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请你仔细阅读下面短文,帮助Dr. Ma整理好他的案例。
     Mr. Ma, a famous mental (心理的) doctor from Beijing once said at an important meeting, "Now many
young students can have problems with their minds. Some students become worried because they have to
study very hard. Others have trouble getting on well with people around them like their parents and classmates.
Parents and teachers should care more about this problem."
     Then Mr. Ma gave some examples. One patient, Li Yun a middle school students from Xi'an was doing
badly in his lessons. He thought his teachers and friends often laughed at him, and he became so nervous and
worried that one night he left his homes without telling parents. Another student, Dai Yi, a 14-year-old
schoolgirl from Shanghai, was very afraid of exams. While she was reading the exam paper, she couldn't think
of anything to write. So she was worried and unhappy. At last even she wanted to kill herself
     A recent report from Jiefang Daily says about 18% of the young students in Shanghai have mental problems. They often fell worried and very unhappy. Unluckily many of them won't go and ask for help. Some think they will look stupid(not clever) if they go to see a doctor. Others won't talk about their secrets.
     At the end of the meeting, Mr. Ma offered some good ideas to young people: 
     ● Talk to your parents or teacher often. 
     ● Take part in group activities. 
     ● Try to get on well with the people around you. 
     ● Go to see a doctor if you often feel unhappy.
                                                 Case of Young Students 
                                      Problems with students' minds
1. become worried
2. have trouble getting on well with people around them
Name  Problem Reason Advice
Li Yun became so nervous
and worried
did badly in his lessons.
Talk to your parents or teacher often.
2. ______
Da Yi 3. ______ was very afraid of exams. Take part in group activities.
4. ______



Even Sue, the top student in Class 1, Grade 9.She went to see Sigmund Friend for help.Look at Sue's profile and help Sigmund Friend complete his notes with as much information as you can.


  Wang Yifang, Sue

  My English name is Sue.I am a Grade 9 student and I am very clever.I love English, Maths and Science.I study hard and I always do well in exams.I an the top student in my class.However, I am not very good at sport.I cannot run fast and I hate swimming.



  Wang Yifang, Sue

  Name:Wang Yifang, Sue

  Favourite subjects:English,(1)________ Maths, Science

  First problem:Not good at(2)________-can't(3)________ and(4)________.

  Advice:just try(5)________ in PE lessons, enjoy the(6)________.

Second problem:Does not have many(7)________-classmates(8)________ her and call her‘Bookworm’.

  Advice:Talk to your(9)________ when feeling sad and share your(10)________ with her,(11)________ attention to those students who laugh at you and(12)________ your school work.










1.Peter isn’t good at geography, and he doesn’t like spending time on it. His parents want to help him. They have a good idea and make him interested in geography through games.

2.Lily is a five-year-old girl. She is very clever and likes remembering different flags. Although she is young, she can recognize lots of flags of different countries.

3.Mr White will take his daughter Kitty to go on a trip. He wants Kitty to choose the place. But Kitty is too young to know the cities, so Mr White finds a game to help her.

4.Tom’s fingers are not so quick. His doctors asks him to play some race games, such as the car race and the boat race.

5.Alan likes rafting. He goes rafting almost every month. Even when he plays games, he plays the one about rafting.

A. Rafting Game

Want to prove you are the best at rafting? Don’t look down on the game .It’s easy to play but hard to master.

B. Christmas Game

Use your candy cane to stop the salespeople from bothering you on Christmas morning. You have one minute.

C. Flags of the world

Do you know the colors, symbols or the shapes of different countries’ flags?This game is a great test for you.

D. Amazing race

If you are in a car race around the world, how close can you come to your target? Find it out in this game.

E. Photos of the world

Great ideas of where to go next, as well as a fun online album of famous places of interest.

F. Traveler IQ

Do you think you know the world well? Try to find the places on the map in this fun best.



词汇运用 两个学生正在网上聊天, 请根据上下文意思帮助他们补全单词。

A: Hi, How R U?

B: Fine, thanks. Yesterday morning I saw your father in the street, I went up to talk to him, but he said he didn’t know me. I was confused.

A: It (1)_________(不可能)be him! My father was at home studying English at that time.

B: Oh, sorry! I made a mistake. But why is your father studying English now?

A: He wants to (2) __________(提高)his English. He has been studying English for only one year. Last month he went to have a business talk with an American in New York, he was (3) ___________(应该)to arrive at 9:00 a.m., but he was 30 minutes late, by the time he got there, the American had already left. He sat outside the meeting-room for a long time, felt sad and (4) _________ (饥饿的), he even didn’t know (5) i_____________ there’s a good place to eat.

B: What a pity! He should have studied English really hard and know some customs of the English-speaking countries

A: You’re right. I really need to come up with some good ideas and help him with his English, now I am teaching him to study English (6) b_________ listening to tapes.

B: Good. Have you ever been to another country?

A: Not (7) y____________. I’d like to go to France some day.

B: Me too. I’d like to go somewhere relaxing. BTW, next Saturday is my friend Sam’s birthday, I was (8) __________(邀请)to his birthday party, but I don’t know what present I should take.

A: If I (9) w__________ you, I would buy a CD of Jay Chou. Most teenagers like singers who sing their own songs. Listening to his songs usually makes us feel relaxed.

B: Thanks. Are you free 2night? How about (10)_____ (见面) 4 dinner and then c a movie?

A: OK, that’s great!


小题1:Peter isn’t good at geography, and he doesn’t like spending time on it. His parents want to help him. They have a good idea and make him interested in geography through games.
小题2:Lily is a five-year-old girl. She is very clever and likes remembering different flags. Although she is young, she can recognize lots of flags of different countries.
小题3:Mr White will take his daughter Kitty to go on a trip. He wants Kitty to choose the place. But Kitty is too young to know the cities, so Mr White finds a game to help her.
小题4:Tom’s fingers are not so quick. His doctors asks him to play some race games, such as the car race and the boat race.
小题5:Alan likes rafting. He goes rafting almost every month. Even when he plays games, he plays the one about rafting.
A. Rafting Game
Want to prove you are the best at rafting? Don’t look down on the game .It’s easy to play but hard to master.
B. Christmas Game
Use your candy cane to stop the salespeople from bothering you on Christmas morning. You have one minute.
C. Flags of the world
Do you know the colors, symbols or the shapes of different countries’ flags?This game is a great test for you.
D. Amazing race
If you are in a car race around the world, how close can you come to your target? Find it out in this game.
E. Photos of the world
Great ideas of where to go next, as well as a fun online album of famous places of interest.
F. Traveler IQ
Do you think you know the world well? Try to find the places on the map in this fun best.

