Tom's father is a doctor. 查看更多



John Was ten years old,and he is a lazy(懒的)boy.He didn't like doing any work.He has to go school of course.but he didn't study hard there and tried to do as little work as possible.His father and mother are both doctors and they hope that their son will become one too,when he grow up.But one dad Tom said to his mother,“I want to be a dustman when I finish school.”

    “A dustman?” his mother asked.She was very surprised.” That's not a very pleasant job.Why do you want to become a dustman?”

    “Because then I only have to work one day a week,”Tom answered.

    “Only one day a week?” his mother said,“When do you mean? And how do you know?

     “Well”,Tom answered,“I know that the dustman who come to our street to work on Thursday,because I only see them on that day.” 


1.How old is John?

    A.Nine.              B.Ten.                C.Seven.

2.What do John's parents do? 

    A.Doctors.             B.Teachers.              C.Workers.

3.What does John want to become?

    A.Doctor.              B.Teacher               C.Dustman.

4.When do the dustmen come to their street to work?

    A.On Wednesday.    B.On Sunday.          C.On Thursday.

5.At school,John doesn't like to do as _____ as possible.

    A.little work       B.many work           C.much work


Some of my classmates are not feeling well. Tom has a toothache. He can’t eat anything. Jack has a bad headache. His father asks him to lie down and rest. So he doesn’t go to school today. Peter is stressed out, because the exam is coming. Nancy has a stomachache because she ate too much yesterday. So she couldn’t eat anything today. Jim has a headache and he is stressed out, too. Lucy has a cold and toothache. She will see a dentist this afternoon.
【小题1】 What’s the matter with Tom?
A. headache       B. toothache        C.stomachache
【小题2】Why doesn’t Jack go to school?
A.He needn’t to go.
B.the doctor asks him not to go
C.He doesn’t feel well.
【小题3】 What food can Nancy eat?
A. apples          B. nothing.           C. chips
【小题4】Who is stressed out?
A. Peter           B. Jim               C. Peter & Jim
【小题5】What should Lucy do?
A. Drink some water   B.  eat chocolate    C. Listen to music


Some of my classmates are not feeling well. Tom has a toothache. He can’t eat anything. Jack has a bad headache. His father asks him to lie down and rest. So he doesn’t go to school today. Peter is stressed out, because the exam is coming. Nancy has a stomachache because she ate too much yesterday. So she couldn’t eat anything today. Jim has a headache and he is stressed out, too. Lucy has a cold and toothache. She will see a dentist this afternoon.

1. What’s the matter with Tom?

A. headache       B. toothache        C.stomachache

2.Why doesn’t Jack go to school?

A.He needn’t to go.

B.the doctor asks him not to go

C.He doesn’t feel well.

3. What food can Nancy eat?

A. apples          B. nothing.           C. chips

4.Who is stressed out?

A. Peter           B. Jim               C. Peter & Jim

5.What should Lucy do?

A. Drink some water   B.  eat chocolate    C. Listen to music



Some of my classmates are not feeling well. Tom has a toothache. He can’t eat anything. Jack has a bad headache. His father asks him to lie down and rest. So he doesn’t go to school today. Peter is stressed out, because the exam is coming. Nancy has a stomachache because she ate too much yesterday. So she couldn’t eat anything today. Jim has a headache and he is stressed out, too. Lucy has a cold and toothache. She will see a dentist this afternoon.
小题1: What’s the matter with Tom?
A. headache       B. toothache        C.stomachache
小题2:Why doesn’t Jack go to school?
A.He needn’t to go.
B.the doctor asks him not to go
C.He doesn’t feel well.
小题3: What food can Nancy eat?
A. apples          B. nothing.           C. chips
小题4:Who is stressed out?
A. Peter           B. Jim               C. Peter & Jim
小题5:What should Lucy do?
A. Drink some water   B.  eat chocolate    C. Listen to music


Some of my classmates are not feeling well. Tom has a toothache. He can’t eat anything. Jack has a bad headache. His father asks him to lie down and rest. So he doesn’t go to school today. Peter is stressed out, because the exam is coming. Nancy has a stomachache because she ate too much yesterday. So she couldn’t eat anything today. Jim has a headache and he is stressed out, too. Lucy has a cold and toothache. She will see a dentist this afternoon

  1. 1.

    What’s the matter with Tom?

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
  2. 2.

    Why doesn’t Jack go to school?

    1. A.
      He needn’t to go
    2. B.
      the doctor asks him not to go
    3. C.
      He doesn’t feel well
  3. 3.

    What food can Nancy eat?

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
  4. 4.

    Who is stressed out?

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
      Peter & Jim
  5. 5.

    What should Lucy do?

    1. A.
      Drink some water
    2. B.
      eat chocolate
    3. C.
      Listen to music

