-- terrible weather it is? -- It is said that it will get later. A. What; bad B. What; worse C. What a; bad 查看更多



—_______ terrible weather it is!
—It is said that it will get _______ later.

[     ]

A. What; bad
B. What; worse
C. how; bad
D. how; worse


             terrible weather it is!
—It is said that it will get  _           later.    
[     ]
A. What; bad    
B. What; worse  
C. How; bad      
D .How; worse


—               terrible weather it is!
—It is said that it will get               later.

[     ]

A. What; bad
B. What; worse
C. What a; bad


-________ terrible weather it is!
-It is said that it will get________ later.
A. What; bad             B. What; worse
C. What a; bad           D. What a; worse


—— _____________ terrible weather it is?

—— It is said that it will get_____________  later.

A. What; bad                   B. What; worse             C. What a; bad


