27.让过去的事过去吧.我们还是好朋友. Let bygones be bygones. We are still friends. 查看更多




Henry is a 45-year-old man. Five years ago he was out of luck in his life (1). He lived a hard life. 后来他试图写一些有关他可怕过去的事(2). He posted his first novel to a newspaper and waited for a year. he , received , himself,nearly, suddenly ,answer,killed, until , he ,the , newspaper ,from ,the ( 3). His novel would be published!

  Now he became a famous man in his town. He had to attend some important meetings and he often met the visitors. He had to ask his mother who lived in a small village to come to help him. The old woman was strong enough to do all the housework.

   One day Henry was writing a new novel when the phone rang. He was asked to an important party. When he came back he found his room was clean and tidy. But he could not find his writing novel. So he asked: “Where did you put the paper on my desk, Mum?” “I have burnt some written paper,” his mother answered, “But I have put all the clean paper on your shelf.”


76. 将划线句子译成英语。_________________________________________________.

77. 连词成句。____________________________________________________________.

78. What did he find his room was like when he came back from an important party?

  _____________________________________________________________________. 79 .What did his mother do with his paper on his desk?



1. 祝你好运。    
2. 谁是这个乐队的主唱? 
    Who is the                    of the band? 
3. 务必要观看这场足球赛。
                               watch the football match
4. 这首歌在排行榜前三名。
     The song is in                            
5. 在过去的五年里,我们在山上栽了很多树。   
              , we have planted many trees on the mountain.


1. 不管有多困难,你都不要放弃。
    No matter ________ it is, you shouldn't ________. 
2. 我想知道我怎样才能学好英语。
    I ________ how to study English ________.
3. 在过去的几年里,我们为了美化城市种了好多树。
    In the past few years, we ________ many trees to make our city ________.
4. 他的书有1/3是用英语写成的。
    ________ of his books are ________.
5. 上海的天气与北京的天气很不相同。
    The weather in Shanghai ________ quite ________ in Beijing.


1. 使我惊奇的是,许多外国人都在努力学习汉语。(to one's surprise)
2. 在过去的几年里,我们城市建造了许多高楼。(in the last few years) 
3. 如果你想讲好英语,就应该尽可能多练习。(as…as possible) 
4. 很多生活在城市的人实际上更愿意生活在乡下。(would prefer to) 
5. 无论我提什么建议,老板总是不同意。(whatever) 


 “时间胶囊”是如今比较流行的一种给未来的自己、朋友或家人保存信息或物品的活动。这些信息或物品被放在一个容器中,在未来的一个特定时间将会被打开。这种东西对我们很有意义。重要的是它能提醒我们为了让自己的梦想实现,需要我们现在的努力。请以My Future为题,将你对于自己20年后的设想写成一篇短文,介绍20年后的自己,并把这篇文章放在“时间胶囊”里,20年后再打开它。内容可以适当发挥。

要求:1. 词数:60-80左右;


My Future




