1. It is by the composer Johann Strauss.
A. 主语
B. 谓语
C. 宾语
D. 表语
2. He wants to learn to play techno and be a musician.
A. 主语
B. 谓语
C. 宾语
D. 表语
3. You don't need to play a musical instrument to be a musician.
A. 状语
B. 谓语
C. 宾语
D. 表语
4. His Waltzes made him famous all over Europe.
A. 主语
B. 补语
C. 宾语
D. 表语?
5. There were two composers called Johann Strauss.
A. 定语
B. 谓语
C. 宾语
D. 表语
6. I'm

the only one
who doesn't like techno.?
A. 主语
B. 定语
C. 宾语
D. 表语?