--I called you at 7 o’clock yesterday evening, but there was no answer. -- I’m sorry. I (eat) supper at my friend’s house. 查看更多




51. The Greens’ family are busy _________ for their visit .(prepare , preparing)

52. My father likes _______ very much .(fish)

53. Miss Li gave us a short ________________(speak) yesterday.

54. Why ___________ the curtains _____________(hang) there just now?

55. The radio says there will be much______________(snow) tomorrow.

56. ---I called you at 7 o’clock yesterday evening, but there was no answer.

--- I’m sorry. I _______________(have) supper at my friend’s house.

57. Kitty wants to be an editor when she _____________ (grow) up.

58. Smoking isn’t _____________(harm) to your health.

59. The boy found a purse _________ (lie) on the ground and picked it up.

60. The zookeeper told them _______________ (not leave) litter there.


