r move or go suddenly 查看更多




1. h_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _   man in charge of a school

2. e_ _ _ _ _       but not

3. e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _    pleasant; nice

4. r _ _ _       move or do something quickly, hurry

5. l _ _ _ _ _      full of life; moving quickly

6. c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  pleasant and easy to sit in, wear, etc.

7. o _ _ _ _       hold out something that you want to give to someone

8. p _ _ _ _ _ _ _     do something often so that you will be good at it

9. m_ _ _ _ _      not still; that is going 

10. p _ _ _       sadness for the troubles, pain, etc. of another person




1. n _ _ _       not any, no one, no persons

2. a_ _ _ _ _ _     arouse interest, pleasure or admiration in

3. p_ _ _ -_ _ _ _   using only part of available working time

4. c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  event in which persons compete

5. f_ _        in good health

6. c_ _ _ _       go across 

7. c_ _ _ _ _ _      piece of water connecting two seas

8. j_ _ _ _ _ _      act of going from one place to another, etc. at long distance

9. s_ _ _ _       from that time

10. s_ _ _        move or act or work less quickly than before




Here's the story about Ming's life on the waters.Ming has lived all his life on a wide r  1   in China.His home is a large house-boat with a roof, one of hundreds that move up and down.In about six years he has not once been on l  2   , but he is never lonely.He is a strong swimmer.In fact(实际上), he could swim before he could walk.When he wants to play with his f  3   , he just swims across to their boats or asks them to v  4   him.

Ming's father is a fisherman but he never u  5   a line or a net(网).Great black birds called cormorants(鸬鹚)do the fishing for him.Rings(圈)have been put around the birds’ n  6   so that they cannot eat the fish they catch.They have been taught to b  7   the fish to people.And then people reward(奖励)them with a fine big fish as soon as their work is f  8  .Ming loves watching the cormorants, but better still he likes going s  9   with his mother.The shops, of course, are boats very like his o  10  



  Mr and Mrs Smith were giving a dinner party with 20 v  1   seated around a table.Their talk was about who has m  2   self-control,men or women.

  Suddenly they saw a strange expression coming a  3   Mrs Smith's face.She said something to the servant(仆人)standing behind her without t  4   around.The servant quickly put a glass of milk outside the open door.

  One of the men said, “I want to know what self-control everyone has.While I am counting from 1 to 300, none of you can move at all.If you do, you will p  5  50.”

  The people sat like rocks while the man counted.When he r  6   280, a large snake was seen m  7   slowly from the table to the glass of milk.

Mr Smith said, “You have just shown us an e  8   of self-control, but how did you know there was a snake in the room?’’

  “I didn’t know it was, but I knew the milk was f  9   the snake, ’’ the man answered.

  “It was lying r  10   on my feet,’’ said Mrs Smith.



  We all dream although we remember only a few of our dreams.Some people train themselves to remember their dreams.As soon as they wake up, they record what their dreams were about.

  Scientists believe that we have different kinds of sleep.One kind is called R.E.M.R.E.W.stands for rapid eye movement.During this kind of sleep our eyes move quickly, even though they are closed.Although we are asleep, there is a lot of brain activities.We probably have dreams at this time.

  Sometimes people talk in their sleep.In these dreams the dreamer is usually unhappy or worried about something.The worst of the dreams are so frightening that we call them nightmares.In a nightmare we often dream that we are being closed()or that we are trapped in some way.

  Scientists or others have written books about the meanings of dreams.The most famous of these scientists was Sigmund Freud who wrote a hundred years ago.He suggested different meanings to certain kinds of dreams.It is possible, however, that every dream has a special meaning only for the person who dreams it, and that this dream about something in that person’s life.


How can we tell if someone is having an R.E.M.dream?

[  ]


They are talking in their sleep.


They are worried about something.


Their eyes are moving quickly.


heir eyes are moving slowly.


What does the word“nightmare”in the 3rd paragraph means in Chinese?

[  ]










What is the main idea of Paragraph Four?

[  ]


Bad Dreams


The meaning of dreams


People and their dreams


R.E.M.and sleep and dreams

