the 2008 Olympics the best ever Games, the city of Beijing is busy preparation for it now. A.Making; in B.To make; in C.To make; making D.Making; making 查看更多



After more than a year of bitter political debate, President Obama sat down in the White House East Room on March 23 and signed the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act into law with a pen,and then another pen,and another. Obama used 22 pens to sign the $938 billion health care bill.
The practice of using different pens to sign important legislation(法规)dates at least as far back as Franklin Roosevelt. The reason is fairly simple. The pen used to sign historic legislation itself becomes a historical artifact. The more pens a President uses, the more thank-you gifts he can offer to those who helped create that piece of history. The White House often give pens to supporters of the newly signed legislation. When Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act in 1964, he reportedly used more than 75 pens and gave one of the first ones to Martin Luther King Jr. And in 1996, President Clinton gave the four pens he used to sign the Line-Item Veto bill to those most likely to appreciate the bill's consequence.
Once they're given away, some pens end up in museums; others are displayed proudly in recipients'(接受者) offices or homes. But they sometimes appear again, like in the 2008 presidential campaign(竞选活动), when John Macain promised to use the same pen given to him by President Reagan to cut pork from the federal budget.
Not every President goes for the multipen signature, however. President George W. Bush preferred signing bills with only one pen and then offering several unused "gift" pens as souvenirs.
【小题1】.We can learn from paragraph 1 that the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act        .

A.has been passed easily
B.was put forward one year ago
C.becomes law in the USA unimportant
【小题2】How are the pens dealt with after being used by President Obama?
A.Supporters of the newly signed legislation are likely to get some of them.
B.Obama will keep them.
C.They will be just set aside
D.They will be sold to the public at a high price.
【小题3】What can we learn about John Macain?
A. He was ever President in the USA.
B. He took part in the 2008 presidential campaign.
C. He never used the pen given by Reagan.
D. He was only concerned about his own business.   
【小题4】What does this passage mainly tell us ?[来源:学。科。网]
A. Obama signed the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
B. It is a practice to use multiple pens to sign important legislation in the USA.
C. Pens are necessary in the signature.
D. All the presidents like the multipen signature.


【小题1】The lady offered a r___________ of $ 5 for the finder of a lost necklace.
【小题2】She has many good q____________, but the best one is her kindness.
【小题3】In some countries, especially in some poor countries, women are not really e________ to men.
【小题4】As you know,Michael Phelps won 8 swimming gold m________ in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.
【小题5】The People’s Republic of China was f_______ on October 1st, 1949.
【小题6】He wants to be a l________ so he’s decided to study law.
【小题7】She said she doesn’t like it, but p______ I think it is very good.
【小题8】All the Christmas trees in the room were d_______ with lights.
【小题9】The children were happy because they were going to the beach to swim, but their hearts s_____ when it began to rain.
【小题10】We have difficulty s_______ the problem in such a short time.


Nothing is more pleasing and romantic as flowers in the bedroom. Now, a new study says that the sweet smells of flowers in the bedroom can also lead to sweet dreams.

Researchers in Germany have carried out the study and have found that sleeping with flowers in the bedroom may encourage sweet dreams, a major finding they claim could help nightmare sufferers to and extent.

They came to the conclusion after an analysis of the sleep patterns of 15 female volunteers for a period of nearly 30 nights, a leading British newspaper reported on Monday.

The researchers pumped scents of rotten eggs, roses or no scent under their noses for nearly ten seconds while the women were in the Rapid Eye Movement period of sleep when a dream occurs.

The subjects were then woken up and asked to record their dreams. The smells had an effect on the emotions of the dreams but did not become part of the dream in that the women exposed to roses did not dream about roses the study found.

There was a correlation between the negative smells and negative emotional scores the sleepers reported from their dream.

According to the researchers, it’ll be interesting to study nightmare sufferers and if positive smells can actually influence the mood of their dreams as a form of treatment in the future.

The study has been presented at the 2008 American Academy of Otoblaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Foundation Annual Meeting in Chicago.

What is the best title for the text?

A. A recent study on dreaming   B. Smells influence one’s dreams

C. Do you want to have a good dream?  D. Flowers in the bedroom lead to sweet dreams.

What is the right order of the events related to the experiment?

a. The female volunteers get to sleep.  b. The researchers wake up the sleeping women.

c. A particular smell is pumped under dreamers’ noses  d. The dreamers are asked to describe their dreams.

A. a, c, b, d     B. d, c, b, a    C. a, c, d, b    D, d, b, c, a

The underlined word “correlation” in paragraph 6 can be replaced by _______

A. combination  B. coincidence  C. connection  D. cooperation

Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. People are very sensitive to smells at night.

B. The subjects were tested on when they dreamed

C. Pleasant smells get sleepers to dream of roses.

D. The experiment is designed to treat sleeplessness.

What is the future perspective(前景)of the study?

A. Sleeplessness can be cured in the near future.

B. Nightmare sufferers are likely to recover soon.

C. The finding can give hope to nightmare sufferers.

D. Roses will become more popular among patients.


It is reported that there are over 20,000 persons for the torch relay of the 2008 Olympic Games, ____it the biggest in the Games' history.

    A.making                      B.make make     D.made



About a year agoif you had asked who Dinara Safina wasthe answer would have been“She is Marat Safin’s younger sister.” She was overshadowed by her wonder brother.But now she has made a name for herselfthe world No.1 player in women’s tennis.

The 22?year?old Russian overtook Serena Williams of the US for top ranking on April 20.“Beforeevery place I goI am Marat’s sister.Nothing else”she told New York Times.“I always wanted to be myselfand now finally the results comeand people can know me as Dinara Safina.”

Safina has made it to two great event finalsin the 2008 French and in the 2009 Australian Openand won a silver medal in the Beijing Olympic Games.

Clearlyfamily isn’t the only connection Safina and her brother share.Their DNA burns with competitive fire.Safin has held the distinction for years of being a hottempered player on court.When he lost his temperhe would smash a racket (球拍)Safina is as emotionally explosive as her brother.A headline in the newspaper The Australian once described her as “mad as a snake”The Sydney Morning Heraldduring the Australian Opensummed up Safina’s volatile (不稳定的) emotional state with the headline—Safina goes from basket case to top of the world.

It’s not rare for a family to have two top tennis players.Safina’s father owns a tennis academy and her mother worked as a coach.“I had no choice but to become a tennis playerbut I don’t mind being a tennis player” Safina said.

From this talented family she is also given one of her best weapons on courther size.She is 1.82 meters tall and weighs 70kg.But it is hard work that led her to her recent success.

“I hope to prove to everyone over the coming months that I deserve the honor of being world No.1”she said.

1.What is the passage mainly about?

AHow Safina came first in women’s tennis.

BHow the parents taught Safina to play tennis.

CHow her brother helped Safina play tennis.

DHow Safina beat her brother in playing tennis.

2.Which one of the following doesn’t contribute to Safina’s success?

AHer hard work and strong competitiveness.

BHer emotional explosion and volatile emotional state.

CThe fact that she is 1.82 meters tall and weighs 70kg.

DThe fact that her parents are both good tennis players.

3. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

ASerena Williams was topped by Safina on ranking list on April 20.

BDinara Safina was always very confident and eager to succeed.

CSafina was eager to become a tennis player when she was a child.

DMarat Safin won the two finalsin the 2008 French and in the 2009 Australian Open.

4. What can we infer from the headline “Safina goes from basket case to top of the world”

ASafina wanted to top the world in tennis when she was a baby in a basket.

BAfter she won the Australian OpenDinara Safina cried.

CToo nervous at firstSafina finally gained confidence and won.

DSafina learnt from the basket case and finally came top of the world.


