Traffic in England is quite different from that in China.You must be careful when you are there, because the drivers drive their buses or cars on the left.It’s opposite to that in our country.
Before you cross a street, you must look to the right first, and then left.The traffic will stop when the lights are red.Then it’s time for the walkers to cross.Be careful! When the traffic lights are green, cars and buses will pass by.Then it’s time for the walkers to wait.
The streets are always very busy early and late in the day, because it is time for the people to go to or come back from work.There is a lot of traffic and it is the most dangerous time.People must be very, very careful.
If you go by bus in England, you must also be careful.Don’t forget the traffic moves on the left.So before you get on a bus, you must make sure:The bus does not go the opposite way! If you don’t, you’ll go the wrong way.