(1). "Vegetables! Fresh vegetables!" the vegetable man called. His truck was open on every side so people would see the vegetables. When they heard him call, the women came out to the truck. They were happy to buy his vegetables. The vegetables were fresh. And the women did not have to go to the market. The market came to them. It was a market on the wheels . There were markets on wheels in many parts of the United States. In the Virgin Islands in the Atlantic Ocean , there is another kind ofmarket. Once a week, a small boat comes to one of the islands. It is a special kind of boat. It carries fresh fruit and vegetables. People from the islands go down to the boat each week. The island people are glad to see the boat come in. They know they will be buying fresh vegetables. The boat is a floating market. 1. The vegetable man called . A. "Market!" B. "Fruit!" C. "Vegetables!" 2. The word in Paragraph 2 that means a place that sells food is . A. market B. boat C. truck 3. The story does not say this, but from what we have read, we can tell that . A. only women can buy vegetables at the market B. vegetables are better to eat when they are fresh C. there were no fresh vegetables on the truck 4. What happens once a week at one of the islands? Which sentence is exactly like the one in the story? A. Once a week, a large boat comes to the Virgin Islands. B. A boat brings fresh fruit and vegetables once a week. C. Once a week, a small boat comes to one of the islands. 5. The main idea of the story is . A. all boats are floating market today B. there are different ways to buy food C. many people live in the Virgin Islands 查看更多



Breaking Bad Eating -Habits

Have you heard the expression "You are what you eat"? Well, do you like who you are'' If not, break some bad eating habits and feel better about yourself.

Bad habit 1: ______________

Many packaged ( = in small bags) foods, such as frozen (纤维) dumplings ,rice rolls and instant noodles (方便面) have lots of fat and calories (热量).

   The solution: Read the instructions to find the healthiest foods that are low in salt and nigh in fiber Also check to make sure they have ingredients such as vegetables and grains When possible, use packaged foods as part of a "home-cooked" meal. For example frozen (纤维) dumplings with fresh vegetables are better than dumplings alone.

Bad habit 2:_____________________________________________

    People without breakfast don't have enough energy they need to get through the morning. Eating breakfast improves your concentration, memory (冰冻的) and mood.

   The solution: Always keep a kind of quick foods like yogurt. Or have a standing order a! breakfast place.

Bad habit 3:_________________________________________________

   It takes your body at least 20 minutes to "tell" your brain that you are full, So last eaters usually eat more than people who eat slowly.

The solution: Try to slow down. Try eating at least some of your meals without I V, hand phones or computers. Use a plate or bowl when you eat.

Bad habit 4:______________________ ______________

Healthy snacks between meals are fine. But when you snack instead of having real meals, you will not eat your meals regularly. Plus, snack foods such as chips and sweets aren't very satisfying That makes it easy to overeat.

The solution: To get more energy, allow yourself two healthy snacks a day. Choose snacks that will make you feel full. Try fruit, yogurt or nuts.

As we all know, bad habits can be broken. Take the first step toward a healthier eating routine(常规)——star following these tips today!


  a. You are a fast eater.

  b. You often don't eat breakfast.

  c. All your meals come in packages.

  d. You snack too much.

 Bad habit 1:_____   Bad habit 2:_____   Bad habit 3:_____  Bad habit 4:_______

Bad habit 1:_c_ Bad habit 2:_b Bad habit 3:_a___Bad habit 4:d_______

2. 列举出文中提到的三种packaged foods: (1 分)

  _______________  ____________________  ___________________


It takes your baby at least 20 minutes to “tell” your brain that you are full.



No eating breakfast is bad influence on your_________________, __________________,______________________ and __________________________

5.回答问题;How can you eat snacks healthily? (至少答出两种方式) (2分)



Your heaith depends on the food you eat.





anyway, impossible, succeed, another, no, six, once, plan, after, because

When he decided to produce his V-8 motor, Henry ford chose to make an eight- cylinder (汽缸) engine-block in one piece. But the engineers said that was 8___________

Ford said, "Produce it ______9_____."

"But," they replied, "it is impossible."

"Go ahead," Ford said, "and stay on the job until you   10   , no matter how much time is required."

Six months passed and nothing happened. Another   11     months passed, and still nothing happened, The engineers tried every possible   12    to carry out (执行)the orders , but lire request (要求) seemed impossible.

At the end of the year, the engineers again informed Ford they had found _ 13 way to carry out his orders.

"Go right ahead," said Ford. "I want it, and I'll have it."

They went ahead, and then, as if by a stroke (轻触) of magic, the secret was discovered. Ford had won   14 more!

   Henry Ford was successful      15   one of his principles of success is that he believe what

he wants. If you can do this, you can equal (与……相当) your achievements in any calling for which you are suited.

1.______________  2. _____________ 3. _______________      4._____________

5.______________ 6. _____________ 7. _________________     8. _______________




Breaking Bad Eating -Habits

Have you heard the expression "You are what you eat"? Well, do you like who you are'' If not, break some bad eating habits and feel better about yourself.

Bad habit 1: ______________

Many packaged ( = in small bags) foods, such as frozen (纤维) dumplings ,rice rolls and instant noodles (方便面) have lots of fat and calories (热量).

   The solution: Read the instructions to find the healthiest foods that are low in salt and nigh in fiber Also check to make sure they have ingredients such as vegetables and grains When possible, use packaged foods as part of a "home-cooked" meal. For example frozen (纤维) dumplings with fresh vegetables are better than dumplings alone.

Bad habit 2:_____________________________________________

    People without breakfast don't have enough energy they need to get through the morning. Eating breakfast improves your concentration, memory (冰冻的) and mood.

   The solution: Always keep a kind of quick foods like yogurt. Or have a standing order a! breakfast place.

Bad habit 3:_________________________________________________

   It takes your body at least 20 minutes to "tell" your brain that you are full, So last eaters usually eat more than people who eat slowly.

The solution: Try to slow down. Try eating at least some of your meals without I V, hand phones or computers. Use a plate or bowl when you eat.

Bad habit 4:______________________ ______________

Healthy snacks between meals are fine. But when you snack instead of having real meals, you will not eat your meals regularly. Plus, snack foods such as chips and sweets aren't very satisfying That makes it easy to overeat.

The solution: To get more energy, allow yourself two healthy snacks a day. Choose snacks that will make you feel full. Try fruit, yogurt or nuts.

As we all know, bad habits can be broken. Take the first step toward a healthier eating routine(常规)——star following these tips today!


  a. You are a fast eater.

  b. You often don't eat breakfast.

  c. All your meals come in packages.

  d. You snack too much.

 Bad habit 1:_____   Bad habit 2:_____   Bad habit 3:_____  Bad habit 4:_______

Bad habit 1:_c_ Bad habit 2:_b Bad habit 3:_a___Bad habit 4:d_______

2.列举出文中提到的三种packaged foods: (1 分)

  _______________  ____________________  ___________________


It takes your baby at least 20 minutes to “tell” your brain that you are full.



No eating breakfast is bad influence on your_________________, __________________,______________________ and __________________________

5.回答问题;How can you eat snacks healthily? (至少答出两种方式) (2分)



Your heaith depends on the food you eat.





Breaking Bad Eating -Habits

Have you heard the expression "You are what you eat"? Well, do you like who you are'' If not, break some bad eating habits and feel better about yourself.

Bad habit 1: ______________

Many packaged ( = in small bags) foods, such as frozen (纤维) dumplings ,rice rolls and instant noodles (方便面) have lots of fat and calories (热量).

   The solution: Read the instructions to find the healthiest foods that are low in salt and nigh in fiber Also check to make sure they have ingredients such as vegetables and grains When possible, use packaged foods as part of a "home-cooked" meal. For example frozen (纤维) dumplings with fresh vegetables are better than dumplings alone.

Bad habit 2:_____________________________________________

    People without breakfast don't have enough energy they need to get through the morning. Eating breakfast improves your concentration, memory (冰冻的) and mood.

   The solution: Always keep a kind of quick foods like yogurt. Or have a standing order a! breakfast place.

Bad habit 3:_________________________________________________

   It takes your body at least 20 minutes to "tell" your brain that you are full, So last eaters usually eat more than people who eat slowly.

The solution: Try to slow down. Try eating at least some of your meals without I V, hand phones or computers. Use a plate or bowl when you eat.

Bad habit 4:______________________ ______________

Healthy snacks between meals are fine. But when you snack instead of having real meals, you will not eat your meals regularly. Plus, snack foods such as chips and sweets aren't very satisfying That makes it easy to overeat.

The solution: To get more energy, allow yourself two healthy snacks a day. Choose snacks that will make you feel full. Try fruit, yogurt or nuts.

As we all know, bad habits can be broken. Take the first step toward a healthier eating routine(常规)——star following these tips today!


  a. You are a fast eater.

  b. You often don't eat breakfast.

  c. All your meals come in packages.

  d. You snack too much.

 Bad habit 1:_____   Bad habit 2:_____   Bad habit 3:_____  Bad habit 4:_______

Bad habit 1:_c_ Bad habit 2:_b Bad habit 3:_a___Bad habit 4:d_______

2.列举出文中提到的三种packaged foods: (1 分)

  _______________  ____________________  ___________________


It takes your baby at least 20 minutes to “tell” your brain that you are full.



No eating breakfast is bad influence on your_________________, __________________,______________________ and __________________________

5.回答问题;How can you eat snacks healthily? (至少答出两种方式) (2分)



Your heaith depends on the food you eat.





anyway, impossible, succeed, another, no, six, once, plan, after, because

When he decided to produce his V-8 motor, Henry ford chose to make an eight- cylinder (汽缸) engine-block in one piece. But the engineers said that was 8___________

Ford said, "Produce it ______9_____."

"But," they replied, "it is impossible."

"Go ahead," Ford said, "and stay on the job until you   10   , no matter how much time is required."

Six months passed and nothing happened. Another   11     months passed, and still nothing happened, The engineers tried every possible   12    to carry out (执行)the orders , but lire request (要求) seemed impossible.

At the end of the year, the engineers again informed Ford they had found _ 13 way to carry out his orders.

"Go right ahead," said Ford. "I want it, and I'll have it."

They went ahead, and then, as if by a stroke (轻触) of magic, the secret was discovered. Ford had won   14 more!

   Henry Ford was successful      15   one of his principles of success is that he believe what

he wants. If you can do this, you can equal (与……相当) your achievements in any calling for which you are suited.

1.______________  2. _____________ 3. _______________      4._____________

5.______________ 6. _____________ 7. _________________     8. _______________


