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1. This idea is_________ (愚蠢的)than that one.Do you agree with me?

2. He kept___________ (日记)when he was young.

3.It’s impossible to make everyone___________ (满意)with the arrangement.

4.All the students are___________ (要求)to get to school on time.

5.My cousin went to            (大学)when he was eighteen years old.

6. His___________ (行为)towards me shows that he doesn’t like me.

7.We ___________ (许诺)to give your money back if it doesn’t work.

8.Most of our chemistry _________ (实验)are done in the chemistry lab.

9. Every _________ (可找到的)doctor was called to the scene(现场).

10. Tom often ____________ (争论)with others.



World Expo 2010 will be held in Shanghai. It will last from May 1st to October 31st, 2010. The Expo site covers a to­tal area of 5.28 km2.It spans(横跨) both sides of the HuangpuRiver, with 3.93 km2 in Pudong and 135 km2 in Puxi. There are five functional zones markedA B C D andE. Each of them has different functions.

Zone A will host the na­tional pavilions(国家馆) of Asian countries except southeast Asian ones.

Zone B will be home to the China Pavilion(中国馆) and Oceanian(大洋洲的) countries, Pavilions for International Orga­nizations, Theme Pavilions(主题馆), Expo Centre,and Perfor­mance Centre etc.

Zone C will host the national pavilions of European, American and African countries. A large public amusement park will be built at the entrance of this zone.

Zone D is home to Corpo­rate Pavilions(企业馆), the land is one of the original places of modern China's na­tional industry. So some of the old industrial buildings will be kept and renovated(修复) into Expo pavilions.

Zone E will host stand­alone(独立的) Corporate Pavil­ions, Urban Civilization Pavilion (城市文明馆), and Urban Best Practices Area.

6.  How long will World Expo 2010 last?

A.About four months.     B.About five months  C. About half a year  D. About a year

7. Which of the following is not true according to the passage?

A. The Expo site covers the area of 5.28 km2.

B. The Expo site spans both sides of HuangpuRiver.

C. There are five functionalzones marked A, B, C, D, and E.

D. All of the five' zones have the Same functions.

8.Which zone will be home to the China Pavilion?

A. Zone A.      B. Zone B.     C. Zone C.     D. Zone D.

9. They will build       at the entrance of Zone C.

A.a large museum       B. a large public amusement park

C.  a theme pavilions     D. a large garden

10. If you visit Zone D,        .

A. you can visit Urban Best Practices Area can know some information of American national industry

C. you can find some Corporate Pavilions can have the chance to get to know some Oceanian countries.



A teacher once told each of her students to bring a clean plastic bag and a bag of potatoes to schoo1.For every person they didn’t want to forgive in their lives,they were told to choose a potato,write on it the name and the date,and put it in the bag.Some of their bags were very heavy.

They were then told to carry this bag with them everywhere for one week.They would put it beside their bed at night,on the seat when sitting in a car or on a bus,and next to their desk at schoo1.

Days of carrying the bags around with them got the students to get to know what a weight they were carrying in their hands.And they had to pay attention to it all the time (1)__________they didn’t forget it.(2)As time passed by,the potatoes went bad and smelt very terrible

Too often we think of tolerance(容忍)as a gift to other people,and it clearly is for ourselves! Sometimes we choose to keep our sadness in our hearts,we have to carry them around all our lives.If everyone learns to forgive,our world will become a better one.



3.回答问题:How long did the teacher tell his students to carry the bag with them?


4.在文中找出与Once each student was told to bring a clean plastic bag and a bag of potatoes to school意思相近的句子______________________________________.





Every day when I enter the classroom, I will take a look at the wall beside my seat. You will find nothing special about this old wall if you just look at it. But for the students in my class, it is a special wall. Take a good look at it, and you will get to know the real feelings and thoughts of us, the 9th graders.

In the middle of the wall, there is a big “VICTORY”. It was written in pencil. I guess it must have been written by someone who got a good mark in an exam.

A little higher above the formulas, there is a poem. It only has two sentences. It reads: All those sweet memories have disappeared. Like tears dropping in the heavy rain.

Oh! It must have been written at the end of the last semester in middle school. Classmates had to leave school and good friends had to part. What a sad poem!

If you look at the wall more carefully, you will find many other interesting things, like a crying face, or a happy face, and other patterns(图案). There are still some patterns and letters that I can’t understand, but they all show the feeling of the students who drew them.

For years, the wall has witnessed(目睹) all the things that have happened in the classroom. I don’t know how it will be next year, two years from now, or even ten years from now. But I hope more smiling faces will be drawn on it.

1.There is ____ special on this wall.





2.What was the “VICTORY” written in?





3.When has the poem been written?

A.At the beginning of the last semester.

B.At the end of the year.

C.At the end of the last semester.

D.At the beginning of the last month.

4.What’s the meaning of the underlined word?





5.What’s the title of the passage?

A.The Pictures of the Wall

B.The Feelings of the Students

C.The Patterns of the Classroom

D.The Hope of the Writer



1—Excuse me, how can I get to the museum?

-- Sorry. It's my______ time to he here.

A. one                B. first               C. once


