I was getting fat.I work in an office and go there by car.I have good food,but I don’t do enough exercise…that’s how I get fat.My wife and I decided I had to do something about it.I don’t have much time for exercise because life is very busy.There are not many sports which you can play at home either.Table tennis would be fine,but we don’t have room large enough.Then I heard of a book of exercises for people like me.There are 5 different exercises.This is what you have to do.
1)Stand with your legs 15 centimeters apart.Point your arms above your head.Bend down to touch the ground between your feet.Reach up again and so on.(2 minutes)
2)Lie on your back,flat on the ground with your arms at your sides,sit up.Lie down again and so on.(1 minute)
3)Lie on your front.Join your hands behind your back.Lift your legs and shoulders as far off the ground as possible.(1 minute)
4)Lie on your front.Lift your body off the ground so that your arms are straight.Only your hands and toes touch the ground.(1 minute)
5)Running on the spot.Lift your feet 10 centimeters off the ground.(5 minutes)
Each of the exercises is done as many times as possible.The exercises get more difficult stage by stage.For women they are different. If you don’t get much exercise,you’ll enjoy them.