What colour is the tree? D. Yes, they are. 查看更多



交际配对,请从B 栏中选出与A 栏匹配的答语。

(     ) 1. What colour are the trees?              
(     ) 2. How many aunts have you got?        
(     ) 3. Are there any birds in the tree?       
(     ) 4. How do you spell purple?            
(     ) 5. Nice to meet you.                  
(     ) 6. Have you got any books?             
(     ) 7. How old is the girl?                  
(     ) 8. Do you like swimming?            
(     ) 9. What are these?                     
(     ) 10. Is your family big or small?            

A. She is twenty-one.
B. They're feet.
C. They're green.
D. Yes, I do..
E. P-U-R-P-L-E.
F. I've got three.
G. No, there aren't any.
H. Nice to meet you, too.          
I. It's small.
J. No, I haven't.


(     )1. Whose shirt is this?            
(     )2. How do you do?                  
(     )3. Is she in Team Two?             
(     )4. What’s the time?               
(     )5. What row are you in?            
(     )6. Can you see a bird in the tree? 
(     )7. Who’s that girl?               
(     )8. What colour are your shoes?     
(     )9. Sit down, please.               
(     )10. Which man is your friend?      
A. Thank you.                        
B. The one in the black car.         
C. It’s eleven.                     
D. How do you do?                   
E. She’s Mr. Read’s daughter.                                 
F. They are black.                   
G. It’s Bill’s.                 
H. Yes, she is.                    
I. I’m in Row Five.                 
J. No, I can’t.                   



(1) How do you do?

(2) Could I have an eraser?

(3) Could you take this box to my room?

(4) What's wrong?

(5) Can I help you?

(6) What's she doing?

(7) Do you have a ruler?

(8) What's the time, please?

(9) Whose shoes are there?

(10) What colour is the sweater?

A. I can't get my cat, it's up in the tree.

B. It's red.

C. I'd like a map of America.

D. Certainly! Let me take it there.

E. It's four o'clock.

F. She's riding a bike.

G. They're Jim's.

H. Yes, I do.

I. Yes. Here you are.

J. How do you do?



(1) How do you do?

(2) Could I have an eraser?

(3) Could you take this box to my room?

(4) What's wrong?

(5) Can I help you?

(6) What's she doing?

(7) Do you have a ruler?

(8) What's the time, please?

(9) Whose shoes are there?

(10) What colour is the sweater?

A. I can't get my cat, it's up in the tree.

B. It's red.

C. I'd like a map of America.

D. Certainly! Let me take it there.

E. It's four o'clock.

F. She's riding a bike.

G. They're Jim's.

H. Yes, I do.

I. Yes. Here you are.

J. How do you do?

