The bike required . She required the work after ten minutes. A. repaired; would be finished B. to be repaired; was finished C. repairing; be finished D. repaired; be finished 查看更多



It was just getting dark. There was a touch of fog and I was on a lonely stretch of road.   36 I was going along cheerfully, thinking about the dinner I would eat when I got to Salistury .
I was going along   37 at about thirty-five miles an hour when suddenly I heard a scream, a  38 scream--- “ Help! ” I looked round, but the only   39 of life was a large, black, rather suspicious--looking(可疑的)car just   40  a bend in the road about a hundred yards away. That was where the cry had come from. I   41  speed and went after it. I think the driver saw what I was doing, for he did the same and began to draw   42  me. As I drew near, the girl’s voice came again, a lovely voice but trembling with   43  .
“Let me go, you coward; you’re hurting me. Oh ! Oh ! ”
I felt my   44  boil. The fog was coming down   45  now, and the countryside was lonelier. I had no  46 that the murderous guy in the car noticed this. Again came a cry.
“Drop that knife, you fool. Oh ! ” Then a cry and a groan(呻吟).
If I was to save her, it was now or   47 . Perhaps even now I was too late. But if I couldn’t save the girl, I would at least try to bring the murderer to   48 . The car was only a couple of yards away now. I drove the bike right across its   49 , and its brakes(刹车)screamed as the driver tried to pull it over and  50  into the ditch(沟)at the side of the road. The door of the car was pushed open angrily and a dark, evil-looking fellow stepped out .
“You fool!” he shouted as he came towards me with his fist raised to hit me. But I was   51   than he. I put all I could into   52  that would have knocked out Joe Louis. It   53  him right on the point of the chin; his   54  slowly bent under him, and he dropped to the ground without a sound. I rushed to the car,   55  open the door and looked inside. There was no girl there. Suddenly from the back of the car came a voice.
“You have been listening to a radio play, Murder in Hollywood, with Mae Garbo and Clark Taylor. The news will follow immediately . ”

A.slowed down B.put onC.added toD.took up
A.right behindB.close toC.away fromD.near by
【小题17】 angerB.a fistC.a beatD.a blow


It was just getting dark. There was a touch of fog and I was on a lonely stretch of road.   36

I was going along cheerfully, thinking about the dinner I would eat when I got to Salistury.

I was going along   37  at about thirty-five miles an hour when suddenly I heard a scream, a  38  scream--- “ Help! ” I looked round, but the only   39  of life was a large, black, rather suspicious-looking car just   40   a bend in the road about a hundred yards away. That was where the cry had come from. I   41   speed and went after it. I think the driver saw what I was doing, for he did the same and began to draw   42   me. As I drew near, the girl’s voice came again, a lovely voice but trembling with   43   .

“Let me go, you coward; you’re hurting me. Oh ! Oh ! ”

I felt my   44   boil. The fog was coming down   45   now, and the countryside was lonelier. I had no  46  that the murderous guy in the car noticed this. Again came a cry.

“Drop that knife, you fool. Oh ! ” Then a cry and a groan(呻吟).

 If I was to save her, it was now or   47  . Perhaps even now I was too late. But if I couldn’t save the girl, I would at least try to bring the murderer to   48  . The car was only a couple of yards away now. I drove the bike right across its   49  , and its brakes screamed as the driver tried to pull it over and   50   into the ditch(沟)at the side of the road. The door of the car was pushed open angrily and a dark, evil-looking fellow stepped out .

“You fool!” he shouted as he came towards me with his fist raised to hit me. But I was   51   than he. I put all I could into   52   that would have knocked out Joe Louis. It   53   him right on the point of the chin; his   54   slowly bent under him, and he dropped to the ground without a sound. I rushed to the car,   55   open the door and looked inside. There was no girl there. Suddenly from the back of the car came a voice.

“You have been listening to a radio play, Murder in Hollywood, with Mae Garbo and Clark Taylor. The news will follow immediately . ”

1.A. And                B. Though           C. Therefore            D. But

2.A. quietly            B. quickly          C. carefully            D. nervously

3.A. boy’s             B. man’s               C. woman’s         D. driver’s

4.A. person         B. sign             C. sound                D. form

5.A. turning            B. crossing         C. going                D. driving

6.A. slowed down        B. put on               C. added to         D. took up

7.A. right behind       B. close to         C. away from            D. near by

8.A. joy                B. sorrow               C. fear             D. anger

9.A. tears              B. heart                C. face             D. blood

10.A. slighter          B. thicker              C. lower                D. harder

11.A. need              B. effort               C. trouble              D. doubt

12.A. never             B. late             C. ever             D. then

13.A. justice           B. court                C. lawyer               D. sentence

14.A. direction         B. path             C. front                D. nose

15.A. drove             B. ran              C. crashed          D. sped

16.A. slower            B. quicker          C. taller               D. heavier

17.A. an anger          B. a fist               C. a beat               D. a blow

18.A. caught            B. struck               C. knocked          D. beat

19.A. chin              B. fists                C. knees                D. body

20.A. hit               B. brought          C. pushed           D. pulled





  When young children are learning to ride a bicycle, they require that their parents hold on to the back of the bike so that they gain confidence and won’t fall off.

  However, when children leave to go to college, or get married, parents must accept that their children are riding off into their own future.At this time, parents shouldn’t stand back and with the children gone, they are left with an empty nest.How can parents get through this period of life?

  The first thing you should do is nothing at all.You should actually take some time to rest since your child was born.Just relax and reward yourself for the work you put into your child.

  Taking some time for yourself will allow you to adjust to the change and figure out how you really feel about your child’s departure(离开).You shouldn’t compare how you feel with how other people feel, as everyone’s experience of an empty nest is different.

  Exercise is a great mood lifter.A physical fitness program may have been one of the first sacrifices(牺牲)you made when your child came along; now, with fewer duties, you’ll have time to hit the gym regularly.If you have a friend who also has become an empty nester recently, you may have found a new companion.Not only will you get the chance to share dealing with tips, you’ll also create social opportunities for yourself, which will get you out of that empty house if you need to.

  We all have those things that we say we’ll do or learn “someday”.If you’re an empty nester, the “someday” might just be now.

  If you’re not sure exactly what to do in all your spare time, take your time and think about it.It will, however, probably be easier to figure out your dream when you’re out.Try exploring a nearby museum or attraction you’ve never visited.

  Many parents may fear an empty nest because they worry that their little birds have flown away forever.Try setting up a regular phone date with your child.A once-a-week call may make you feel satisfied while giving your child a reasonable degree of freedom.


It was just getting dark. There was a touch of fog and I was on a lonely stretch of road. __21__, I was going along cheerfully, thinking about the dinner I would eat when I got to Salisbury .
I was going along __22__ at about thirty-five miles an hour when suddenly I heard a scream, a   __23__ scream ---“Help!” I looked round, but the only __24__ of life was a large, black, rather suspicious—looking(可疑的)car just __25__ a bend in the road about a hundred yards away. That was where the cry had come from. I __26__ speed and went after it. I think the driver saw what I was doing, for he did the same and began to draw __27__ me. As I drew near, the girl’s voice came again, a lovely voice but trembling with __28__.
“Let me go, you coward; you’re hurting me. Oh ! Oh !”
I felt my __29__ boil. The fog was coming down __30__ now, and the countryside was lonelier. I had no __31__ that the murderous guy in the car noticed this. Again came a cry.
“Drop that knife, you fool. Oh !” Then a cry and a groan(呻吟).
If I was to save her, it was now or __32__. Perhaps even now I was too late. But if I couldn’t save the girl, I would at least try to bring the murderer to __33__. The car was only a couple of yards away now. I drove the bike right across its __34__, and its brakes(煞车)screamed as the driver tried to pull it over and   __35__ into the ditch(沟)at the side of the road. The door of the car was pushed open angrily and a dark, evil-looking fellow stepped out.
“You fool!” he shouted as he came towards me with his fist raised to hit me. But I was __36__ than him. I put all I could into __37__ that would have knocked out Joe Louis. It __38__ him right on the point of the chin; his __39__ slowly bent under him, and he dropped to the ground without a sound. I rushed to the car, w.&w.^  __40__ open the door and looked inside. There was no girl there. Suddenly from the back of the car came a voice.
“You have been listening to a radio play, Murder in Hollywood, with Mae Garbo and Clark Taylor. The news will follow immediately.”
21.   A. And                        B. Though                    C. Therefore                 D. But
22.   A. quietly                            B. quickly                    C. carefully                  D. nervously
23.   A. boy’s                       B. man’s                       C. woman’s                  D. driver’s
24.   A. person                            B. sign                         C. sound                       D. form
25.   A. turning                    B. crossing                   C. going                       D. driving
26.   A. slowed down            B. put on                      C. added to                   D. took up
27.   A. right behind             B. close to                    C. away from                D. near by
28.   A. joy                          B. sorrow                            C. fear                         D. anger
29.   A. tears                        B. heart                        C. face                         D. blood
30.   A. slighter                    B. thicker                            C. lower                       D. harder
31.   A. need                        B. effort                       C. trouble                            D. doubt
32.   A. never                       B. late                          C. ever                         D. then
33.   A. justice                      B. court                        C. lawyer                            D. sentence
34.   A. direction                  B. path                         C. front                        D. nose
35.   A. drove                       B. ran                          C. crashed                    D. sped
36.   A. slower                            B. quicker                    C. taller                        D. heavier
37.   A. an anger                   B. a fist                        C. a beat                       D. a blow
38.   A. caught                            B. struck                      C. knocked                   D. beat
39.   A. chin                         B. fists                         C. knees                       D. body
40.   A. hit                           B. brought                    C. pushed                        D. Pulled







(Reservations(预订)not needed for this tour to visit Paris—you will love this tour!)

Whether you’re new or experienced, our goal is not to provide you with mind-bending dates and boring stories. Instead, we offer you the famous sites, all the education information, lots of unique and fascinating stories, fantastic photo options, a comfortable bike and excellent personal service from your guide. In fact, we want you to love Paris like we do and have a great time doing it!(4 hours)

?22 students, ?24 adult (Day & Night combo ?44 student, ?48 adult)

March1—May 14

11 am

May 15—July 31*

11am and 3pm

August 1—November 30


*no tours July 25


(Reservations not needed for this tour to visit Paris—you will love this tour!)

Our Night Tour is the way to experience the “City of Light” at its best!

Ride through the Latin Quarter and witness the best nightlife in town. Pedal down the lle de la Cite, along the river and enjoy ice cream at Berthillon (Paris’s most famous ice cream shop). See the Louvre as never before (free concert often included) and relax onboard a boat trip on the Seine. Did we mention free wine is provided on the boat?

Make on mistake—this tour is 100% different form our Day Tour in both route and information. Over 65% of our customers take both tours and we hope you will too. Also, be sure to eat something before coming or the wine may give you an unexpected hit! (4.5 hours)

?26 students, ?28 adult (Day & Night combo; ?44 student, ?48 adult)

March1—May 31

Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday 7pm

April 1—October 31*

Everyday 7pm

November 1—November 15

Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday 7pm

*no tours June 21 & July 14


0156581054/ www. FatTire Bike Tours Paris. Com/ info@Fat Tire Bike Tours Paris. Com?

1. According to the schedule, which day might be appropriate for a Day & Night Combo?

  A. A Saturday in November.             B. Any day in June.

  C. A Friday in March.                   D. A Monday in May.

2. If a teacher and his five students plan to visit Paris during daytime, they must pay_________.

  A. ?268                                              B. ?158                               C. ?134        D. ?142

3. One may taste the best ice cream and enjoy free wine in___________.

  A. the Day Bike Tour                         B. the Night Bike Tour

  C. the Tour on the Seine                     D. the Tour to the Louver

4. The following statements are true EXCEPT___________. 

  A. For further information, one can call 0156581054.

  B. One can attend free concert on the boat trip on the Seine.

  C. The route of the Day Bike Tour is totally different from that of the Night Bike Tour.

  D. No reservations are needed for attending both the Bike Tours.


