the way to sw. 去--的方式 6. the most dangerous way 最危险的方式 查看更多



Have you felt annoyed when a cell phone (手机)rings during the class? Something must be done to stop this. Now in New York City, USA, a rule is carried out(执行) in schools. Students can’t even bring cell phones to school. Is it a good thing or not?
Anxious(焦虑的) parents say that cell phones are an important tool in holding New York City’s families together.
“I worry about it,” said Elizabeth Lorris Ritter, a mother of a middle school kid. “It’s necessary in our everyday life. We have a washing machine, we have running water, and we have cell phones.”
A number of Americans think cell phones connect them to children on buses, getting out from subways, walking through unknown places.
“I have her call me when she gets out school,” said Lindsay Walt, a schoolgirl’s mother. “No one in New York is going to let their children go to school without a cell phone.
What about the cell phone owners, the students? Most of the students said that cell phones were necessary and the cell phone was like an extra(额外的)hand or foot for them.
“I feel so empty,” said May Chom, 14. “There is also no way to listen to music on the way to school without my phone. It will be a really, really boring trip.”
【小题1】. Elizabeth Lorris Ritter is worried that ______________.

A.students are not allowed to bring cellphones
B.students spend too much time in listening to music on the cellphones
C.students bring cellphones to school and they often ring during the class rule is carried out to stop students from bringing cellphones to school
【小题2】. ____________ American parents disagree with the rule that students can’t bring cellphones to school.
【小题3】 May Chom likes to ______________.
A.go to school without a cellphone with her friends on the cellphone on the way to school
C.walk through unknown places with a cellphone
D.bring a cellphone to school
【小题4】 This writer wants to tell us the __________ in carrying out the rule not
to use a cellphone in school.
A.importanceB.problemC.happiness D.impossibility (不可能)


On the way to school, a school bus driver stops the bus in front of a washroom and then he goes in. But the bus doesn’t stop. After the driver gets off, the bus begins to run down the road, and there are 27 students on the bus.

Luckily(幸运的是)the 11-year-old student, David, goes to the driver’s seat and begins to drive the school bus. He can’t stop the bus, but he drives the bus away from a car. At last, he stops the bus near a shop and everyone is all right.

A woman worker in the shop sees the whole thing. She says the bus nearly(几乎) runs into a river. We do not know how the boy stops the car.

David is very quiet about the accident(事故), but he is a hero. “If he doesn’t drive the bus, all the students will go down into the river with the bus.” says a teacher in the school.

1.Where does the driver go on the way to school?

A. He goes to school. B. He goes to a washroom.

C. He goes to a mall. D. He goes to a hospital.

2.Who helps to drive the bus after the driver gets off it?

A. A student. B. A teacher.C. A policeman.D. A parent.

3.Where does the bus stop at last

A. In the school. B. At the bus station. C. Near a shop. D. In the hospital.

4.Does anyone see the accident(事故)?

A. Yes, a woman worker sees it.

B. No, no one sees it.

C. Yes, a man doctor sees it.

D. All the teachers and students see it.

5.What is the passage mainly about?

A. A child plays in the street.

B. A school bus driver.

C. A bus runs into a river.

D. A boy does something good.




  Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and their children were going to begin their holiday one day. As they had decided to spend it in another country, they had to be at the airport at 11∶40 a. m. “It'll take us half an hour to get there in the taxi,” Mr. Wilson said, “So we all have to be ready by 11 o'clock. Nobody should be late.”

  At 10∶50 they were still all running around doing things, except Mrs. Wilson, who was sitting quietly on a chair in the garden enjoying the sun.

  Her husband and children were very surprised that she was not in a hurry too. Until the taxi arrived and Mrs. Wilson said to them, “Well, I knew that this was going to happen, so before I went to bed last night, I moved all clocks and watches ahead 20 minutes. So now we can go to the airport quietly without worrying about being late.”

1.The Wilsons had to get everything ready and leave for the airport ________.

[  ]

A.before 11∶40 11∶30 11∶10
D.before 11

2.How long would they spend on the way to the airport?

[  ]

A.An hour.
B.An hour and a half.
C.Half an hour.
D.Twenty minutes.

3.At ten to eleven Mrs. Wilson wasn't in a hurry because in fact it was ________.

[  ]


4.What happened to their clocks and watches?

[  ]

A.They all had to be repaired.

B.They all kept the correct time.

C.They were 20 minutes fast.

D.They were 20 minutes slow.

5.What do you think would happen to the Wilsons?

[  ]

A.They would get to the airport in time.

B.They would get to the airport just on time.

C.They would arrive at the airport a little late.

D.They would arrive at the airport an hour earlier.




   The way to spend weekend


   I had a boring weekend. On Saturday, I clean the house, and I washed the clothes. On Sunday, I painted my bedroom. It was really a tiring weekend.


   Last weekend, I stayed at home. I watched old videos on Saturday. And on Sunday, I saw an old movie. It was an interesting weekend.


   I studied all weekend . I studied for a math test all day on Saturday. On Sunday morning, I did my history homework. In the evening, I talked to my friends on the phone.


   I had a great weekend. I visited some of my friends. On Saturday night, we went out to a party. On Sunday night, we went to the amusement park*, we really enjoyed ourselves.

1. Jude had a(n)             weekend.

A .boring and tiring                     B. busy and interesting    

C. exciting but tiring                     D. free and relaxing

2.Donna did her history homework           .

A. on Saturday morning           B. on Saturday afternoon.

C. on Sunday morning            D. on Sunday evening

3. Galen               on Sunday night.

A. Studied for a math test           B. painted his bedroom.

C. went out to a party.             D. went to the amusement park



We needn’t hurry all the way to the airport — the flight has been      because of the bad weather.

A.put on            B.put off            C.put away          D.put up


