3.How much money did Edison get for his new machines? 查看更多



     Edison worked as a telegraph operator (电报员)when he was young. He worked at night; during the day he read books and made experiments. He was very tired. Sometimes he slept at night,and,so the other operators got angry. When they sent a message,Edison did not answer. He was asleep. They soon found a way to keep him awake. They told him to telegraph the letter A every hour,and in order to do this,he had to stay awake.  
     Edison did not like this at all; he was still tired. So he invented a new machine which sent the letter A every hour. It never,never failed. Machines are not like people who forget. So the other operators received the letter every hour.   They could not believe that Edison was such a wonderful man. One night they went quietly to his room and looked in. He was sleeping deeply,and his new machine was sending the letter A !       
     Edison continued his experiments in New York,but he had not got much money. He invented another machine.This one printed the messages which the telegraph received. There was by chance a rich man there who was studying the electric telegraph. As soon as he saw me new machine he bought it for about 8,000 dollars.  
     With this money Edison was able to get some other scientists to help him. He invented a lot of different things. One of these was a talking-machine. We call it a record player. Our modern record-player is better than the old one,of course; but Edison's machine was the first of its kind in the world.
1.When did Edison work as a telegraph operator?  
A. When he was young.        
B. In the morning.  
C. During the day.             
D. On weekends.
2. How did Edison manage to type the letter?  A every hour? 
A. He typed the letter himself.  
B. Another operator helped him.  
C. A scientist telegraphed the letter for him.  
D. He invented a machine which helped him.
3. How did Edison get 8,000 dollars?  
A. He worked very hard day and night.  
B. He read books and made experiments.  
C. He sold his new machine to a rich man.  
D. He made several machines for his boss.
4. What happened first iri the story?  
A. Edison invented an instrument to telegraph the letter A.  
B. Edison sometimes fell asleep when he was on duty.  
C. Some scientists were asked to help Edison.  
D. Other operators went to Edison's room.

