that your new cellphone was stolen. 查看更多



                 (是我的错) that your new cellphone was stolen. (fault)


1. She is such a good student that all the teachers _____ (高度评价) him. (think)
2.  Because of hard work, he _____ (成功通过) the final exam. (succeed)
3. They_____ (遇上了暴风雪)the snowstorm when they were doing some research
    in the west mountains. (catch)
4. This is the best film _____ (我看过的). (see)
5. The girl _____ (腿断了的女孩) was carried to a nearby hospital. (break)
6. This play_____ (使我想起)the war years. (remind)
7. The classroom looks beautiful, _____ ( 种了很多树) and flowers around. (with)
8.  Have you ______ (邀请参加演出) at the New Year's concert? (perform)
9.  _____ (是我的错) that your new cellphone was stolen. (fault)
10.  An essay-writing competition _____ (举行) in Beijing at present. (hold)

