as if 好像.仿佛 查看更多




76.  吉姆因偷窃被判处五年监禁,于一个月前被释放。

Jim was _______ _______ five years in prison for stealing and was released a month ago.

77.  罗伯特看起来像是个善良又可靠的人,可实际上他只在乎自己的钱。

Robert looks like a nice and reliable man, but in fact the only thing he _______ _______ is money.

78.  一旦你养成坏习惯,你会发现它很难摆脱。

________ you get into a bad habit, you’ll find _________ hard to get out of it.

79.  多年的战争已经让这个地区成为废墟。

Years of fighting has left the area _______ _______.

80.  他看起来是这么滑稽以至于每个人都放声大笑起来。

He looked so funny that everybody at the English party _______ _______ laughing .

81. 别失去信心,即使你考试失败。

   Don’t _______ _______ even if you fail the exam.

82. 这位善良的女人倾其一生去帮助那些无家可归的孩子们。

The kind lady __________ all her life to _______ those homeless children.

83.  仿佛到了世界末日!

It seemed as if the world was _______ _______ _______!

84.  自从李平在这里定居后,和邻居们相处得很好。

Since Li Ping settled here, he _______ got _______ _______ with his neighbors.

