I like the way you've o the information in the report. 查看更多



1. The gloves were ______ (设计) for extremely cold climates.
2. You can't _______(忽略) the fact that Marie works harder than Jonny.
3. I've known Barbara for years. Since we were babies, _____(实际上).
4. I like the way you've ______(组织) the information in the report.
5. It's a terrible shame, in my o_______, that Jerry should jump the queue when getting on the bus.
6. Sally finds it really difficult to s_______ on £120 a week in London.
7. It's nice to see a f_______ face-I was afraid I wouldn't know anyone here.
8. They found themselves _______(竞争) with foreign companies for a share of the market.
9. Sally is an excellent teacher and she is h_______ thought of here.
10. There are still some d______ about whether she can finish the task on time.

