1. 我们需要想出一个好计划。
We need ______ _______ ________ ________ a plan.
2. 你可以在食品库分发食物。
You could ______ _______ food at a food bank.
3. 我愿意让生病的孩子快乐起来。
I'd like to ________ ________ sick kids.
4. 我们每人打电话给10个人,请他们来。
We each _______ _______ ten people and ask them _______ ________.
5. 他们总是自愿贡献他们的时间来帮助他人。
They always________ their time ________ ________ other people.
6. 吉米已经用完了所有的钱。
Jimmy has ______ _______ _______ all his money.
7. 他咳嗽的厉害,他的医生让他戒烟。
He has a terrible cough. His doctor asked him _______ _______ ________
8. 她想成为一名职业歌手。
She wants to be a _______ _______.
9. 我把一些衣服赠送给了这个小女孩,因为我穿着太小。
I ________ ________ some clothes to the little girl because they are too small
for me.
10. 他们为家长开通

They ______ _______ a call-in center for parents.