A: 61 ? B: I’m watching TV. A: TV show is boring. 62 . B: That sounds great. 63 ? A: Yes, I do. I have a new soccer. B: 64 ? A: It’s sunny outside. It’s good for sports. B: 65 ? A: At the door of the park, OK? B: Great. See you. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. A. Where are we going to meet B: What are you doing, Tom C. What’s the weather like outside D. Do you have a soccer ball E. Let’s go and play soccer ball F. Are you watching TV 查看更多




A. What’s the matter?

B. Is there anything wrong with you?

C. Take this medicine three times a day.

D. Really?

E. I know.

F. I’m feeling bad.

G. Thanks a lot.

A: ____61______

B: I have a headache.

A: How are you feeling now?

B:   62  

A: Let me see. There’s nothing much wrong with you.

B:   63  

A: Sure. Did you eat anything for breakfast?

B: No, I didn’t.

A: Well. _____64   Have a good rest and drink more water.

B: OK.   65 .



A、What kind of program do you like?   B、I prefer sports shows.

C、No problem!                     D、I agree with you.

E、When will it start?                 F、My favorite program is sports shows.

G、What program did you watch?

A: Hey, Wang Qun. What did you do last night?

B: I watched TV.

A: 61_____________

B: I watched The Voice of China.

A: Really? The program is very popular now.

B: 62_____________ Many people like it very much. Which kind of program do you prefer, news reports or sports shows?

A: 63____________

B: I also like sports shows.

A: There will be a football game on TV tonight. Why not come to my house and watch it with me?

B: Good idea! 64_____________

A: It will start at 7:30. Come early and don’t miss it.

B: 65____________



A. How do you like your computer?

B. What do you usually use your computer for?

C. Because it is fast and easy.

D. Do you have a computer at home?

E. How often do you use your computer?

A: _______(61)

B: Yes, I have one. It’s a birthday from my uncle.

A: ________(62

B: I usually use it to search the Internet.

A: Why?

B: _________(63)

A: _________(64)

B: Every day.

A: _________(65)

B: I like it very much. It’s very useful



A. How do you like your computer?
B. What do you usually use your computer for?
C. Because it is fast and easy.
D. Do you have a computer at home?
E. How often do you use your computer?
A: _______(61)
B: Yes, I have one. It’s a birthday from my uncle.
A: ________(62
B: I usually use it to search the Internet.
A: Why?
B: _________(63)
A: _________(64)
B: Every day.
A: _________(65)
B: I like it very much. It’s very useful



book   cheap   compare   information   invent   keep   printing   Internet

A: Can you imagine what it would be like without the invention of    56  ?

B: No, I can’t. We wouldn’t have any newspapers or books. How would we get    57  ?

A: We would get it from the    58 . It’s a wonderful    59 , too. And it can    60  much more knowledge than    61  .

B: I don’t agree. You can’t really    62   the two. Books are a wonderful invention, and they’re also much    63   than computer

