Wei Qiang is from China . English name is Ben . 查看更多



    Wang Lei 1._____
    The most difficult thing about learning English is to remember new words. I study the words and remember
them, but a week later I have forgotten most of them. When reading something in English, I always get into
trouble when I come across a new word. There must be a better way to learn new words.
    Li Qiang 2. _____
    I have been studying English for so long now, but I don't enjoy it any more. I used to like it, but now I feel
that I'm not making any progress, I'm just not motivated (有动力的) any more. I wish there was something I
could do to make me interested in studying English again.
    Fang Zhe 3. _____
    I wish I could improve my spoken English. Every time when I take part in a group discussion or try to
speak English to someone, I find it difficult to express myself. I don't know what to say and I can't think of
the words I need.
    Huang Wei 4. _____
    I don't like English at all. Why do we have to study English? I'd rather spend more time on math and
science, because I think those subjects are more important.
    Zhong Mei 5. _____
    I think it is easy to remember new grammar rules. But when writing something, I always make a lot of
mistakes. How can I learn to use the rules that I have learned?
根据以上五位学生在英语学习中遇到的困难, 从所给的选项A-E中,选出每个人所需要读的文章。
A. How to speak good English
B. How to put English grammar to use
C. How to master (掌握) English words
D. How to realize the importance of English
E. How to get interested in English



International Classmates

  Hi, everyone.I’m Liu Wei and I’m a Chinese teacher at an international school in Beijing.We have kids from all over the world here.In some ways, our school is a little different from other schools in China.For example, the pupils don’t wear uniforms(校服).Let me tell you about my favourite junior high school students.

  Matt comes from New York.He loves pop music.When he walks between classes he always wears headphones.His classmates are afraid of him because he’s big for his age.And he’s really noisy!In his free time he watches action films and practices Kung Fu(功夫).Today he’s entering a Kung Fu competition.Good luck, Matt!

  Brad is one of Matt’s classmates.He was born in Sydney but his parents are from Poland(波兰).He likes speaking Polish and English when he’s at home.Brad is a quiet boy, but he can be very funny.He likes speaking Polish to his classmates.Brad gets very angry when they can’t understand him!Brad’s favorite sport is swimming.He wakes up early and trains every day before school.

  Lucy is another of my favorite students.She’s a tall, beautiful girl from London.She’s a good student and she’s always studying.Sometimes she can’t sleep because she thinks too much about her lessons!Lucy loves Beijing but she doesn’t like the summer.She says it’s too hot!study, school, she, medicine, when, to, leaves, wants, she, I hope she will be successful!

1.What is Matt doing today?




3.How are Matt and Brad different in characters(性格)?


4.What problem does Lucy have?






56. Wei Hua:I like learning English,but it’s difficult.I don’t know many English words.But I think I can learn it well.

57. Tom:I like sports. Soccer is my favorite sport. But I don’t have

a soccer ball. My favorite sports star is David Beckham.

58. Sandra:I often play sports. I like playing volleyball and running.I am a running star.

59. Ben:I like music very much. I can sing and play the guitar. I often listen to English songs. Michael Jackson is my favorite singer.

A.                   B.                    C.                 D.





1.Wei Hua _______2. Tom _______3. Sandra _______4. Ben ________



Dear friend,

           60    New Year!

                           Wang Fang





Hi! I am a Chinese boy. I’m from Shanghai.    56   name is Li Qiang. I’m thirteen years old. I’m in Yucai Middle School in Shanghai. I    57   a round face, a big nose, a small mouth    58   eyes. Michael is a new student    59   our school. He    60   the U.S.A. He is tall and he    61   short black hair. He    62   cool. He is thirteen years old, too. He and    63   are in the same school but in different    64  . My English is not good, and he often    65   me. We are good friends now.
【小题1】A. My             B. mine             C. I
【小题2】A. am              B. have              C. has
【小题3】 A. and                  B. but               C. then
【小题4】A. to               B. in                C. at
【小题5】A. come from       B. is in              C. is from
【小题6】A. is               B. have              C. has
【小题7】A. looks            B. comes             C. sees
【小题8】A. me              B. mine             C. I
【小题9】 A. class           B. classes            C. grade
【小题10】A. knows           B. helps              C. gives


1. 学习英语的基本方法(listen to the teacher carefully;speak much;read widely;learn......by heart;practice writing......);
2. 你自己的体会和建议。
Dear Wang Qiang,
I’m glad to talk about how to learn English well.Here are some 

