Please take all the clothes into the shelter over there so as to them the approaching heavy rain. A. protect... from B. prevent ...from C. stop... from D. forbid ...from 查看更多





81. 被挑选的琥珀有着像蜜糖一样的黄褐色。

The amber which was          had a beautiful yellow-brown colour like honey.

82. 只有达到他们各自项目统一标准的运动员才会被接受参加奥运会。

Only          who have reached thee agreed standard for their event will be admitted as competitors.

83. 我甚至被安装在太空火箭中并发射来探测月球和火星。

I have even been put into space rockets and sent to          the Moon and Mars.


 Please take me to the         land where I can find the animal that gave fur to make this sweater.


The musicians were to play          on each other as well as play music.



Please take down my telephone number ________ something important happens. case  that          C.even though if



.----Look at the dark clouds outside. please take the umbrella with you.


A.thanks. Take it easy.

B.OK, just in case

C.well, it just depends

D.go ahead



Find which Direction Is South

Do you have a good sense of direction?If not,please take with you a compass. But if you forget to take a compass , you can still find your way.

It's never a good idea to imagine that the family member who was entrusted(委托〕with the job of map reading actually knows where the family is. You can tell by the "slightly confused look on their face that nothing on the ground seems to match the map. Never mind. The sun is shining and it’s still morning. If you don't know the exact time,you can still find out where south is,but you'll need to be patient.

①Find a straight stick and put it in the ground in a place where you can mark its shadow.

②Try to position the stick as vertically(垂直)as you can. You can check this by making a simple plumb line(铅锤线)with a piece of string(绳子) and weigh. You haven't got any string? Ok, use a thread from your clothes with a button tied at the end to act as a weight.

③Mark the end of the shadow cast by the stick.

④Wait approximately half an hour and mark the end of the shadow again.

⑤Keep doing this until you have made several marks.

⑥The mark nearest the stick will represent the shortest shadow, which is cast at midday, when the sun is highest in the sky and pointing to the exact south.

⑦Pick a point in the distance along the line between the shortest shadow and the stick.

⑧That point is south of where you are.

⑨Now you can turn the map, like you did before, and find which way you should be traveling.

To find the direction, we ought to be patient probably because ________.

A. it is not easy to find a proper stick

B. it is not easy to position the stick

C. it takes hours to make the marks

D. it takes about half an hour to make the marks

The passage would probably be most helpful to ________.

A. those who draw maps

B. those who get lost

C. those who make compasses

D. those who do experiments

Which of the following pictures best shows the way of finding the direction of south?


The author presents this passage by ________.

A. telling an interesting story

B. describing an activity in a lively way

C. testing an idea by reasoning

D. introducing a practical method


77. Please take a chair and listen to me carefully. We can also use _____ instead of the underlined word.





