She is a friend of . A. my, B. his C. our D. your 查看更多



Dear editor,
     I’m a student in a university of Wen Zhou. I’m a little shy.
     I want to chat with my teacher very much. One day, a good friend told me that our teacher would move home and she needs some help. So I wanted to help her. After we finished doing that, our teacher invited
us to have a meal. I was so shy that I ate a little and said, “I’m full.” The teacher thought she didn’t treat me very well, but I didn’t want to make her unhappy. I know it’s all because I’m too shy. What should I do?
     Please help me!
                                                                                                                                          Li Ning

Dear Li Hua,
     Thanks for your last e-mail.
     I want to talk to you. I think all the teachers love honest and hard-working students and you are one of
     But you are too shy. It doesn’t matter. I think you can talk more with your teachers, talk about anything you want. You will be outgoing, you won’t be shy. I think all the teachers love students who want to be
teachers’ friends. They are willing* to be listened and to be students’ friends. Come on, please!
1. What's wrong with Li Ning?
A. He wants to chat with his teacher,but the teacher doesn't like him.
B. His teacher invited him to have a meal but he didn’t like to eat.
C. He helped his teacher move home but the teacher didn’t pay him.
D. He is so shy that he doesn't know how to get on well with his teachers.
2. Why did the teacher think she didn't treat Li Ning well? Because _______.
A. she was too busy to invite Li Ning
B. she was too tired and felt unhappy
C. Li Ning didn't have much food
D. Li Ning didn’t like to chat with her
3. What do you think of Li Ning?
A. Quiet.
B. Outgoing.
C. Creative.
D. Active.


    Years ago, if a person has some problems in his life, he might go home and write in his diary. Now
he might go onto the Internet and write about them in a blog(博客).
Differences between a blog and a diary
     Usually, a person thinks of his diary as a book full of secrets. He does not want to share. But in the
blog, anyone can read what he writes.
     I have a little sister, and sometimes I go onto the Internet to read her blog. She writes about swimming practice and not studying enough for her chemistry exam. When I was her age, I wrote about the same
things, but only in my diary. Then, after I finished .writing, I would put my diary in a secret place because
I was worried that my sister might read it!
Problems with blogging
     The biggest problem with blogging is that anyone can read what you write. If I was angry with a friend
and wrote something bad about her in my diary, she would never know. However, if my sister wrote something bad about a friend, that friend might read her blog and get angry.
Because we do not always think about things carefully before we write about our days, it is easy to hurt
others' feeling in a biog. So we have to be very careful about what we write.
Keeping in touch with friends
     Blogging has both good and bad points, of course. People choose to blog because they know that
their friends will read what they write.
If I was feeling sad one day and wrote in my diary "Nobody cares about me," no one would know about
it. However, if my sister wrote the same sentence in her blog, her best friends would quickly reply and
tell her how much they like her. Blogs help people keep in touch with(保持联系)their friends and know
what the people around them are doing.
     Blogs are a very good way to write about daily life, if people are careful about what they write.
However, I still like writing better in my diary!
1. What's the difference between blogs and diaries according to the passage?
A. Blogs can be read by others while diaries only by writers themselves.
B. Blogs are used by young people while diaries are kept by old people.
C. Blogs are always good while diaries are sometimes bad for writers.
D. Blogs are a good way to write about life while diaries about other things.
2. It is easy to hurt others' feeling in blogs, because people _______.
A. usually write about their daily life there
B. only write something bad about others there
C. don't always think carefully before writing there
D. play jokes there on each other and care about them
3. What is the biggest problem with blogging?
A. Help people keep in touch with their friends.
B. Your friends will quickly reply to your biog.
C. Someone may read your blog and get angry with you.
D. Anyone can read what you write.
 4. We can learn from the passage that _______.
A. the writer will choose to blog so that others can keep in touch with him
B. the writer would rather keep diaries than write in a blog
C. the writer has never blogged because he hates blogging
D. the writer doesn't like his sister's writing in a blog
 5. In this passage, the writer thinks that the blogs are_______.
A. a good way to write their daily life if they want.
B. a bad way to write their daily life if they don't care about what they want to write.
C. an easy way to get their friends annoyed.
D. a hard way to make friends.


Liu Bing is Zhang Kun’s friend,  and now he is in a high school in Ottawa.  This is a letter   1    Liu Bing to Zhang Kun. 

Dear Zhang Kun, 

Thank you    2    your postcard.  I’m    3    to you in the reading-room.  Now I have many new friends here.  Henry is one of them.  He is my classmate.  He is 14    4    old.  His mother is a Canadian,  but his father is from Australia.  He often    5    me to go to his home for dinner    6    his parents. 

His family like China very much.  At school,  we have many good teachers.  One of them is from the USA.  We    7    her Miss Green.  She teaches English.  Our French teacher is Mr.  Smith,  and he is from Paris.  He loves    8    very much,  and we all love him.  Our Chinese teacher is Mr.  Scott,  and he likes Chinese kung fu very much.  After school,  he often talks to me in Chinese.

   9    is your English now?  I want to know something    10    you very much, please write to me soon.


Liu Bing

1.A. for            B. to           C. from             D. at

2.A. for            B. with         C. at               D. to

3.A. telling        B. talking      C. writing          D. speaking

4.A. year       B. month        C. months           D. years

5.A. tells      B. asks         C. ask              D. call

6.A. and            B. with         C. for              D. in

7.A. calls      B. tell         C. tells            D. call

8.A. us         B. we           C. I                D. it

9.A. What       B. How          C. Where            D. Who

10.A. about     B. at           C. in               D. for



     Jack is my new classmate. He lived in a small village for fifteen years. His father, Mr. Brown, was a rich
farmer. Last year his father opened a shop in our town and last month he bought a big house and Jack began
to study in our class. But Jack had few friends here. At first he often played by himself.
     Jack's neighbor Daisy is a kind girl. She found Jack never talked with anybody and decided to help him.
Jack likes to stay with Daisy and talks to her a lot. Now they're good friends.
     This morning, Daisy said to Jack, "It'll be my sixteenth birthday tomorrow. I'll have a birthday party. Will
you please come?"
      Jack said happily. Jack got home and thought of a present for Daisy. But he forgot to ask Daisy what she
liked. He couldn't call her because he didn't know her telephone number. At that moment Mrs. Brown came
and asked, "What's the matter, dear?"
      "What would you like if it was your sixteenth birthday, Mommy?"
      "Nothing," Mrs. Brown said. "I just wish I were16."
1. Jack's father is a ______ now.
[     ]
A. teacher
B. doctor
C. farmer
D. shopkeeper
2. Jack lives in a ______ now.
[     ]
A. city
B. town
C. small village
D. small house
3. Jack will go to his ______ birthday party.
[     ]
A. mother's
B. father's
C. friend's
D. sister's
4. Jack didn't know ______.
[     ]
A. what Daisy looked like
B. Daisy's telephone number
C. The way to Daisy's house
D. when Daisy's party was
5. Jack's mother wanted ______.
[     ]
A. some flowers
B. a friend
C. to be young
D. to be healthy



Have you ever heard the saying “If you want a friend, be one”?

Here is a story about one new teacher making friends with the girls and boys in her class on the first day of school. As the bell rang, the teacher came in smiling at each girl and boy. Then she said in a quiet voice, “Good morning, girls and boys! How happy I am because I have all of you in my class this year. I’d like to know each of you. I am sure we will enjoy working together. I am sure that the more we get together the happier we’ll be.” Her voice was so sweet and her looking was so friendly. Everyone believed what she said.

She told the girls and boys her name and wrote it on the blackboard. She told them some of the things she liked to do and she was hoping to do with them during the year.

Then she said to the whole class, “Now you know my name and the things I like. Next I want to know your names and the things you like. Then I will feel that I know you.”

Could you make friends by doing the same as this teacher did?

One way of getting to know girls and boys in our class is to know more about them. It is usual to be friends with those people who have the same interests with you. You can play the same games and go on journeys together.

You may find that some new comers in your class miss their old friends and feel strange and lonely. You can invite them to take a walk or to ride bikes with you. You will find many things in common to talk about. It is one good way to make friends just by talking together in a friendly manner.

1.How do you understand the saying “If you want a friend, be one”?

A. If you want to have a friend, try to make one be your friend.

B. You can make friends by doing what a friend do.

C. You may have a friend by doing everything for him.

2.The teacher’s sweet voice and her friendly looking_______.

   A. showed that she would like to be a friend of the girls and boys

   B. made every girl and boy happy

   C. told the girls and boys everything about herself

3. A new comer will be your friend if _______.

   A. he always thinks of his old friend

   B. he knows you very well

C. you talk with him in a friendly way

4.If you want to make friends with others, you should_______.

   A. know more about them

   B. talk with them in an unfriendly way

   C. have different interests with them

5.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

   A. If you want to make friends with others, you should be one of them.

   B. Friends often share the same interests with each other.

   C. If you can make a good friend, you should smile at him.


