This bike is buy in Harbin, isn’t it? A B C D 2. Are there more than two thousands students in your school? A B C D 3. Electric shippers are used for to see in the dark.. A B C D 4. Don’t you usually like to eat cabbage leafs? A B C D 5. Although my friend was in a hurry, but he stopped to talk to me. A B C D 6. I won’t leave until my friend will come here tomorrow. A B C D 查看更多



1. This bike is buy in Harbin, isn't it?
         A         B          C                D
2. Are there more than two thousands students in your school?
       A            B                       C                      D
3. Electric shippprs are used for to see in the dark.
                   A                       B     C     D
4. Don’t you usually like to eat cabbage leafs?
      A                B                 C                     D
5. Although my friend was in a hurry,    but he stopped to talk to me.
                                    A       B              C                           D
6.1 won't leave until my friend will come here tomorrow.
         A                                           B       C          D

