Look at this girl, she is 51 good friend. 52 name is Cindy. She is 53 .She is thirteen. My 54 is Liu Fang. I’m a Chinese girl. I am one year 55 than Cindy. We are in the same class. Cindy 56 a great sports collection. She has 57 tennis racket, three baseballs and five 58 . I have 59 sports collection. I only play soccer. Cindy and I both 60 sports after class every day. 51. A. I B. me C. my D. a 52. A. She B. Her C. My D. His 53. A. an English B. English girl C. English D. England 54. A. friend B. father C. mother D. name 55. A. old B. young C. younger D. smaller 56. A. is B. are C. has D. have 57. A. one B. two C. three D. four 58. A. basketball B. basketballs C. soccer D. baseballs 59. A. no B. not C. many D. don’t 60. A. does B. plays C. play D. make 查看更多




     A: Hello, 1.___________________

B: Oh, you look so happy. Is this your mother?

A: Yes. My mother is a doctor. 2._________________

B: Does you father often go shopping with your mother?                

A: No. He just likes going fishing. Look! 3.___________

B: She’s very beautiful. 4.__________________

A: She and I like listening to music.

B: 5._______________ .

a. How old is she?                       b. This girl is my sister. 

c. She likes doing some shopping.           d. Me too.     

e. Lily. Look at this photo of my family.      f. What does she like? 







Hello! I’m Susan. Look at this picture. You can see a big sofa next to(在…附近) the wall. My parents like to sit on it to read books(看书), and sometimes(有时候) they meet some friends there. There are two plants near the sofa. They’re nice. What’s that on the wall? Oh, it’s a new TV. I often watch TV on weekends(周末). Can you see some fishes(鱼) in that big box? I like to play with them after school(放学后). Where’s my dog Billy? Is it on the floor? No, it’s under a chair! Do you like it?

1.Susan’s parents        on the sofa.

A.watch TV         B.play with fish         C.read books        D.meet friends

2.What’s the dog’s name?

A.Susan.         B.Billy.          C.I don’t know.    D.It doesn’t have a name.

3.          are near the sofa.

A.A new TV      B.A big box      C.Some fishes     D.Two plants



Look at this mail-order advertisement:


Products for a Safe Environment


You're going to love this natural soap(肥皂). There are no chemicals in it. It is very good for your hands and face.     D4545—GARDEN SPRAY(喷雾)

Insects are going to run away from our new chiligarlic spray. It's safe and natural.

B2377—HOME CLEANER You're not going to need 5 or 6 chemical cleaners. You have Dr Clean! It is safe and strong, and it cleans everything in your house!          A2104—CANVAS BAG

You're going to say,“ No paper or plastic(塑料)!” You have this excellent heavy canvas shopping bag.

                                item                          code                       price

                                                                                            Natural shampoo      T6762                     $3.00

                                                                                            garden spray             D4545                    $2.50

                                                                                            canvas bag                 A2104                    $4.00

                                                                                            hand soap                  A2477                    $1.00

                                                                                            home cleaner           B2377                    $2.25


1.Dr Clean is _________.

A. a doctor good at cleaning everything                  B. a newly-invented machine        

C. a can of cleaning powder                                   D. a magic cloth for cleaning

2. You're going to love the natural soap, because _________.

A. it is cheap                                                            B. it smells sweet

C. there are no chemicals                                         D. it is powerful

3. According to the ad, how much do you have to pay for 3 shampoos and 2 canvas bags in all?

A.$12.25.                  B.$20.50.                    C.$13.50.                   D.$17.



My 4-year-old daughter Maddie once taught me a good lesson.
One day, we were taking a walk in the park. Then we   31  some kids (小孩) around an old lady, laughing at her. A little boy said, "Look at this funny lady! She is    32  and she is crying!"
Maddie walked to the woman. I wanted to    33  her away from the woman. But Maddie sat   34   the woman and held her hand. The woman looked down at Maddie and a   35  appeared on her face. Maddie gave the woman a hug(拥抱) and then left.
On the way home, I asked her, "Maddie,    36   did you go up to that woman for and hold her hand? All the other kids were either laughing at her or     37    her?"
Maddie looked at me and said, "I did that to tell her God (上帝)    38   her. It can make her feel better!" I was    39   . A 4-year-old little girl showed me what love   40   means. What a kind girl!

A.worried aboutB.crazy aboutC.afraid ofD.tired of


Look at this picture. It is __1 __nice classroom. In the picture, you can see a teacher's2__on his desk. It's a Chinese book. Eight desks and eight chairs in the room. You can see a girl and__3__ boys.
The girl's __ 4 __is Julia. She is eleven. The boy __5__a black hat is Tom. The other boy is Tony. They __6 __the same coats and they are the same age. I __7   they are twins. Tom is a__8__ boy. A book is in his hand. You __9__ see the teacher.10   __is the teacher? He is taking the photo
A.isB.wear (穿)C.lookD.am
A.is notB.can'tC.be notD.doesn't

