobacco Day.Health experts(专家) are asking young people not to smoke.

  Doctors say smoking can make people get illnesses,like lung(肺) cancer.Smoking costs a lot of money,too!

  Stop smoking,children! It's bad for your health.


Li Chuang began to smoke when he was ________.

[  ]








More ________ have smoked than ________ in middle schools in China.

[  ]








The words “World No-Tobacco Day” mean “________” in Chinese.

[  ]








Which of the following is true?

[  ]


Doctors do not smoke.


Some kids begin to smoke when they are 11 years old.


Smoking doesn't cost much money.


Chi Li is one of the best known Chinese writers in the West. She was born in the west. She was born in the 1950s'.   46  19, Chi entered a medical college in 1976. After she graduated, she   47   as a doctor at a hospital in Wuhan. As she loved _ 48  much more, she went to Wuhan University to study Chinese language and literature in 1983. She chose  49  as her profession(专业)。

During the 1980s, Chi wrote many works full of love. In the 1990s, her works, such as Apart From Love and The Sun Was Born, were 50 lives of young people and everyday problems. Since 2003, Chi has 51 a higher level in her works. And many of her novels have received a  52 honor. Life Show is one of her representative (代表) works and  53  has been translated into many languages. The  54  shows the real life of a common woman in Wuhan.

Chi says, "Writers don't need to be anyone,  55  they should be able to understand everyone." So she often travels alone to get a feel of how the world is and tries to understand people from all social strata (阶层).

46. A. At the age of     B. At the moment     C. In the beginning

47. A. became      B. worked      C. enjoyed

48. A. medicine       B. travelling      C. literature

49. A. teaching       B. writing      C. nursing

50. A. over         B. under         C. about

51. A. reached      B. arrived      C. went

52. A. great         B. nice         C. bad

53. A. she        B. they         C. it

54. A. picture        B. story         C. newspaper

55. A. or        B. till         C. but

